lu'ay mohammed alawneh
• Department of Software Engineering - Faculty Member
- Ph.D. of Software Engineering from Concordia University, 2012
- Msc. of Electrical & Computer Engineering from Concordia University, 2007
- Bsc. of Electrical Engineering from Jordan University of Science and Technology, 1999
Mourad Debbabi, Fawzi Hassaïne, Yosr Jarraya, Andrei Soeanu, Luay Alawneh, Verification and validation in systems engineering: assessing UML/SysML design models, ,
Lu'ay M. Alawneh, Quality of the Source Code for Design and Architecture Recovery Techniques: Utilities are the Problem, ,
Pirzadeh, Heidar and Shanian, Sara and Hamou-Lhadj, Abdelwahab and Alawneh, Luay and Shafiee, Arya, "Stratified sampling of execution traces: Execution phases serving as strata," Science of Computer Programming, vol. 78, no. , pp. 1099-1118, 2013, Elsevier
Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay and Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay, "Probabilistic model checking of SysML activity diagrams," Verification and Validation in Systems Engineering: Assessing UML/SysML Design Models, vol. , no. , pp. 153-166, 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Alawneh, Luay and Hamou-Lhadj, Abdelwahab, "An exchange format for representing dynamic information generated from High Performance Computing applications," Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 27, no. , pp. 381-394, 2011, North-Holland
Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay and Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay, "Verification, Validation, and Accreditation," Verification and Validation in Systems Engineering: Assessing UML/SysML Design Models, vol. , no. , pp. 75-93, 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay and Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay, "Software Engineering Metrics in the Context of Systems Engineering," Verification and Validation in Systems Engineering: Assessing UML/SysML Design Models, vol. , no. , pp. 107-124, 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay and Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay, "Soundness of the Translation Algorithm," Verification and Validation in Systems Engineering: Assessing UML/SysML Design Models, vol. , no. , pp. 205-222, 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay and Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay, "Unified modeling language," Verification and Validation in Systems Engineering: Assessing UML/SysML Design Models, vol. , no. , pp. 37-59, 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay and Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay, "Systems Modeling Language," Verification and Validation in Systems Engineering: Assessing UML/SysML Design Models, vol. , no. , pp. 61-73, 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay and Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay, "Performance Analysis of Time-Constrained SysML Activity Diagrams," Verification and Validation in Systems Engineering: Assessing UML/SysML Design Models, vol. , no. , pp. 167-188, 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay and Debbabi, Mourad and Hassaine, Fawzi, "Synergistic verification and validation of systems and software engineering models," International Journal of General Systems, vol. 38, no. , pp. 719-746, 2009, Taylor \& Francis Group
Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay and Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay, "Automatic Approach for Synergistic Verification and Validation," Verification and Validation in Systems Engineering: Assessing UML/SysML Design Models, vol. , no. , pp. 95-105, 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay and Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay, "Semantic Foundations of SysML Activity Diagrams," Verification and Validation in Systems Engineering: Assessing UML/SysML Design Models, vol. , no. , pp. 189-203, 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay and Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay, "Architecture Frameworks, Model-Driven Architecture, and Simulation," Verification and Validation in Systems Engineering: Assessing UML/SysML Design Models, vol. , no. , pp. 15-35, 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay and Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Soeanu, Andrei and Alawneh, Luay, "Verification and Validation of UML Behavioral Diagrams," Verification and Validation in Systems Engineering: Assessing UML/SysML Design Models, vol. , no. , pp. 125-152, 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Alawneh, Luay and Hamou-Lhadj, Abdelwahab and Hassine, Jameleddine, "Segmenting large traces of inter-process communication with a focus on high performance computing systems," Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 120, no. , pp. 1-16, 2016, Elsevier
Al-Sharif, Ziad A and Jararweh, Yaser and Al-Dahoud, Ahmad and Alawneh, Luay M, "ACCRS: autonomic based cloud computing resource scaling," Cluster Computing, vol. 20, no. , pp. 2479-2488, 2017, Springer US
Jararweh, Yaser and Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud and Fakirah, Maged and Alawneh, Luay and Gupta, Brij B, "Improving the performance of the needleman-wunsch algorithm using parallelization and vectorization techniques," Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 78, no. , pp. 3961-3977, 2019, Springer US
Hassine, Jameleddine and Hamou-Lhadj, Abdelwahab and Alawneh, Luay, "A framework for the recovery and visualization of system availability scenarios from execution traces," Information and Software Technology, vol. 96, no. , pp. 78-93, 2018, Elsevier
Alawneh, Luay and Rawashdeh, Emad and Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud and Jararweh, Yaser, "GPU parallelization of sequence segmentation using information theoretic models," Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol. 86, no. , pp. 11-24, 2018, Elsevier
Al-Sharif, Ziad A and Al-Saleh, Mohammed I and Alawneh, Luay M and Jararweh, Yaser I and Gupta, Brij, "Live forensics of software attacks on cyber--physical systems," Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 108, no. , pp. 1217-1229, 2020, North-Holland
Al-Sharif, Ziad A and Al-Saleh, Mohammed I and Jararweh, Yaser and Alawneh, Luay and Shatnawi, Ahmed S, "The Effects of Platforms and Languages on the Memory Footprint of the Executable Program: A Memory Forensic Approach.," J. Univers. Comput. Sci., vol. 25, no. , pp. 1174-1198, 2019
Alawneh, Luay and Shehab, Mohammed A and Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud and Jararweh, Yaser and Al-Sharif, Ziad A, "A scalable multiple pairwise protein sequence alignment acceleration using hybrid CPU--GPU approach," Cluster Computing, vol. , no. , pp. 1-12, 2020, Springer US
Alawneh, Luay and Alsarhan, Tamam and Al-Zinati, Mohammad and Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud and Jararweh, Yaser and Lu, Hongtao, "Enhancing human activity recognition using deep learning and time series augmented data," Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, vol. , no. , pp. 1-16, 2021, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Abdelall, Esraa S and Alawneh, Luay and Eldakroury, Mohamed, "A manufacturability-based assessment and design modification support tool," Journal of applied research and technology, vol. 18, no. , pp. 410-424, 2020, Universidad Nacional Aut{\'o}noma de M{\'e}xico, Instituto de Ciencias Aplicadas y~?
Al-Bzoor, Manal and Al-assem, Esraa and Alawneh, Luay and Jararweh, Yaser, "Autonomous underwater vehicles support for enhanced performance in the Internet of underwater things," Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, vol. 32, no. , pp. 0-0, 2021
Alawneh, Luay and Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud and Al-Sharif, Ziad A and Shatnawi, Ahmed, "Personalized human activity recognition using deep learning and edge-cloud architecture," Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, vol. , no. , pp. 1-13, 2022, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Alawneh, Luay and Hamou-Lhadj, Abdelwahab, "Locating and categorizing inefficient communication patterns in HPC systems using inter-process communication traces," Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 194, no. , pp. 0-0, 2022, Elsevier
Mohammad Malkawi, Ahmed S. Shatnawi, Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, Luay Alawneh, "Improving Network Entry Procedure in Broadband Wi-Fi Networks," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), vol. 11, no. , pp. 0-0, 2021, Praise Worthy Prize, S.R.L.
Alawneh, Luay and Al-Zinati, Mohammad and Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud, "User identification using deep learning and human activity mobile sensor data," International Journal of Information Security, vol. 22, no. , pp. 289-301, 2023, Springer Berlin Heidelberg Berlin/Heidelberg
Alawneh, Luay and Hamou-Lhadj, Abdelwahab, "Pattern recognition techniques applied to the abstraction of traces of inter-process communication," , 2011, pp. 211-220, IEEE
Alawneh, Luay and Hamou-Lhadj, Abdelwahab, "Identifying computational phases from inter-process communication traces of HPC applications," , 2012, pp. 133-142, IEEE
Alawneh, Luay and Hamou-Lhadj, Abdelwahab, "MTF: A scalable exchange format for traces of high performance computing systems," , 2011, pp. 181-184, IEEE
Alawneh, Luay and Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Soeanu, Andrei, "On the verification and validation of uml structural and behavioral diagrams.," , 2006, pp. 304-309
Alawneh, Luay and Debbabi, Mourad and Hassa{\"\i}ne, Fawzi and Jarraya, Yosr and Shahi, Payam and Soeanu, Andrei, "Towards a Unified Paradigm for Verification and Validation of Systems Engineering Design Models.," , 2006, pp. 282-287
Alawneh, Luay and Hamou-Lhadj, Abdelwahab and Hassine, Jameleddine, "Towards a common metamodel for traces of high performance computing systems to enable software analysis tasks," , 2015, pp. 111-120, IEEE
Shehab, Mohammed A and Ghadawi, Abdullah A and Alawneh, Luay and Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud and Jararweh, Yaser, "A hybrid CPU-GPU implementation to accelerate multiple pairwise protein sequence alignment," , 2017, pp. 12-17, IEEE
Alawneh, Luay and Said, Mahmoud and Al-Sharif, Ziad, "Towards hierarchical cooperative analytics architecture in law enforcement agencies," , 2017, pp. 1-6, IEEE
Al-Sharif, Ziad A and Al-Saleh, Mohammad I and Alawneh, Luay, "Towards the memory forensics of oop execution behavior," , 2017, pp. 1-6, IEEE
Islam, Md Shariful and Sabor, Korosh Koochekian and Trabelsi, Abdelaziz and Hamou-Lhadj, Wahab and Alawneh, Luay, "MASKED: A MapReduce Solution for the Kappa-pruned Ensemble-based Anomaly Detection System," , 2018, pp. 25-34, IEEE
Alawneh, L, "Talent assessment in software development firms," , 2018, pp. 0-0, IOP Publishing
Alawneh, Luay and Shehab, Mohammad and Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud and Jararweh, Yaser, "A gpu-based smith-waterman approach for genome editing," , 2019, pp. 347-352, Springer International Publishing
Al-Saleh, Mohammed I and Al-Sharif, Ziad A and Alawneh, Luay, "Network reconnaissance investigation: A memory forensics approach," , 2019, pp. 36-40, IEEE
Alawneh, Luay, "Requirements Prioritization Using Hierarchical Dependencies," , 2017, pp. 460-465
Alsarhan, Tamam and Alawneh, Luay and Al-Zinati, Mohammad and Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud, "Bidirectional gated recurrent units for human activity recognition using accelerometer data," , 2019, pp. 1-4, IEEE
Shehab, Mohammed A and Hamou-Lhadj, Abdelwahab and Alawneh, Luay, "ClusterCommit: A Just-in-Time Defect Prediction Approach Using Clusters of Projects," , 2022, pp. 333-337, IEEE
Flefil, Ameena and Alawneh, Luay and Albalas, Firas, "DevOps Culture in Software Development Companies in Jordan," , 2022, pp. 167-173, IEEE
Alawneh, Lu'ay, Verification and validation in systems engineering: application to UML 2.0 activity and class diagrams, , 2006
Alawneh, Lu'ay, Techniques To Facilitate the Understanding of Inter-process Communication Traces, , 2012
Lu'ay M. Alawneh, "A unified approach for verification and validation of systems and software engineering models," 13th Annual IEEE International Symposium and Workshop on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS'06), , pp. 0-0
-, "Execution Traces: A New Domain That Requires the Creation of a Standard Metamodel," International Conference on Advanced Software Engineering and Its Applications, , pp. 0-0
Ayah Mohamed Ayed Alqurashi, Lu'Ay Mohammed Deeb Alawneh
Rasha Mohammad Muhsen Obeidat, Marwa Abdel Karim Helal Alharbi, Mahmoud Abdel-Karim Mahmoud Alshbool, Lu'Ay Mohammed Deeb Alawneh
Asalah Mahmoud Awad Bani Thiab, Lu'Ay Mohammed Deeb Alawneh, Mohammad Ahmad Mustafa Alsmadi
Lu'Ay Mohammed Deeb Alawneh, Mohammad Hussein Nawwaf Al-Zinati, Mahmoud Abdel-Karim Mahmoud Alshbool
Lu'Ay Mohammed Deeb Alawneh
Lu'Ay Mohammed Deeb Alawneh, Mahmoud Abdel-Karim Mahmoud Alshbool, Ziad Abdel Fattah Moh''D Al-Sharif, Ahmed Saleh Hamad Shatnawi
Esra'A Khalaf Ayed Al-Assem, Lu'Ay Mohammed Deeb Alawneh, Yaser Ibrahim Issa Jararweh
Lu'Ay Mohammed Deeb Alawneh, Tamam Haza' Hamdan Alsarhan, Mohammad Hussein Nawwaf Al-Zinati, Mahmoud Abdel-Karim Mahmoud Alshbool, Yaser Ibrahim Issa Jararweh
Lu'Ay Mohammed Deeb Alawneh, Mahmoud Abdel-Karim Mahmoud Alshbool, Yaser Ibrahim Issa Jararweh, Ziad Abdel Fattah Moh''D Al-Sharif
Ziad Abdel Fattah Moh''D Al-Sharif, Mohammed Ibrahim Mohammed Al-Saleh, Yaser Ibrahim Issa Jararweh, Lu'Ay Mohammed Deeb Alawneh, Ahmed Saleh Hamad Shatnawi
Ziad Abdel Fattah Moh''D Al-Sharif, Mohammed Ibrahim Mohammed Al-Saleh, Lu'Ay Mohammed Deeb Alawneh, Yaser Ibrahim Issa Jararweh
Lu'Ay Mohammed Deeb Alawneh, Emad Fathi Awad Rawashdeh, Mahmoud Abdel-Karim Mahmoud Alshbool, Yaser Ibrahim Issa Jararweh
Lu'Ay Mohammed Deeb Alawneh
Ziad Abdel Fattah Moh''D Al-Sharif, Yaser Ibrahim Issa Jararweh, Ahmad Ali Asa'D Al-Dahoud, Lu'Ay Mohammed Deeb Alawneh
- Deputy Head of Department, Department of Software Engineering, Sep 2017 - Sep 2018
- Deputy Head of Department, Department of Software Engineering, Sep 2016 - Sep 2017
- Faculty Member, Department of Software Engineering, Feb 2014 - Present
- Senior Software Developer Engineer R&D, Nuance Communications Canada Inc., Canada, Apr 2012- Aug 2014
- Applications Manager, Rockwell Automation, Canada, May 2006- Jun 2010