Name: Kholoud
Zaki Abu Obead
Marital status: Single
Address: Jordan-zarqa-hai Ramzi.
Mobile: 00962798846934
April 2020: Clinical Nurse Specialist Certificate (CNS), Acute Care
(Oncology Track), Jordanian Nursing Council. Amman-Jordan.
2018: PhD in Psychological
Counseling and Education, WISE University, Amman-Jordan. Ration: Excellent.
April 2012: Clinical Nurse Specialist Certificate (CNS), Jordanian
Nursing Council. Amman-Jordan.
2004: Master degree in Adult Acute Care Nursing/ Track Oncology, Jordan
University of Science & Technology, Jordan- Irbid. Ratio: Very Good, Ist on
my Collegue in master program
Bachelor of science (BSc), Jordan University, Jordan-Amman, Major
Nursing. Ratio: Very Good.
October 2004-Current: Full Time Lecturer at Jordan University of
Science & Technology, Faculty of Nursing.
Feb 2000-Sep 2002: Clinical Trainer at Jordan University of Science &
Technology, Faculty of Nursing.
June 1995-2000: RN at Arab Center for Heart & Special Surgery.
4th sept-2021: Attended 12th DHA Nursing &
Midwifery Research Conference on the
topic of Nursing and Midwifery Research Emerging challenges and Opportunities.
Dubai Health Authority. Online at Webinar.
14th-23 June 2021: Cupping Therapy. International Board of Scientists
Human Development. Jordan. Amman.
December-2020. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
training course . Stanford center for psychological counseling and training.
December-2020. Binet Intelligence, Fifth edition training course.
Stanford center for psychological counseling and training .Jordan-Salt.
September -2019. Diagnosing children's problems & treating them by
Drawing training course . Stanford
center for psychological counseling and training. Jordan-Salt.
15th January 2019: Basic ECG interpretation. Jordan Nurses
and Midwives council. Amman- Jordan.
October 2004-Current: Full Time Lecturer at Jordan University of
Science & Technology, faculty of nursing.
Professional Trainer for next to marry Counseling Program at Islamic Judicial Institute.
16-17 October 2018: The International Nursing Congress: Innovative
Avenues: Practice Drives Education, Research, and Policy. JUST. Irbid- Jordan.
16-17 October 2018: Roundtable on “Nursing Now: Innovative Avenues for
Investing in Nursing and Midwifery Students and Youth”. JUST. Irbid- Jordan.
27th-29th September 2018: The 16th International Jordanian Oncology
Society Conference. Amman -Jordan.
17th and 18th September 2018: E-learning
Educational Resources. JUST. Irbid- Jordan.
25th June – 28th June 2018: Wound Care Management
workshop. Amman Surgical Hospital. Jordan- Amman.
September 2018: 9th Jordan Oncology Society Conference In
Collaborative with The Arab and the European Cancer Societies and Associations.
Amman- Jordan.
August, 2018: Workshop regarding problem solving teaching strategies.
JUST. Irbid- Jordan..
September 2017: Certified as A
professional Certified Trainer. International Association for People and
Performance Development. JUST. Irbid- Jordan.
9-16th September 2017: Train the Trainers workshop. Mega
Business for Training. Jordan University of Science & Technology, faculty
of nursing.
19th May 2016: Palliative Care & Pain Management. Jordan
Palliative Care & Pain Management Society. Amman-Jordan.
27th August 2017: Principles of Psychodrama in Psychological
Counseling. Amman-Jordan.
April 2016: Attended Critical Care Conference. King Hussein Cancer
Centre. Amman- Jordan.
June 2014: Participated as Interviewer in the Syrian Refugee Health
Survey. Jordan.
May 2014: Attended the 9th Scientific Day: “Utilization of
Nursing Research in Jordan”. Al-Zaytouna University. Amman- Jordan.
April 2014: Attended the ASCO-NCI-MECC_ONS International Conference on:
“Palliative Care in Geriatric Oncology”. Ankara-Turkey.
April, 2014: Participation in the “National Cancer Week Symposium”.
Ankara- Turkey.
January 2014: Passed Prometric Exam. Saudi Commission for Health
14th May- 27th June: Facilitated in the” Joint
Rapid Health Facility Assessment”. Jordan.
April 2013: Participated as Speaker Presenter in 11th
International Nursing Conference in Collaboration with the Scientific Society
of Arab Nursing Faculties and Kennesaw State University entitled: “ Health
Challenges and Quality of Life”. Ain Shams University. Cairo-Egypt.
26 April- 21 June2011:
Participated as a fulltime lecturer in Oncology Nursing Course. Jordanian
Nursing council-Amman- Jordan.
19 February-5 March 2011:
Participated as a fulltime lecturer in Chemotherapy Administration Course. Jordanian
Nursing council-Amman- Jordan.
May 2011: Participated as
External Examiner for 4th year Graduated student at Prince Salma
Faculty of Nursing. Al-mafraq- Jordan.
June 2011: Participated as
External Examiner for 4th year Graduated student at Jordan
University-Faculty of Nursing. Amman- Jordan.
18 September-14 October
2010: Participated as a fulltime lecturer in Critical Care Nursing Course for
Iraqian Health Care Providers. Jordanian Nursing council-Amman- Jordan.
July 2010: Participated as
External Examiner for 4th year Graduated student at AL-Zaytouna
University of Jordan- Faculty of Nursing. Amman-Jordan.
2-7 October 2010: participated in WHO-Iraqi Critical Care project as a
full time lecturer at Jordanian Nursing Council. Amman-Jordan.
27-28 October 2009: educational activity titled “Building connections
for global nursing: engage, empower, transform’’ from American Academy of
Continuing Medical Education. King Saudi Arabia.
October 2009: Building connections for global nursing: engage, empower,
transform’’ from American Academy of Continuing Medical Education as a poster
presenter for paper titled Body image disturbance in cancer patients. King
Saudi Arabia.
15th October 2009: Scientific day “new vision to imminent
nursing” Princess Salma Faculty of Nursing. Al-Mafraq-Jordan.
23rd-24th April, 2008: attended second
international nursing conference. Amman-Jordan.
- July-August 2005: participated in Italian project as a full time lecturer at Syrian Ministry of Health. Damascus- Syrian.
- 2006: participated in Italian project as a full time lecturer at Syrian Ministry of Health. Damascus- Syrian.
- 12-15 April 2006: participate in the fifth Jordan Oncology Society Conference in collaboration with the Arab and the European Cancer Societies and Associations. Amman-Jordan.
- August 2005: participated in Italian project as a full time lecturer at Syrian Ministry of Health. Damascus- Syrian.
- 2004: Participate in Data Collection for Demand Estimation for JAFPP's New Services. Family Health Group. University of Jodan. Jordan- Amman.
- Training Course Windows 98. The Consultative Center for Science & Technology.Jordan University of Science & Technology.
- 4th Feb 2000-October 2002: clinical trainer. Faculty of nursing. Jordan University of Science & Technology.
- 5th June 1999: CPR. The second Conference of the Jordan society of Anesthesia. Intensive Care & pain control. Royal Cultural Center. Jordan-Amman.
- 1998: Nursing Education Preceptor ship course. Arab Center for Heart & Special Surgery. Jordan- Amman.
- 1998: Prenatal Classes Instructor. Sight & sound Center. Jordan-Amman.
- 8th Feb 1997-May 1997: Voluntary clinical instructor for fundamental student. University of Jordan. Faculty of nursing.J
- June 1995-FEb 2000: CCU, ER, Medical-Surgical staff nurses& oncology nurse. Arab Center for Heart & Special Surgery. Jordan- Amman.
- June, 2021-Present Cupping Practicing . The General Trade
Union for Workers in Public Services and Free Occupation.
- 2018- Present: Member at
Scientific Committee at Jordanian Nurses
& Midwives Syndicate.
- 2017-Presnt: A member in Tamken organization for
Psychological Counseling.
- 1995-Present: Jordanian Nurses
& Midwives Syndicate.
- 1995-2000: infection Control
friend. Arab Center for Heart & Special Surgery. Jordan- Amman.
- 27th-29th September 2018: The 16th International Jordanian Oncology Society Conference. Amman-Jordan.
- 8-9 August 2018: Problem Based Learning. JUST. Irbid- Jordan.
- 2014 September: Attended a training course: E-Learning: Open Education Resourses”. JUST. Irbid- Jordan.
- 2nd April 2012: Nursing Participation in Education, Research and Health Services. Faculty of Nursing at Mutah University. Alkarak- Jordan.
- 18th July2011: Nursing Leading for Innovation in Challenging Times. Islamic Hospital. Amman-Jordan
- June 2011: Attended a training course:” Testing and Evaluation”. JUST. Irbid- Jordan.
- August 2010: BLS & ACLS provider. King Hussein Cancer Center. Jordan- Amman.
- 3rd May 2010: The diabetes Training Course for Nurses. AACE. Amman-Jordan.
- 8 April 2010: Ethical Issues in Nursing Practice. AL-Zaytouna University of Jordan. Amman-Jordan.
- 7-8 July 2009: Modern University Instructional Methods. Jordan University of science & Technology.
- December 2009: Attended Seminar entitled: “Don’t Break the Promise: Fight With Us against Breast Cancer”. Al-Zaytouna University. Amman- Jordan.
- 15 October 2009: New Vision to Imminent Nursing. Prince Salma Faculty of Nursing. Al-mafraq- Jordan.
- 3-6 February 2008: SPSS Course. Jordan University of science & Technology.
- May 2010: the 9th Congress of the Pan Arab Society of Endocrinology & Diabetes. Amman- Jordan.
- April 2006: Fifth Jordan Oncology Society Conference In Collaborative with The Arab and the European Cancer Societies and Associations. Amman- Jordan.
- March 2005: Pain Management & Palliative Care. King Hussein Cancer Center. Jordan- Amman.
- March 2005: How to Apply Palliative Care in Curriculum. King Hussein Cancer Center. Jordan- Amman.
- December 2004: 4th Jordan Oncology society Conference. King Hussein Cancer Center. Jordan- Amman.
- 2004: Breast Cancer Frontiers in Neoadjuvant Therapy. King Hussein Cancer Center. Jordan- Amman.
- September 2004: Spiritual Responses to Illness: Implications for Nurses. King Hussein Cancer Center. Jordan- Amman.
- 2003 Basic Oncology Nursing. King Hussein Cancer Center. Jordan- Amman.
- 1999Advanced Cardiac Life Support. Jordan Hospital. Jodan- Amman.
- 1997 Basic 12 Lead interpretation. Arab Center for Heart & Special Surgery. Jordan- Amman.
- 1996 Nursing Management of Bone Marrow Transplant. Arab Center for Heart & Special Surgery. Jordan- Amman.
- 1996 Hemodynamic Monitoring. Arab Center for Heart & Special Surgery. Jordan- Amman.1
- 995Advanced Neuro-Surgical Nursing Course. Arab Center for Heart & Special Surgery. Jordan- Amman.
- 1995. Evaluation & Management of Basic Arrhythmias. Arab Center for Heart & Special Surgery. Jordan- Amman.
- 1995 Advanced Cardiac Life Support. Arab Center for Heart & Special Surgery. Jordan- Amman.
- 1995 Basic Cardiac Life Support. Arab Center for Heart & Special Surgery. Jordan- Amman.
- Full Time Lecturer of different theory and clinical courses ( Adult Health Nursing 1, Adult Health Nursing 2, Advanced Adult Health Nursing, Health Assessment, Fundamentals of Nursing, Special Topics, Training clinical course) , JUST, Faculty of Nursing , 2001- till now.
- Work as Coordinator in different clinical and theory nursing courses.
- Participant in evaluation and revision different nursing courses.
July: 2017: Attended the workshop entitled: Advanced writing Scientific
Paper. Just. Irbid-Jordan.
June, 2016: attended the workshop entitled: Early intervention concepts
and applications. Al-Hashemite University. Zarqa-Jordan.
May, 2016: Attended the workshop entitled: Jordan Palliative Care & Pain Management.
Amman- Jordan.
April 2015: Attended the Nursing
Workshop Entitled: Towards Less Stress in the Nursing Field. Jordan Hospital.
Amman- Jordan.
April 2007: 2nd international global nursing conference.
Participant in presenting a paper about fatigue and Quality of life among
Jordanian Cancer patients receiving Radiotherapy. Jedah-saudi Arabia.
March 2005: Quality Improvement Workshop. Jordan University of Science
& Technology. Faculty of Nursing. Jordan- Irbid.
2000. Sixth International Middle East Nursing Conference. Jordan
University of Science & Technology. Faculty of Nursing.
1997 Nursing Recognition Day.
Participant in presenting a paper on Sharp injuries. Jordan University of
Science & Technology. Faculty of Nursing.
Critical Care Nursing (Theory and Clinical).
Medical Surgical Nursing I & II (Theory and Clinical).
Physical Examination (Theory and Clinical).
Fundemantal Course (Theory and Clinical).
Nutrition for Nursing Student.
Health Promotion Course.
Community Health Nursing Clinical Course.
Training Course.
Health Services:
(1) 2019: محاضرة بعنوان :" إدمان الإنترنت". المركز الإسلامي ( مركز ذو
النورين) –الزرقاء.
(2) 2018: ندوة حوارية بعنوان
أومة منتصف العمر. المركز الإسلامي ( مركز ذو النورين) –الزرقاء.
(3) 2016: محاضرة بعنوان سرطان
الثدي والفحص الذاتي للثدي وأهميته. المركز الإسلامي (
مركز ذو النورين) –الزرقاء.
2015 : تنظيم فعاليات
اليوم الطبي الذي أقيم بإشراف مركز التكافل الصحي في مدرسة ميمونة بنت الحارث.
الرمثا –الأردن.
(5) 2016: محاضرة توعوية بعنوان:
النظافة الشخصية والتقمل. مركز التكافل الصحي. الرمثا-الأردن.
(6) 2016: محاضرة توعوية بعنوان: السل الرئوي, أسبابه, طرق العدوى, العلاج
وكيفية التعامل الأمثل مع المرضى المصابين وطرق الوقاية والحد من انتشاره. مركز التكافل الصحي. الرمثا-الأردن.
محاضرة توعوية بعنوان: فقر الدم , الانواع , الأسباب, المضاعفات والعلاج. مركز التكافل الصحي. الرمثا-الأردن.
محاضرة بعنوان سرطان الثدي والفحص الذاتي للثدي للواعظات ونساء المجتمع المحلي.
الزرقاء- الأردن.
شباط: محاضرة بعنوان أزمة منتصف
العمر لدى السيدات. ديوان عشيرة أبوعبيد. الزرقاء.
(10) 2016:
الفحص الذاتي للثدي لدى مجموعة من النساء. ديوان عشيرة أبوعبيد. الزرقاء.
(11) 2016: محاضرة بعنوان سرطان الثدي. ديوان عشيرة أبوعبيد. الزرقاء.
(12) شباط -2016محاضرة بعنوان الأثار الصحية المترتبة على التدخين لطلاب الصف السابع.
مدرسة الزهراء الثانوية الشاملة المختلطة. عمان
أبوعبيد، خلود و الزيود، سليم
(2019). فاعلية برنامج إرشادي جمعي في ضوء النظرية الإنتقائية في خفض قلق الموت
وتحسين التوافق النفسي لدى عينة من مرضى السرطان الأردنيين، مجلة الثقافة
والتنمية، العدد 123.
· Abdul-Monim Batiha; Fadwa
Alhalaiqa; Mohammed ALBashtawy; Ibtisam Al-Zaru; Ahmad Saifan; Eman Al-Saleh;
Intima Alrimawi; Muwfag Al-Momani; Kholoud Abu Obead; Falastine Hamdan; Saleh
Daradkeh; Raghda Sou'ub (2018).Appraising of healthy lifestyle behavior among
university students: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health.
· Saleh Moh’d Daradkeh ,
Abdul-Monim Batih, Ibrahim Bashayreh , Falastine Hamdan, Kholoud Abu Obead,
Muwfag Al-Momani, Sa'd Albashtawy, Bayan Albashtawy, Fadwa Alhalaiqa (2017)
.Family members' views, opinions, and beliefs about witnessed resuscitation,
Community and Mental Health Journal, 1(1) 1-6.
· Abdul-Monim Batiha, Ahmad Saifan,
Falastine Hamdan, Intima Alrimawi, Kholoud Abu Obead, Muwfag Al-Momani, Saleh
Moh’d Daradkeh, Fadwa Alhalaiqa(2017). Family-witnessed during cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (2017) .End of life care: literature review, Adult
Nursing Journal, 1(1):1-8.
· Ibrahim Bashayreh, Abdul-Monim
Batiha, Ahmad Saifan, Falastine Hamdan, Intima Alrimawi, Kholoud Abu Obead,
Muwfag Al-Momani, Saleh Moh’d Daradkeh, Fadwa Alhalaiqa(2017). Family-witnessed during cardiopulmonary
resuscitation, Maternal Child and Family Health Journal 1(1) 2017:
· Abdul-Monim
BATIHA, Kholoud Abu
OBEAD, Fadwa N
EL-RAZEK, Mohammed
Mohannad EID
ABU RUZ, and Hytham Al
EWAIDAT(2015) .Quality of Life
and fatigue among Jordanian Cancer Patient. Iran J Public Health. Vol (44), No.12 Dec.
· Kholoud
Abuobead, Abdul-Monim Batiha, Mohammed Said
Al-Jauissy, Mohammed al Bashtawy, (2014). Impact of Radiotherapy Treatment on Jordanian
Cancer Patients Quality of Life and Fatigue.
International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies. Vol (3), No 1.
· Kholoud Abu Obead, Sameer Yaser,
MD. Consultant Medical Oncology; Maysaa Khattab , RN, MSN; Faisal Al-badaynah, MD. Consultant Medical
Oncology; Laila Saqer RN, MSN, CNS;
Nehaya Al-dosouqi RN(2014) Fatigue in
Early Stage among Jordanian Patients with Cancer Receiving chemotherapy. Middle
East Journal of Nursing. Feb. Volume 8, issue 1.
· Kholoud Abu Obead, Sameer Yaser,
MD. Consultant Medical Oncology; Maysaa Khattab , RN, MSN; Faisal Al-badaynah, MD. Consultant Medical
Oncology; Laila Saqer RN, MSN, CNS;
(2014). Chemotherapy induced Fatigue among Jordanian Cancer Patients: What are
the contributing Factors? Middle East Journal of Cancer. Volume 5 , no 2