Meeting of the Dean and the new faculty members
14 Nov 2018

The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Prof. Suhil Kiwan held a meeting for the new faculty members who were appointed for the academic year 2018/2019. During the meeting, the dean stressed on the need of being aware of the University's policy and work style, as well as JUST regulations of all kinds (faculty members' regulations, and students' regulations and regulations of the Council of Deans). He focused on following the promotion regulations to achieve requirements without delay.

The dean emphasized the need to maintain the excellence of the college and the high quality of teaching sense it is closely related to scientific research. He advised the new members to consult seniors and experienced colleagues and to take advantage of previous course portfolios to overcome any academic or non-academic obstacles facing them. The members also discussed regulations concerning all types of leaves (sabbatical, unpaid, Leaves of absence, …).

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