Awareness-raising campaign under the slogan "A conscious girl for a better life"
The pediatric master students at the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Science and Technology in Jordan, in cooperation with Yarmouk University, organized an awareness-raising campaign under the slogan "A conscious girl for a better life", Under the supervision of both Dr. Huda Gharaibeh & Reem Ali, on 30/4/2019. The Awareness Open Day event was held at the Yarmouk Model School, the largest female school in the city of Irbid, with more than 1,200 female students. The target group was the teenage students aiming at raising health awareness regarding adolescence period, Harassment and the use of mobile phones and electronic games. Detailed explanations about the above-mentioned health issues were provided using poster presentation, the use of models (uterus), displaying pictures, videos, Comedy shows and the use of songs. All this contributed to the creation of positive interaction and awareness among adolescent girls, as they expressed admiration for this awareness day. Thanks go to nursing school for the financial support and facilities necessary for the success of this day.