The below instructions are essential to ensure that you comply with the publication requirements set by IEEE for your paper(s) to be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements
Note that you should register your paper(s), before starting submitting your camera-ready package.
The deadline for Registration, Ready Camera Submissions and Copyright forms for accepted papers is April 13th , 2025
:: Step 1 :: Final Paper Preparation and Format
Make sure you modify your paper according to the reviewer’s comments. Failure to do so may lead to your paper removal from the final proceedings. You should follow the following formatting guidelines. All papers should be in PDF format. A full paper must be of maximum length of 6 pages (including all figures, tables, and references). Please make use of the appropriate IEEE template for conference proceedings, to prepare your revised manuscript. IEEE templates can be found at
Please DO NOT include headers/footers or page numbers in the final submission.
The following table summarizes the details of the needed format ( Open Table )
:: Step 2 :: IEEE PDF eXpress
Note that the Camera-Ready paper version needs to be IEEE PDF eXpress compatible, otherwise, your paper will not go through the camera-ready submission system. To test and convert your paper to IEEE PDF eXpress compatible version, you should upload it to the conference dedicated IEEE PDF eXpress website. Your paper acceptance notification email will also include the conference ID needed for the IEEE PDF eXpress. You will need to follow these instructions to convert your paper:
- Previous users of PDF eXpress:
1-Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress site:
2-Enter the following:
- 63486X for the Conference ID
- Your email address
- Your password
3-Continue to enter information as prompted and upload your PDF file. An Online confirmation will be displayed, and an email confirmation will be sent once the IEEE PDF eXpress approved paper is created. You need to download this approved version.
- First-time users should do the following:
1- Select Create Account - .
2- Enter the following:
- 63486X for the Conference ID
- your email address
- a password
3-Continue to enter information as prompted.
An Online confirmation will be displayed, and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup. upload your PDF file. An Online confirmation will be displayed, and an email confirmation will be sent once the IEEE PDF eXpress approved paper is created. You need to download this approved version.
- Please follow these steps to complete submitting the package including the camera-ready:
1. One of the author(s) has to register by paying required registration fee.
2. Please prepare your manuscript for final camera ready submission following the same IEEE PDF format guidelines as for the initial submission. Please check the following link for more detail:
Papers are limited to SIX (6) pages in length, must be IEEE Xplore-compatible. Please follow the above steps and to generate your PDF:
3. You must complete and submit the required IEEE Copyright Transfer Form to have your paper included in the conference proceedings. Soon, one of the corresponding authors will get an email to complete the eCF. Please submit a copy of your eCF in the final camera-ready package
4. Submit the final pdf file only through EasyChair.
The University Address:
Jordan University of Science and Technology
P.O.Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan
Tel: + 962 2 7201000 Ext: 22131
Fax: +962 2 7201077
Thanking once again for your active participation in ICICS’25, we are looking forward for your cooperation to successfully finalize the event.