20 Jun 2023
The maximum number of credit hours students can register during the Summer Semester 2022-2023

​Dear students:

In accordance with the Higher Education Council regulations, the maximum number of credit hours students (except for students of medicine and dentistry) can register during the Summer Semester 2022-2023 will be as follows:

​1.      Bachelor students:

A maximum of (10) credit hours for non-graduating students, & a maximum of (13) credit hours for students expecting to graduate at the end of the Summer Semester 2022-2023, or students who have completed their course work and need to register for their training.

2.       Graduate students:   

A maximum of (6) credit hours for non-graduating students including remedial courses & a maximum of (9) credit hours for students expecting to graduate at the end of the Summer Semester 2022-2023.