07 Nov 2023
WDC Fellowship for Graduate Students - Call for Applications

The Water Diplomacy Center at Jordan University of Science and Technology is excited to invite applicants for the WDC Fellowship for Graduate Students in Water Diplomacy, generously funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The fellowship is an opportunity for MS and PhD students from Blue Peace Middle East Participating countries (Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, and Iran) in addition to Egypt and Sudan. The aim of the Fellowship is to support graduate students to pursue research on vital topics related to transboundary water cooperation and water diplomacy, Water governance, and the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus in the MENA region. Proposed studies should enhance cooperation among countries, improve mutual benefits, and mitigate water disputes.  - apply before December 1st, 2023. and contribute to a meaningful impact in the region!
You are kindly invited to review the eligibility criteria, application procedures, and the required documents through the provided link before submitting your application.
Apply through the link: