Invited speakers:
Wael Al-Delaimy, MD, PhD.

Dr. Al-Delaimy is Chief of the division of Global Health and Professor of Epidemiology and Global Health at the University of California San Diego (UCSD). He finished his medical degree from the Mustansyria University, Higher Graduate Diploma in Community Medicine from The University of Baghdad, and PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Otago. Before joining UCSD he was a research fellow at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, and a Scientist at the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France.
He has developed and taught PhD level courses for students participating in the Public Health joint doctoral program in both UCSD and San Diego State University and received very good to excellent student evaluations in all of these courses. He has been the chair of the Ethics and Philosophy Committee of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology between 2008 to 2015 leading a group of more than 60 environmental epidemiologists. He co-authored the Guidelines for Research Ethics for Environmental Epidemiologist, has been invited to write editorials on ethics for the Journal Environmental Health Perspectives, and invited by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) to be key speaker on topics of ethics of sharing population data. As PI and project director for the multi-million dollar California-wide tobacco surveys since 2005, he has led multiple faculty and staff, supervising a large sub-contract with a data collection company as well as working with State officials regarding the relevance of data to health policy at the state level. He is a native of Iraq, has worked in Jordan, and has collaborators throughout the Arab world. He is also the President of the Society for Advancement of Science and Technology in the Arab World, a non-profit educational organization that has a network of expatriate and local Arab scientists who are established academics and researchers with the aim of advancing research and higher education in the MENA (Middle East & North Africa) region.
Kenneth Goodman, PhD.

Dr. Goodman is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Miami with appointments in the Department of Philosophy, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Nursing and Health Studies and Department of Anesthesiology. He has a long established expertise in research ethics and published books on ethics related topics. He is founder and director of the University of Miami Bioethics Program and its Pan American Bioethics Initiative and co-director of the university's Ethics Programs, including its Business Ethics Program. The Ethics Programs have recently been designated a World Health Organization Collaborating Center in Ethics and Global Health Policy, one of six in the world. He chaired the Ethics Committee of the American Medical Informatics Association, for which organization he co-founded the Ethical, Legal and Social Issues Working Group. He is a Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics, the only philosopher or ethicist to be elected. His research has emphasized issues in health information technology, including bioinformatics or the use of computers in genetics, and in epidemiology and public health. He has published a book about ethics and evidence-based medicine for Cambridge University Press, co-authored a book of case studies in ethics and health computing for Springer-Verlag and co-authored another volume of case studies, in ethics in public health, for the American Public Health Association. He has also co-authored a book on artificial intelligence, edited a book on ethics and medical computing, co-edited a volume on artificial intelligence, and published and presented hundreds of papers in bioethics, including end-of-life care, the philosophy of science, and computing. He led a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded project to identify and address ethical issues in the use of electronic personal health records and co-directed the Pan American Bioethics Initiative funded by FIC.
Samina Salim, PhD.

Dr. Salim is an assistant Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Houston with appointments in the department of Pharmacological & Pharmaceutical Sciences at College of Pharmacy. Dr. Salim has a long established expertise in research related to studying how biochemical changes in the brain contribute to anxiety disorders with investigating a potentially causal role of oxidative stress in these disorders. Behavioral, pharmacological, biochemical and immunohistochemical approaches in neuronal cell culture and rodent models of oxidative stress are utilized to examine mechanistic underpinnings of anxiety disorders. Her recent work has identified that induction of oxidative stress via pharmacological intervention or via induction of psychological stress of acute sleep-deprivation, both lead to anxiety-like behavior in rats. We also have observed a causal role of oxidative stress in hypertension, and learning and memory impairment in rats. She received several grants from National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to deeply investigate the underlying biology of some of these debilitating disorders. She published several outstanding original research articles and several book chapters and is currently a reviewer of around 35 journals. Dr. Salim received several well recognized awards.
Murtaza Tambuwala, BPharm, MSc, PhD.

Dr. Tambuwala is a lecturer of Pharmacy and director of MSc in Pharmaceutical Science within the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ulster University, UK. He has obtained his Pharmacy degree with 1st class from University of Pune and has obtained Masters in Pharmaceutical Technology with 1st class from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. After working as Drug Delivery and Formulation scientist with Sigmoid Pharma Ltd. He went on to do a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Translational Medicine at Prof. Cormac Taylor's laboratory at University College Dublin under the auspices of Enterprise Partnership Post-graduate award from Irish Research Council in partnership with Sigmoid Pharma Ltd. After completing his PhD, he secured Enterprise Partnership post-doctoral award from Irish Research Council in partnership with Sigmoid Pharma Ltd to do a post-doctoral fellowship at Prof. Padraic Fallon's laboratory at Trinity College Dublin. Ireland.
His current research is directed towards expanding our understanding of the dynamics of hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) and nuclear factor kappa beta (NF-kB) in Inflammation and cancer, using Nano-particulate drug delivery systems, 3D bio printed ex-vivo and murine models of obesity induced intestinal inflammation and cancer. Specifically, his laboratory is interested in the regulation of global gene expression in response to hypoxia and the modification of transcriptional regulators, which underlies the induction of such events using 3D bio-printed ex-vivo disease models. His work is focussed on translating our understanding of HIF and NF-kB pathways to developing new therapeutics for chronic inflammatory disease and cancer.
Sayer I. Al-Azzam, Pharm.D, MSc, BCPS.

Dr. Sayer is a professor of clinical pharmacy at the department of clinical pharmacy of Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST). He finished his B.S and master degrees in pharmacy from JUST. He earned the doctor of pharmacy degree from University of Iowa/USA. Before joining JUST, he was a post doctoral fellow at university of Iowa in the united state. He is also Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist (BCPS).Currently, he is being working as a visiting professor and a post doctoral research fellow at school of pharmacy at Queen's University Belfast (QUB). Dr. Sayer has been the chairman of the clinical pharmacy department at JUST between 2006 and 2008 and the chairman of the clinical pharmacy department at KAUH during 2009-2014. He has taught B.S and master level courses for students at department of clinical pharmacy/faculty of pharmacy at JUST. Dr. Sayer contributed to the development of a new curriculum for the Pharm. D program and the clinical pharmacy M.Sc. research program in 1999. He also contributed to establishing the first clinical pharmacy department in Jordan in 2009 and the Drug Information Center (DIC) at KAUH. Dr. Sayer is interested in conducting research about clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice. He also published several studies on pharmacogenetics and drug resistance, and helped in establishing the reference value for measurement of aspirin resistance which was adapted by Roche Company, Switzerland in 2014. He published more than seventy studies on clinical pharmacy, pharmacoepidemiology and evaluation of clinical services. Currently, he is engaged in research about optimization of therapy and prevention of health related problems to enhance patient quality of life.
Alaa A. Aljabali, BSc, Msc, PhD.

Dr. Aljabali is assistant professor at faculty of pharmacy at Yarmouk University-Jordan. Dr. Aljabali got his B.Sc. in biological science from Yamouk Univeristy and Master's and PhD degrees from Essex University and John Innes Centre-UK, respectively. Dr. Aljabali published and co-authored more than 30 papers in a peer-reviewed journal and four book chapters. Dr. Aljabali worked as a postdoctoral scientist at John Innes Center on the development of plant viruses as drug carriers and for drug targeting, and as postdoctoral research fellow at the department of the Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Oxford for 3 years working on the development of nanoparticles for medical applications. Dr. Aljabali received many awards such as John Innes Foundation for excellence in scientific communication, best oral presentation in EuAsC2S (European/Asian) conference on material science and he has been granted two fellow grants from Oxford University and the Wellcome Trust UK. Dr. Aljabali lab's mission is to push to new frontiers in biomaterials science and medicine through design, development, and testing of novel natural bio-inspired materials using plant virus-based scaffold. Leading a research laboratory interfacing of bio-inspired, molecular engineering approaches with medical research, technology development, and materials science. My group's research focuses on the design of viral nanoparticles-based materials for applications in imaging, therapy, and drug targeting.
Yazid N. Al Hamarneh, BSc, PhD.
Dr. Al Hamarneh is a clinical pharmacists and a researcher in the area of chronic disease prevention and management. He is currently the Associate Director/Scientific Officer of the Alberta SPOR Support Unit Consultation and Research Services Platform and the Epidemiology Coordinating and Research (EPICORE) Centre at the University of Alberta. He obtained his BSc in pharmacy from the University of Jordan and his PhD in clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice from Queen's University Belfast. His main research interests are chronic disease prevention and management with special interest in cardiovascular disease and pharmacy practice research. This research involves focusing on prevention, increasing awareness, improving control and management of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors as well as making the paradigm shift in pharmacy practice to focus on patient-centered care.
Iman Basheti, BSc, PhD.

Dr. Basheti is the Dean of Pharmacy and President Assistant for international relations at Applied Science Private University (ASU), Honorary Professor from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sydney, and Head of the Pharmaceutical Care Unit at Ibn AlHaitham Hospital.
She has more than 65 conference presentations, over 55 publications in respected International Journals and has acted as a reviewer to numerous prestigious international journals and a supervisor to more than 15 PhD and master students.
She specializes in asthma research, working in collaboration with researchers from the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research (University of Sydney), one of the top institutions in respiratory research worldwide. She published many papers and two book chapters focusing on exploring various educational methods to maximise the effectiveness of pharmacy undergraduate education. She also has numerous publications sighted in International Therapeutic Guidelines such as GINA and the NHLBI. She believes in turning research into practice, hence has joined in publishing Educational Information Articles for health care professionals.
She won many prizes, including Excellence in teaching award presented by the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sydney; Young Investigator of the year award in Australia; and numerous Distinguished Researcher Awards, last of which was the Samia Mango Award for The Distinguished Women Researcher in Jordan in for the year 2016.
Dr. Basheti was honored this year during the 'Anisa Conference for Jordanian Women in Health Professions', held under the patronage of Dr Faisal Al Fayez, Chairman of the Senate, in recognition of her leadership and distinction.
Mamoon Al Deyab, BSc, MSc, PhD.

Dr Aldeyab is a lecturer in clinical pharmacy in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Ulster University. He graduated from Damascus University in Syria with a BSc (Hons) degree in pharmacy. He earned his MSc in clinical pharmacy from Strathclyde University, MSc in epidemiology and PG certificate in pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine at the University of London, and PhD in clinical pharmacy from Queen's University Belfast. He completed his pre-registration year in Antrim Hospital/Northern Health and Social Care Trust, and he is registered as a qualified pharmacist with the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland-UK. His research interest is in the area of clinical pharmacy, with a special interest in exploring antibiotic use and resistance, improving antibiotic stewardship and antibiotic surveillance systems, developing and using novel IT surveillance systems for healthcare acquired infections, and developing antibiotic benchmarking. Over the last 10 years, Dr Aldeyab has led a programme of research in the area of antibiotic stewardship and healthcare-acquired infections in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust and has published several research papers that informed hospital antibiotic guidelines. He has participated in international collaborations and acted as project co-ordinator for the European Surveillance of Antibiotic Consumption (ESAC) global PPS project, Northern Ireland, hospital division. Dr Aldeyab was awarded a major national award (i.e., the UK Clinical Pharmacy Association Antimicrobial Management Award) in recognition for his work helping hospitals to establish priorities for controlling the use of specific antibiotics and minimising the spread of healthcare-acquired infections.
(Alphabetically ordered by the last name)
Mariam Abbas, PhD.
Dr. Abdelghafour, an Assistant Professor of Clinical Chemistry at Sudan University of Science and Technology College of Medical Laboratory Science and a member of the staff since graduation. She graduated from College of Medical Laboratory Science at Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST), she has yearned both M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Medical Laboratory Science (Clinical Chemistry) from SUST. She also had a Professional Diploma in The Iso 15189: 2012 Medical Laboratories Requirements for Quality and Competence from American Institute of Personal Development. Her work involves research on stored biological samples and body fluids biomarkers and their association with all types of diseases. She has also worked on studying genetic abnormalities leading to sexual differentiation disorders and Plants lectins purification and physicochemical characterization. She has published more than 20 articles, most of them involve human subjects and major diseases like Diabetes mellitus, polycystic ovarian syndrome, thyroid disorders, male and female infertility, obesity, renal diseases, liver and cardiac diseases and celiac disease. She supervised more than 40 M.Sc. students and co-supervised more than 4 Ph.D. students. She participated in several workshops about Quality Control in Medical laboratory Science, Immunochemistry, Biotechnology, Protein Chemistry and Intellectual Property Drafting, Searching and Commercialization. She has developed B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses of Clinical Chemistry in most Universities in Sudan and has repeatedly taught both graduate and undergraduate courses in all topics of Clinical Chemistry.
Abouelfetouh, PhD.

Dr. Abouelfetouh is an Associate Professor of Microbiology at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University. She obtained her Master's degree in 2007 and her PhD in 2010 studying bacterial biofilms at Alexandria University where she spent two years as a lecturer. She was a BioVision.Nxt fellow in Lyon 2011. In 2012, Dr. Abouelfetouh was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to study protein acetylation in E. coli at Loyola University Chicago under the mentorship of Dr. Alan Wolfe. She was a post doc at the medical college of Wisconsin (2013-2014) at the lab of Dr. Christopher Kristich investigating cephalosporin resistance in Enterococcus faecalis. She re-joined Alexandria University as an Assistant then Associate Professor and is currently investigating the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance among Egyptian clinical isolates and the genotypic characteristics, clonal diversity and epidemiology of these isolates. She is collaborating with research groups from South Africa, Germany, the UK, Nigeria, Kenya and Ghana. She was also awarded a Newton Fund Researcher Links Travel Grant to visit the lab of Dr. Benjamin Evans at the University of East Anglia and study carpabenem resistance among Acinetobacter baumannii Egyptian isolates.
She has over twenty publications and posters presented in international and local microbiology meetings. She is a present and past member of a number of microbiology societies e.g., society for applied microbiology, American society of microbiology and the international society for infectious diseases. She also serves on the editorial board of "Infectious disorders-Drug targets"and a peer reviewer for a number of international scientific journals.
Saleem Al-Mahrouq, BSc., MSc.
Dr. Al-Mahrouq is currently the head of clinical studies at JFDA. He completed a B.Sc in pharmacy and a master degree in clinical pharmacy from Jordan University of Science and Technology in 2007. Dr.Almahrouq worked at Jordan Pharmaceutical Company (JPM) for one year then moved to JFDA since 2002 and worked in many departments there. In 2006, he started his work in clinical studies department, and in 2012 he became the head of the department. He is also an adjunct lecturer at the faculty of pharmacy in Jordan University of Science and Technology. He has many publications in the field of clinical trials e.g.: CLINICAL TRIA.LS IN JORDAN." Clinical Researcher 28.6 (2014): 71-75 and the evolving clinical research environment in Jordan." Regulatory Rapporteur (2015).
Mahmoud A. Al Omari, PhD.

Dr. Al Omar is a professor of Kinesiology at the Department of Rehabilitation in Jordan University of Science and Technology. He is a fellow of the Responsible Conduct of Research program in Jordan that funded by Fogarty International Center of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. He is interested in the relationship of lifestyle with health, especially among adolescents. Most recently, he was increasingly interested in addressing ethical concerns during pediatric research.
Abdulhabib Al Qubaty, PhD.
Dr. Al Qubaty completed his Master Degree in 1998 in biochemistry at faculty of medicine Suiz canal University. Egypt, and the PhD in Clinical biochemistry at Faculty of medicine Almustanserya University; Iraq in 2005. He has also a Diploma in professional development for faculty members. He was the Vice Dean for faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of medicine at university of Science and Technology in 2006, the head of biochemistry department, faculty of medicine, at University of science and Technology 2006-2014, and a member of the faculty council 2006-2014. Currently, he is the Head of health science department 2016 – 2017. Dr. Al Qubaty is interested to evaluate the Effect of high plasma lipid in level of testosterone and Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency among Yemeni children residing in malaria in endemic areas of Hodeida governorate and evaluation of rapid diagnostic.
Mohammad Al Saggar, PhD.

Dr. Al Saggar is an Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Gene Therapy from Jordan. Dr. Al Saggar received his BS in pharmacy in 2009 from the Jordan University of Science and Technology (Irbid, Jordan), and his PhD in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences from University of Georgia (Georgia, USA) in 2016. Dr. Al Saggar's research focuses on the use of gene therapy strategies for management of cancer and obesity diseases. In addition, Dr. Al Saggar is working on cancer metastasis modeling using the hydrodynamic cell delivery technique for the assessment of tumor microenvironment impacts on the behavior of tumor cells growing in different organs.
Mo’tasem Al Smadi, PhD.

Dr. Al Smadi, an assistant professor at Pharmaceutical Technology in the faculty of pharmacy at JUST pursued on biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics and specialized in Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling. He got his BSc in pharmacy -ranking the first in his batch- from JUST on 2009, then he worked as teaching assistant at JUST for one year, after which he was sponsored by JUST to pursue his graduate studies in pharmaceutical Technology program at The University of Iowa from which he got his PhD degree on December 2014. Since then, Dr. Al Smadi has worked as an assistant professor of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics at Pharmacy School at JUST. Dr. Al Smadi is the Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies at Pharmacy School and is the coordinator of the group of Technical Assistance Program (TAP) in pharmacy school at JUST. Dr. Al Smadi is a member of the ACPE accreditation committee at pharmacy school at JUST.
Dr. Motasem had pursued research related to pharmacokinetic modeling of antiparasitic drugs under modified body physiology, preclinical pharmacokinetic of novel anticancer drugs, simultaneous PBPK modeling of antiepileptic drug and its prodrug, and effect of renal diseases on nonrenal elimination of drugs. Dr. Al Smadi has secured funds from JUST Scientific Research Funds and got an initial approval for fund from Higher Council for Science and Technology for a new project.
Amrani, B. Pharm, MSc.

Dr. AMRANI is an assistant professor at the Pharmacy Department of Batna, University in Algeria. She is a holder of a bachelor of Pharmacy degree (B. Pharm) from Batna University and a master's degree (M.Sc) in Clinical Pharmacy from the University of Jordan. She is currently pursuing her PhD as a part of a joint program between the University of Batna and the University of Nantes in France. Her pedagogic activities include coordinating the "Clinical pharmacy" and "English for medical purposes" courses as well as the supervision of Pharm D graduation projects. Her areas of interest in scientific research are within the framework of clinical pharmacy and pharmacogenetics, in particular the extension of the pharmacy practice and the implementation of pharmaceutical care services in Algeria, the follow-up and the management of some anticancer drugs' toxicities in the CAC Batna as well as the pharmacogenetics of anticancer drugs. Dr. Amrani is the author of a couple of research papers and a book chapter. She has also several participations as a speaker, workshop preceptor and poster presenter at several national and international conferences such as "the 1st congress of "Fédération Algérienne de pharmacie" in Algiers, 2016", "The 2014 ACCP Annual Meeting, in USA" and "the 2nd IPSF African Pharmaceutical Symposium in Tanzania, 2013", and many others. She is also a reviewer in some international journals, a member of the BJMS editorial board as well as a founding and executive member of several scientific societies such as the Algerian Society of Pharmacy (SAP), the Algerian Society of Regulatory Affairs and Pharmacoeconomics (SAARPE) and the Algerian Society of Biotechnology and Medical Research (Bio & RM).
Hibah Awwad, PhD.

Dr. Awwad is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. After graduating with a Pharmacy degree from Amman University in 1998 and working for a couple of years at the Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries in Dubai, she earned her Ph.D. in Pharmacology from the University of Houston in 2005. Dr. Awwad's postdoctoral training at the National Cancer Institute and at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in the USA provided her with experience in molecular, behavioral and neuro-pharmacology. Dr. Awwad has a passion for teaching, scholarship and service. She has received both the Educator of the year award and the Provost's Early Career teaching award in 2017 among other teaching and research awards. Dr. Awwad volunteers her time to serve in multiple organizations such as the Oklahoma Center for Neuroscience (Executive board member), Oklahoma Neuroscience Chapter (Chapter Representative) and the Middle East Molecular Biology Symposium (Scientific Committee member) to name a few. Dr. Awwad currently serves as the President of the Society for Arab Neuroscientists and is proud to have established and chaired the annual Dr. Raniyah Ramadan Young Arab Neuroscientist travel award with the support of the Dr. Raniyah Ramadan foundation. Dr. Awwad has recently established her research laboratory and her current research interest revolves around understanding neurotoxic mechanisms of traumatic brain injury (TBI). The goal of her research is to study and discover pharmacotherapeutic targets with potential neuroprotective mechanisms that will prove to be successful in translational research for TBI patients.
Nidaa Bawaresh, BSc.
Pharmacist Nidaa Bawaresh/ Head of Jordan Rational Drug Use and Pharmacovigilance Department, Dr Nidaa worked in different fields in pharmacy from private pharmacy to hospital pharmacist until she left to work within JFD pharmacovigilance department in 2001. Since that time she worked actively to promote the concept of pharmacovigilance and to motivate reporting of adverse drug reactions among healthcare providers (HCP), also she had participated in different committees specially health hazard evaluation committee to monitor the received information from different parts where there is a new safety information should be evaluated and take the actions toward drug safety issues. In addition, she is a member in Arabic Pharmcovigilance national centers committee for translation of adverse reactions terminologies. And she has attended several international regional meetings related to pharmacovigilance. Dr Nidaa has participated as a lecturer and trainer for both industry & drug agents in implementing Arab guidelines for PV practice, Periodic safety updates report evaluation, Risk management plan evaluation and pharmacovigilance inspection that evaluates emerging safety issues related to drug safety or quality.
Manel Ben Fredj, MD.

Dr. Ben Fredj is a medical doctor in Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine in the Department of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology at University Hospital Fattouma Bourguiba,Monastir,Tunisia. Dr. Ben Fredj was born in 21 April 1986 in Moknine, Tunisia and she is mother of two children Aya and Youssef. Dr. Ben Fredj obtained her National Diploma of Baccalaureate in Science Section in June 2004. Dr. Ben Fredj studied at the Faculty of Medicine of Monastir from 2004 to 2009. Dr. Ben Fredj then did a two-year internship in two University Hospitals. Dr. Ben Fredj was admitted to the National Residency in Medicine (Session September 2013). Then she have chosen Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine as specialty because she is passionate about clinical research. Dr. Ben Fredj earned a University degree in "Statistical methods, epidemiology and clinical research" at the Faculty of Medicine of Tunis, Tunisia in 2015 and she obtained a Master degree in "Hospital Hygienes and Safety of Health Care" at the Faculty of Medicine of Sousse, Tunisia in 2016. Dr. Ben Fredj have some publications and the latest one was about prevalence and trends of hospitalizations for communicable diseases in her country and it was published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases in January 2017.
Mehdi Ben Khelil, MD, MSc.

Dr. Ben Khelil was born in Tunis. He is married and father of two children. He was graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Tunis as Medical Doctor and has works now as Forensic pathologist and Associate Professor in the University of Tunis El Manar. He was also graduated with Master Degrees in Bodily Damage, Leadership and Management in Health (University of Washington) and Forensic Biology and Toxicology (University of Strasbourg). He served as an elected member in the scientific council of the High School of Health Sciences of Tunis and as a member of the Pedagogy committee of the Faculty of Medicine of Tunis. He is also expert at the court of Tunis in bodily damage evaluation and legal medicine. He is teaching legal medicine, medical ethics and health legislation in the Faculty of Medicine of Tunis as well as the high school of health sciences and the high school of nursing of Tunis. His research areas are victimology, medico-legal anthropology and forensic toxicology. He was part of a team, which was from the first to work on measuring endogenous steroids in human nails. He is also a PhD student on human molecular biology to investigate youth sudden cardiac death.
Rana Bustami, PhD.
The CEO of the pharmaceutical research unit (the first established CRO in Jordan) since 2006. She has earned her PhD in pharmaceutical technology from Sydney University Australia. Dr. Bustami started her career as a pharmacist in QC and R&D labs of the Arab pharmaceutical manufacturing (APM) in 1985. Dr. Bustami has served in Jordan Food and Drug Administration as a reviewer in the committee for the registration of new medicine though which she has got accumulated knowledge in the registration of biosimilars. Dr. Bustami has many articles in peer reviewed journals in inhalation drug delivery systems, SCF and powder technology, clinical research and bio-analytical methodology for the determination of drugs in human species using highly sensitive techniques
Tamam El-Elimat, PhD.

Tamam El-Elimat is an assistant professor at the Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jordan University of Science and Technology. She earned a Ph.D. in Natural Products Chemistry on 2014 under supervision of Dr. Nicholas Oberlies/ Professor/University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG). She is interested in drug discovery from nature, particularly from fungi and plants and in evaluating the health benefits of nutraceuticals. Before joining UNCG, she was working as a researcher at the Pharmaceutical Research Center/Jordan University of Science and Technology (PRC/JUST), Irbid, Jordan. She earned a B.Sc. in Pharmacy and a M.Sc. Degree in Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy under the supervision of Dr. Feras Q. Alali/Professor/JUST. Tamam is an author of 44 papers in peer-reviewed international indexed journals, a member of the American Society of Pharmacognosy, and is a registered pharmacist. Currently, July 2017, Dr El-Elimat Google Scholar h index is 16 and i10-Index of 22 with 988 total citations, while Scopus h index is 14 with 667 total citations, and ResearchGate score of 32.64.
Feras Darwish El-Hajji, PhD.

Dr. Darwish El-Hajji graduated from Applied Science Private University (ASU). After which, he had worked as a formulation pharmacist in the Research & Development Department at Hikma Pharmaceuticals in Amman, during which he graduated with MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences from University of Jordan in 2006. In 2007, Feras joined the PhD programme in Queen's University Belfast (QUB) in Northern Ireland in the UK. He was awarded PhD degree in Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice in 2011, to return back to ASU as an Assistant Professor in Faculty of Pharmacy. Dr Darwish El-Hajji's research is centred on studying the role of pharmacist in both hospital and community pharmacy settings, especially the pharmacist's participation in antimicrobial use and infection control, antimicrobial stewardship programmes, and knowledge about probiotics. His research also extends to study in vivo drug interactions and pre-clinical studies on animals. At the same time, he supervised a number of postgraduate pharmacy students. The research teams Feras works with include are not limited to ASU and other Jordanian universities researchers, but include researchers from QUB, Antrim Area Hospital in Northern Ireland, and University of Ulster. He is a member in the Originators & Biosimilars registration committee in the JFDA.

Dr. El Kadmiri is a professor at the Poly-disciplinary Faculty of Taroudant, IBN ZOHR University, Morocco. She obtained her PhD from the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy (FMPC), Hassan II University of Casablanca. She is associate professor at the Laboratory of Medical Genetics and Molecular Pathology-FMPC. Her main research topics are: neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's disease, breast cancer, lung cancer. She is a Member of the Neuroscientists' Society of Africa (SONA) and the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO).Her current research focuses on biomarkers for Alzheimer disease. Recent publication: Biomarkers for Alzheimer disease: Classical and Novel candidates Review.
Omar Gammoh, PhD.

Dr. Gammoh has completed his PhD in Pharmacological Sciences at the age of 29 years from the University of Pavia-Italy. Currently, he is an assistant professor of pharmacology and therapeutics at the American University of Madaba. He has published more than 15 publications in psychopharmacology using animal models and clinical mental health among refugees.
Nasir M. Idkaidek, PhD.
Dr. Idkaidek has completed his PhD in 1997 from University of Michigan, USA. Currently, he is a full time professor at University of Petra. In addition, he is scientific consultant of Jordan FDA and several Jordanian CROs conducting bioavailability and bioequivalence studies. He has published more than 45 papers in reputed journals in areas of bioequivalence and drug absorption. Prof. Idkaidek has proposed theory about salivary excretion "Salivary Excretion Classification System"
Moustafa Kardjadj, DVM, MVS, DVS.

Dr. Kardjadj is head of preparation department and an assistant professor of statistics/epidemiology at the Algerian school of food science (ESSAIA), Algiers. He is also a veterinary epidemiologist at "animal health and production" research laboratory. He is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and he holds a Master degree in Veterinary Science (MVS) and a Doctorate in Veterinary Science (DVS) from the Algerian veterinary school (ENSV), Algiers. His primary research areas are the epidemiology of trans-boundary animal diseases and zoonosis, food security, food safety and food habit. Before joining the school of food science, he was the head of food safety department and the acting scientific director of the Algerian veterinary laboratories (INMV). Dr. Kardjadj is the author of 12 research papers, 7 reviews, 3 books chapters and he is the lead editor of an upcoming book with Springer house. He is an official reviewer and an editorial board member of several international scientific journals.
Maher Khdour, PhD.

Dr. Khdour received his BSc. in Pharmaceutical sciences at the University of AL-ISRA. Jordan. After completing his BSc in 1997, Dr. Khdour pursued a Master degree in clinical Pharmacy at the University of LONDON 2003. He returned back and contributes in establishment of Faculty of Pharmacy at Al-Quds University, Jerusalem. After that he pursued a PhD degree in clinical Pharmacy at QUEEN'S University, UK.He graduated in 2008, receiving numerous national and provincial scholarships like,NI Chest, Heart and Stroke, UK. Dr.Khdour worked with Professor James McElnay the Pro-vice Chancellor of Queen's university- UK for 7 years in Chronic disease management like asthma, COPD and Diabetes. He worked and published his work in clinical research area of prevention medication errors and drug related problems in hospitals, off-label medication in pediatric population and Pharmaceutical care Practice. Last 2 years he got extensive training in Antimicrobial Stewardship program and cycling antibiotic at hospital wards. And he applied this experience at the Palestinian Medical Complex in Ramallah. Dr. Khdour has published 30 peer-reviewed papers in international peer reviewed journals. She has also presented and published over 20 abstracts at international and national scientific conferences. Dr. Khdour has received various competitive grants as principal investigator from the Palestinian American research Council and Zamaleh program supported by Welfare associate, Palestine. Finally he got the best research prize by The British Academy of Medical Sciences in Nov, 2016.
Fadia Mayyas, PhD.

Dr. Mayyas has completed her BS degree in pharmacy from Jordan University of Science and Technology in 2005. She earned a Master degree and a research fellowship in clinical opioid pharmacology from Norwegian University of Science and technology in 2007. She completed her PhD in translational Molecular Medicine from Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Cleveland/Ohio/USA. Dr Mayyas was awarded the AHA pre-doctoral fellowship in 2009 to complete her PhD studies on role of endothelin 1 on atrial fibrillation substrates. Her Ph.D thesis was awarded the doctoral excellence award in molecular medicine from Case Western Reserve University. In 2011, she was appointed as an assistant professor in Clinical Pharmacy at Jordan University of Science and Technology, and as an associate professor in 2016. She is also an associate faculty member at F1000 prime/UK for post publication peer review of the scientific literature in the field of cardiovascular pharmacology and drug discovery. Dr Mayyas has special interest in studying therapeutics and pharmacology of cardiovascular diseases in human patients and animal models. She has 20 publications in this field. Currently she is interested in evaluating the utility of plasma biomarkers as predictors of coronary artery disease and the mechanisms of actions of cardiovascular medications on human disease and substrates.
Amal Sallam, PhD.

Dr. Sallam graduated from faculty of pharmacy, Mansoura University, Egypt. Worked as instructor in pharmacognosy department in the same faculty while doing her master thesis, which was about the isolation and structural elucidation of biologically active compounds from natural sources as plants. She obtained her PhD also in the field of natural products through a scholarship between Egypt and Japan “Tokyo University of Pharmacy and life Sciences” department of chemistry of natural products. She had a post doctor fellowship in Hoshi University of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo, Japan. She works now as a lecturer in faculty of pharmacy, Mansoura University. She continues her research where she is interested in isolation and identification of biologically active compounds from natural sources as plants and recently from endophytic fungi. She teaches several courses to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. She shares in supervision of several master theses. She joined the one-year fellowship (Responsible Conduct of Research) program supported by NIH in USA and led by the University of California San Diego in collaboration with Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST).
Dima Shahin, PharmD., MSc.

Dr. Shahin is the head of the bioequivalence studies evaluation committee and a responsible pharmacist at the registration department- Drug Directorate, Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA), since July, 2013. She is a former Regulatory affairs senior officer at the research and development (R&D) department, Al-Taqqadom Pharmaceutical Industries, Amman – Jordan. She was in charge of R&D regulatory affairs reponsibilities in addition to monitoring bioequivalence studies regulatory and other related affairs (from November 2011 to June 2013). She had also worked as a formulator at the R&D department – JOSWE medical, Amman – Jordan (from may 2008 to August 2009). Dr. Shahin graduated from Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) with Bachelor Degree, B.Sc. Degree of Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D. degree) in May 2008, and had her Masters, M.Sc. Degree in Pharmacology from the University of Jordan in January 2012. Her thesis major was in genetic background of essential hypertension; a paper entitled "The A1166C polymorphism of AT1R gene is associated with an early onset of hypertension and high waist circumference in Jordanian males attending the Jordan University Hospital", Clinical & Experimental Hypertension Journal, August 2014; 36(5): 333-339.