102121 | MED212 |
| 3 | | Blended |
102305 | MED230B |
human physiology (lab)
| 1 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
172020 | LM202 |
| 3 | Equivalent | Blended |
1112180 | P.T218 |
gross anatomy & histology
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
102261 | MED226 |
neuroscience (1)
| 3 | | On Campus |
102305 | MED230B |
human physiology (lab)
| 1 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
1112260 | P.T226 |
neuroscience (1)
| 3 | Equivalent | Blended |
102262 | MED226 |
neuroscience 1 (lab)
| 0 | | On Campus |
102261 | MED226 |
neuroscience (1)
| 3 | Concurrent | On Campus |
1112261 | P.T226 |
neuroscience(1) lab
| 0 | Equivalent | On Campus |
822311 | HSS231BT |
general microbiology
| 3 | | On Campus |
821033 | HSS103BT |
general biology
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
932310 | BIO231 |
general microbiology
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
961030 | BT103 |
general biology
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
962310 | BT231 |
general microbiology
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
822332 | HSS233BT |
general microbiology laboratory
| 1 | | Blended |
822311 | HSS231BT |
general microbiology
| 3 | Pre./Con. | On Campus |
932320 | BIO232 |
general microbiology (lab)
| 1 | Equivalent | On Campus |
962310 | BT231 |
general microbiology
| 3 | Pre./Con. | On Campus |
962330 | BT233 |
general microbiology laboratory
| 1 | Equivalent | Blended |
1101020 | OPT.102 |
introduction to optometry
| 1 | | On Campus |
1101110 | OPT.111 |
introduction to optometry
| 1 | Equivalent | On Campus |
1101040 | OPT.104 |
geometrical &physical optics
| 3 | | Blended |
1101020 | OPT.102 |
introduction to optometry
| 1 | Pre./Con. | On Campus |
1102150 | OPT.215 |
geometrical &physical optics
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
1102030 | OPT.203 |
visual optics
| 2 | | Blended |
1101040 | OPT.104 |
geometrical &physical optics
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
1102050 | OPT.205 |
visual optics lab
| 1 | | On Campus |
1102030 | OPT.203 |
visual optics
| 2 | Concurrent | Blended |
1102110 | OPT.211 |
ocular anatomy & physiology
| 3 | | Blended |
102305 | MED230B |
human physiology (lab)
| 1 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
1112180 | P.T218 |
gross anatomy & histology
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
1102131 | OPT.213 |
ocular anatomy & physiology lab
| 1 | | On Campus |
1102110 | OPT.211 |
ocular anatomy & physiology
| 3 | Concurrent | Blended |
1102320 | OPT.232 |
binocular vision(1)
| 2 | | On Campus |
1102131 | OPT.213 |
ocular anatomy & physiology lab
| 1 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1102340 | OPT.234 |
binocular vision(1) lab
| 1 | | On Campus |
1102320 | OPT.232 |
binocular vision(1)
| 2 | Concurrent | On Campus |
1102520 | OPT.252 |
ophthalmic lenses & dispensing (1)
| 2 | | On Campus |
1102050 | OPT.205 |
visual optics lab
| 1 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1102540 | OPT.254 |
ophthalmic lenses & dispensing (1) lab
| 1 | | On Campus |
1102520 | OPT.252 |
ophthalmic lenses & dispensing (1)
| 2 | Concurrent | On Campus |
1102620 | OPT.262 |
optometric examination(1)
| 1 | | On Campus |
1102131 | OPT.213 |
ocular anatomy & physiology lab
| 1 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1102640 | OPT.264 |
optometric exmination(1) lab
| 1 | | On Campus |
1102620 | OPT.262 |
optometric examination(1)
| 1 | Concurrent | On Campus |
1103210 | OPT.321 |
ocular disease(1)
| 3 | | Blended |
102121 | MED212 |
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
1103510 | OPT.351 |
ocular disease(1)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
1103230 | OPT.323 |
ocular pharmacology
| 2 | | On Campus |
1102131 | OPT.213 |
ocular anatomy & physiology lab
| 1 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1103260 | OPT.326 |
ocular disease(2)
| 3 | | On Campus |
1103210 | OPT.321 |
ocular disease(1)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | Blended |
1103740 | OPT.374 |
ocular disease(2)
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
1103321 | OPT.332 |
binocular vision(2)
| 3 | | On Campus |
1102340 | OPT.234 |
binocular vision(1) lab
| 1 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1103410 | OPT.341 |
visual perception
| 2 | | Blended |
1102340 | OPT.234 |
binocular vision(1) lab
| 1 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1103420 | OPT.342 |
low vision and visual rehabilitation
| 2 | | On Campus |
1103630 | OPT.363 |
optometry theory exmination(2) lab
| 2 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1103440 | OPT.344 |
low vision and visual rehabilitation lab
| 1 | | On Campus |
1103420 | OPT.342 |
low vision and visual rehabilitation
| 2 | Concurrent | On Campus |
1103511 | OPT.351 |
ophthalmic lenses and dispensing (2)
| 2 | | On Campus |
1102540 | OPT.254 |
ophthalmic lenses & dispensing (1) lab
| 1 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1103530 | OPT.353 |
ophthalmic lenses and dispensing (2) lab
| 2 | | On Campus |
1103511 | OPT.351 |
ophthalmic lenses and dispensing (2)
| 2 | Concurrent | On Campus |
1103610 | OPT.361 |
optometric examination(2)
| 2 | | On Campus |
1102640 | OPT.264 |
optometric exmination(1) lab
| 1 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1103620 | OPT.362 |
instrumentation and investigative techniques
| 2 | | On Campus |
1103630 | OPT.363 |
optometry theory exmination(2) lab
| 2 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1103630 | OPT.363 |
optometry theory exmination(2) lab
| 2 | | On Campus |
1103610 | OPT.361 |
optometric examination(2)
| 2 | Concurrent | On Campus |
1103642 | OPT.364 |
instrumentation and investigative techniques lab
| 1 | | On Campus |
1103620 | OPT.362 |
instrumentation and investigative techniques
| 2 | Concurrent | On Campus |
1103661 | OPT.366 |
optometric examination(3)
| 2 | | On Campus |
1103630 | OPT.363 |
optometry theory exmination(2) lab
| 2 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1103682 | OPT.368 |
optometric exmination3) lab
| 1 | | On Campus |
1103661 | OPT.366 |
optometric examination(3)
| 2 | Concurrent | On Campus |
1104110 | OPT.411 |
neuro - optometry
| 3 | | Blended |
102261 | MED226 |
neuroscience (1)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1103260 | OPT.326 |
ocular disease(2)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1104450 | OPT.445 |
neuro - optometry
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
1104551 | OPT.455 |
contact lenses(1)
| 2 | | On Campus |
1103682 | OPT.368 |
optometric exmination3) lab
| 1 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1104560 | OPT.456 |
contact lenses(2)
| 2 | | On Campus |
1104570 | OPT.457 |
contact lenses(1) lab
| 1 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1104570 | OPT.457 |
contact lenses(1) lab
| 1 | | On Campus |
1104551 | OPT.455 |
contact lenses(1)
| 2 | Concurrent | On Campus |
1104580 | OPT.458 |
contact lenses(2) lab
| 1 | | On Campus |
1104560 | OPT.456 |
contact lenses(2)
| 2 | Concurrent | On Campus |
1104730 | OPT.473 |
paediatric optometry
| 3 | | On Campus |
1103260 | OPT.326 |
ocular disease(2)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1104130 | OPT.413 |
paediatric optometry
| 3 | Equivalent | On Campus |
1104741 | OPT.474 |
geriatric optometry
| 2 | | Blended |
1104911 | OPT.491 |
clinical training(1)
| 4 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1104820 | OPT.482 |
community eye care
| 1 | | On Campus |
1104911 | OPT.491 |
clinical training(1)
| 4 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1104860 | OPT.486 |
special topics in optometry
| 2 | | On Campus |
1103260 | OPT.326 |
ocular disease(2)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1104911 | OPT.491 |
clinical training(1)
| 4 | | On Campus |
1103260 | OPT.326 |
ocular disease(2)
| 3 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1103682 | OPT.368 |
optometric exmination3) lab
| 1 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |
1104470 | OPT.447 |
optometry clinics(1)
| 4 | Equivalent | On Campus |
1104920 | OPT.492 |
clinical training(2)
| 6 | | On Campus |
1104911 | OPT.491 |
clinical training(1)
| 4 | Prerequisite / Study | On Campus |