The department of public health welcomes you to a research experience directed by its faculty members in almost all fields of public health. The research agenda of the faculty members covers a wide range of activities that include local communities within Jordan, such as tobacco use among vulnerable groups, to mental health of refugees living within camp and non-camp settings in Jordan. As well, the agenda cover NCDs, infectious diseases, One Health, AMR, among others.
The department houses a series of undergraduate and graduate courses in public health but focuses on building the capacity of students and local researchers in the field of research design, epidemiology, and biostatistics. There is also a focus on environmental health, MCH, health management, and health education. These topics are covered not only to medical students, but also healthcare-related schools as well as residents and MSc in public health students.
One of the major components of the department is family medicine. This is a critical speciality within the medical school for which students directly manage chronic diseases and provide services at the local health center in Irbid city as well as the major departments within KAUH. The latter includes ER, internal medicine, and pediatrics wards. Family medicine adds to the skills of research by directing its focus on need assessment and clinical studies within local communities.
Since its establishment about 20 years ago, the department served as research and public health knowledge hub for the ministry of health and NGOs. The department provided expertise to almost all organizations working with public health in Jordan such as WHO. Sharing expertise strengthens local ties with local communities and encourages research skills that meets local needs and demands.
The department covers more than six courses for medical students from year 1 to year 6 and also have a total of seven MSc specialities that cover epidemiology, MCH, health education, health system management, applied epidemiology, among others.
Research conducted within the department builds bridges with not only local educational institutions but also global ones. Members of the department have direct research projects with universities in Europe, USA, Australia, and almost all Arab states.