Medical day under the slogan "Sehtak Ma’na Ghair" at Deir Yusef Secondary School for Boys
The Jordanian University of Science and Technology, represented by the Faculty of Nursing / Adult Health Nursing Department, was honored to hold a medical day under the slogan "Sehtak Ma’na Ghair" at Deir Yusef Secondary School for Boys on Wednesday, 2019/4/24. Where master students did many different activities such as dealing with cases of suffocation, fractures and burns, educating students about smoking cessation and the effect of smoking on their health, safe handling of elliptic patients and patients with seizures, it included also mothers education about breast cancer and breast self-examination techniques. Furthermore it included a practical session for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the usage of Automated Electrical Defibrillator (AED) and dealing with adult and infant chocking incidents. Awareness brochures were distributed on students and audiences. In cooperation with the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences from the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences a complete blood count and blood group test was made for the students and local community members. During this activity, lectures were given on drugs and hepatitis. All of this came as a continuation of Jordanian University of Science and Technology march in raising health awareness among Jordanian community members and part of the university pursuit in investing student energies in local community development.
The Dean of the Faculty of Nursing at the University, Dr. Huda Gharaibeh, said that the aim of these days is to build on the commitment of the College of Nursing to its social responsibility through the establishment of many activities and events in order to promote awareness and health education and access to the highest level of health care. And such activities presented by the faculty departments are aligned with the university and faculty mission for serving local community. In addition, these awareness days are aimed primarily at increasing the level of health education among students in all stages of the school, and directing students and parents who need more health care to places and centers that provide the required service, and such activities add some practical experience to the students of the college by dealing with the various segments of the community in preparation for them to launch the labor market.
The opening ceremony was attended by more than 400 students, community members and supervisors from the Faculty of Nursing, Dr. Audai Hayajneh, Mr. Mohammed Al Omari, Ms. Buthaina, and students of the Master's Department of Adult Health Nursing (Twelve students) Motasem Mithkal, Ahmad Mestarihi , Ahmed Qassas, Sami Al-Shammari, Islam Al-Hosban, Areen Al-Ajlouni, Majd Hussain, Tahani Al-Silawi, Shorouq Shuqafa, Walid Ta'ani, Osama Taya and Anas Al-Mutlaq). And Ms. Dana Ababneh and Ms. Suha Bataineh from Pramedic department / Faculty of Medical Sciences. Also Mr. Bilal Al Omari as a representative of the laboratory sciences department/ Faculty of medical sciences. The Vice Dean of the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Dr. Haytham Awaidat, praised the role of these health awareness activities in the service of the Jordanian society and praised the concrete interaction and cooperation between the Faculty of Nursing and the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences and their keenness to provide a high level of care and health education to our beloved Jordanian society.
We hope that the Almighty will always make us happy to provide the best care and safe service to individuals and the community.
