The center goal is to promote university education through modern methods of teaching and learning which are rooted in learning theory and practice and are enabled by up-to-date educational technology and systematic data-driven techniques of learning analytics.
Pillars for Enhanced Teaching and Learning
The three pillars of exploration, adoption and research are guiding the center activities of having enhanced teaching and learning.
"Support Innovation and Experimentation in Education"
An enhanced culture of teaching and learning requires faculty and students to explore different and state-of-the-art educational technology that enrich their teaching/learning experience and enables effective and interactive learning. Such technology, fosters faculty to innovate and facilitates their job to engage students in the learning process.
The center provides a learning space JUSTLearn that supports faculty and students to explore and experiment a set of effective educational technology to enhance their teaching and learning experience.
"Support Adoption of Effective Practices in Classrooms and Online Courses"
An enhanced culture of teaching and learning that recognizes creativity, experimentation, and evidence-based assessment requires training on educational technology, dissemination of good teaching and learning practices, and adoption of effective educational technology and services. Today, effective teaching is a continuous process that requires every instructor to access and use effective educational technology, and have variety of open educational resources to enhance learners' learning experiences.
The center through its learning platform fosters teaching and learning with a flexible adoption of effective educational technology, accessible multiple resources for education, and modern approaches of teaching and learning.
"Assess the Efficacy of Teaching and Learning Methods"
Research is an integral part of instruction, curriculum building and university strategic planning. Education research covers a wide range of important approaches to understanding student learning and evaluating the efficacy of individual teaching to course components and to entire curricula.
The center provides an integral space of teaching and learning where modern methods of teaching and learning intersect with best practices of education enabled by up-to-date educational technology and systematic data-driven techniques of learning analytics. This integrated space is continuously improved through educational research and assessment.