Global Engineering Leadership team represented by Professor Arvind
Ramin and Professor Alexander Mosseson visited JUST to explore possible
ways of collaboration between the two institutions in solving global
engineering challenges facing the developing countries and the world
team met with JUST president, Prof. Omar Al Jarrah and discussed
possible partnership projects and strategies that could contribute to
the already established strategic partnership between the two
institutions especially in three main strategic pillars agreed on which
include the regional institute for infectious disease and antimicrobial
resistance, Distance learning technologies for refugees, and innovation
capacity building in Jordan.
team also delivered a presentation to JUST students about the Global
Engineering Program at Purdue and met with the Dean of the Faculty of
Engineering, Prof Yahia Qawasmi and the Director of Queen Rania Al
Abdullah Center for Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Jamal Abu
Ashour. The team also explored possible collaborations with the director
of the International Relations Office and the Dr. Abdulrauf Rjoub form
the Faculty of Information Technology.