-Re-thinking Mediterranean Youth Integration through Sustainable Development
-The RESMYLE project (September 1, 2019 – August 30, 2022) seeks to rethink the integration of youth in the Mediterranean region through sustainable development principles, addressing two main challenges:
Youth Employment: Increasing difficulties faced by young people, particularly those aged 15-24 (NEETs), who have dropped out of school and have not received any training or employment opportunities in the Mediterranean.
Environmental Challenges: The growing environmental issues in the region and the opportunities they offer. There is a shortage of skills in areas such as waste management, recycling, mobility, and risk prevention, which can open new avenues for youth employment.
-Enhancing Sustainable Social and Economic Development in the Mediterranean Region through Cultural Routes
-CROSSDEV (http://www.enicbcmed.eu/projects/crossdev) is a three-year project co-funded by the EU under the ENI CBC MED program (http://www.enicbcmed.eu/). Its goal is to promote sustainable social and economic development in the Mediterranean by advancing responsible tourism practices. The project highlights the cultural and social heritage and shared resources of target areas to boost their competitiveness and attract more visitors through sustainable tourism models.