Level 1
Sponsorship: (20,000 JD)
entitles the sponsor to a cover page and an internal page advertisement in the conference
book, Logo on the conference website and bag, and stationary and free
exhibition area (Booth) in a distinguished location.
Level 2
Sponsorship: (15,000 JD)
entitles the sponsor to two internal page advertisements in the conference
book, Logo on the conference website and bag, and a free exhibition area
Level 3
Sponsorship: (10,000 JD)
It entitles
the sponsor to one internal page advertisement in the conference book, and Logo
on the conference website and bag.
Level 4
Sponsorship: (7,500 JD)
It entitles
the sponsor to one internal page advertisement in the conference book, and Logo
on the conference website.
Level 5
Sponsorship: (3,000 JD)
sponsor will cover the costs of lunch for 300 participants. It entitles the
sponsor to a Logo on the conference website.
Level 6
Sponsorship: (1,500 JD)
sponsor will cover the costs of a coffee break for 300 participants. It entitles
the sponsor to a Logo on the conference website.