The organizing committee invites you to submit an abstract of your work to be presented at the conference. The abstract should not exceed 300 words and must include a clear definition of the problem with objectives, methodology and obtained results. The deadline for abstract submission is September 6, 2012. The abstract will be reviewed by the conference scientific committee regarding its scientific or technical contribution toward the conference objectives and topics. Author(s) will be informed about the status of the abstract acceptance by September 6, 2012. English and Arabic will be used in the conference. Research papers in both languages are accepted. The Abstract Form is available on the conference web site (www.just.edu.jo/ssac-2012) and to be sent as attachment file to conference contacts.
There will be oral presentations during plenary sessions and poster presentations during the poster session. Please indicate your preference for oral or poster presentation at the time of abstract submission. Only one oral presentation is allowed per registered participant. The preference for oral or poster presentation specified by the authors at submission is indicative only.
For participants whose abstracts have been accepted in the conference, and want to publish their full papers in Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences (JJAS, ISSN: 1815-8625) can either send it by email to the scientific committee before attending conference or can bring it on CD along cover letter and hand it to organizers during conference. JJAS is an International Refereed Research Journal. Manuscripts are published mainly in English or Arabic. Submitted papers are evaluated anonymously by specialists in their field.
Abstracts of both oral and poster presentations will be printed in a special Abstract book.