members found the PEOs to be consistent with the vision and mission of the
department and proposed no modifications. 2.
members ask the university's administration to hire a qualified and
distinguished number of assistant professors to balance the variations in the
ranks of the professors. 3.
members found the curriculum for the bachelor's degree program is solid and
consistent with the ones at famous and well-known institutions in the world. 4.
To improve
the program quality and distinction; they have suggested the following: -
Add an elective course to the curriculum
related to meteorology to allow the students to see the applications of
physics laws in the field. -
Add elective courses to the curriculum
related to astronomy and space physics because it is crucial for those
students who pursue their degree in space physics to have such a background. -
Add an elective course related to data
analysis because it is crucial to strengthen the scientific research since only
one core course in computational physics is in the curriculum. -
Create various tracks for elective courses in
the curriculum such as atomic physics, nuclear physics, material science, and
space physics. 5.
Prof. Abdul Haleem Wriekat welcomed and encouraged
the faculty members and the graduate students to be involved in research
projects conducted in the Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science
and Applications
in the Middle East (SESAME). 6.
Mr. Raed Rafid Al Khatab invited and encouraged the faculty
members and their students to visit the Meteorology
Department and welcome training the students in his department. 7.
Call the Physics
Department council to discuss and confirm the suggestions. |