Trial Databases

JOMI creates a window into the practice of expert surgeons creating on-demand virtual shadowing experiences.  In so doing, our goal is to improve patient outcomes and surgical education.

Primary Contexts of Relevance

  • Education
    Virtual Shadowing Teaching Experience
    • Medical Students (3rd and 4th year)
    • Pre-medical Education
  • Clinical
    A Bridge to High-Volume Surgeons
    • Resident Training
    • Preparation for Trauma Cases
    • Access in Rural Areas
    • Cross-Continental Knowledge Transfer
    • Preparation for Rare Procedures
    • Adoption of Novel Procedures​

​A full-text online database where your students and academic staff can research over 4000 international architectural projects online with access to the respective project descriptions, drawings and photos. And everything in the outstanding DETAIL journal quality.

will end on the 14th of December 2023

The most comprehensive civil engineering portfolio in the world and capturing the dialogue between academic and industry research-partners. We deliver expert specialist knowledge through our 19 specialist engineering journals (ICE Proceedings suite) which each focus on a sub-discipline of civil engineering, 11 leading research journals (such as Géotechnique and Magazine of Concrete Research) and our 5 material science journals.

The access end on 14/12/2023.

JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million journal articlesbooksimages, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.​

Access to JSTOR will be available through December 15, 2024

Click on the Electives Tab to view the professional development course catalog. Go https://learning.lww.com to access the journal articles and certification review programs. Lippincott Learning offers continuing education credit and professional development. Please note: CE credits are not active during the trial period.Note:

All users in Lippincott Procedures were migrated to Professional Development so that they can use it with same UN/PW

Valid until 15-Jul-2023


The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing:

  • The Full-Text Collection of all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books.
  • A collection of curated and hosted full-text publications from select publishers.
  • The ACM Guide to Computing Literature, a comprehensive bibliographic database focused exclusively on the field of computing.
  • A richly interlinked set of connections among authors, works, institutions, and specialized communities.
  • The ACM Digital Library Board, oversees the design, operations and direction of the ACM Digital Library and supporting technology platforms.​
valid until the 31st MAR. 2023

الموسوعة المرئية

افلام وثائقية علمية تحتوي مختلف تخصصات العلوم والمعارف، ضمن سلسلات متعددة، تضم كل منها قوائم مذهلة من العناوين، منها على سبيل المثال: سلسلة "العالم من حولنا"، وسلسلة "أحداث القرن العشرين"، و"أعلام القرن"، و"قضايا عالمية"، و"المجلة العلمية"، و"المستكشفون الجدد"، و"رحلة إىل ..."، و"حقيقة الغرب الأمريكي"، و" ُدنيا العلوم"و"حوارات عربية"، 

​الموقع التشريعي الخاص بنقابة المحامين الأردنيين، وهو حاليا بنسخة أولية تجريبية وغير مكتمل من حيث كم البيانات وانواع المحاكم والقرارات المدخلة،

Backed by a 128-year tradition of medical publishing, the Karger journal program comprises

80 subscription journals (and 26 OA journals) to date, covering all disciplines of

human medicine in clinical and research areas.