mousa khaled abu arabi
• Chemical Engineering - Faculty Member
- Ph.D. of Chemical Engineering from Oklahoma State University, 1988
- Msc. of Chemical Engineering from New Mexico State University, 1985
- Bsc. of Chemical Engineering from Oklahoma State University, 1983
N. Ghaffoura, V. K. Reddy, M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Technology development and application of solar energy in desalination: MEDRC contribution," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. , pp. 4410-4415, 2011
Hasan Mousa, M. K. Abu Arabi, Manar Al-Naerat, Remah Al-Bakkar, Yasmeen Ammera, and Amira Khattab, "Solar Desalination by Indirect heating," Int. J. of Sustainable Water & Environmental Systems, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 29-32, 2010
Hasan Mousa, M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Theoretical Study of Water Desalination by a Falling Film Solar Unit," Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. , no. , pp. 331-336, 2009
M. K. Abu-Arabi, Hasan Mousa and Rania Abdelrahman, "Solar Desalination Unit with Falling Film," Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 3, no. , pp. 58-63, 2009
Hilal N., Al-Abri, M., Al-Hinai, H. and M. Abu Arabi, "Characterization and Retention of NF Membranes Using PEG, HS and Polyelectrolytes," Desalination, vol. 221, no. , pp. 284-293, 2008
M. K. Abu-Arabi, M. Allawzi, and A. S. Al-Zoubi, "Adsorption of Phenol from Aqueous Solutions on Jojoba Nuts Residues," Chem. Eng. Technol., vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1-9, 2007
M. K. Abu-Arabi, S. A. Abdul-Wahab, "Experimental Study of Desiccant Regeneration in a Structured Packed Tower," Separation Science and Technology, vol. , no. , pp. -, 2006
M. Allawzi, M. K. Abu-Arabi, F. A. Al-Taher, "Parametric study on batch leaching process of jojoba oil," European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, vol. 107, no. 7-8, pp. 469-475, 2005
M. K. Abu-Arabi, Yousef H. Zurigat, "Year-Round Comparative Study of Three Types of Solar Desalination Units," Desalination, vol. 172, no. 2, pp. 137-143, 2005
Hilal N., Al-Zoubi, H., Darwish, N. A., Mohammed, A. W. and M. K. Abu Arabi, "A comprehensive review of nanofiltration membranes: treatment, pre-treatment, modelling, and atomic force microscopy," Desalination, vol. 170, no. , pp. 281-308, 2004
S. A. Abdul-Wahab, M. K. Abu-Arabi, Y. H. Zurigat, "Effect of structured packing density on performance of air dehumidifier," Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 45, no. , pp. 2539-2552, 2004
S. A. Abdul-Wahab, Y. H. Zurigat and M. K. Abu-Arabi , "Predictions of moisture removal rate and dehumidification effectiveness for structured liquid desiccant air dehumidifier," Energy, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 19-34, 2004
Yousef H. Zurigat and M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Modeling and performance analysis of a regenerative solar desalination unit," Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 1061-1072, 2004
Y. H. Zurigat, M. K. Abu-Arabi, S. A. Abdul-Wahab, "Air Dehumidification by Triethylene Glycol Desiccant in a Packed Column," Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 141-155, 2004
M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Desalination Growth in the MENA Region," Arab Water World, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. -, 2003
M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Desalination Growth in the MENA Region," Watermark, vol. , no. 20, pp. 9-10, 2003
K. Quteishat, M. K. Abu-Arabi, and Kandi Venkat Reddy, "Review of MEDRC R&D Projects," Desalination, vol. 156, no. , pp. 1-20, 2003
M. K. Abu-Arabi, and Kandi Venkat Reddy, "Performance evaluation of desalination processes based on humidification/dehumidification cycle with different carrier gases," Desalination, vol. 156, no. , pp. 281-293, 2003
M. K. Abu-Arabi, Y. H. Zurigat, H. Al Hinai, and S. Al-Hiddabi, "Modeling and Performance Analysis of a Solar Desalination Unit with Double-Glass Cover Cooling," Desalination, vol. 143, no. 2, pp. 173-182, 2002
M. K. Abu-Arabi, A. Tamimi, Asem Jarrah, "Solubility and Diffusivity of CO2 in Triethanolamine Solutions," Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 1125-1129, 2001
M. K. Abu-Arabi, A. Jarrah, and M. El-Eidah, A. Tamimi, "Physical Solubility and Diffusivity of CO2 in Aqueous Diethanolamine Solutions," Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 516-521, 2001
M. K. Abu-Arabi, and Shaheen A. Al-Muhtaseb, "Modeling and Prediction of the Solubility of Acid Gases-Diethanolamine Solutions," High Temperatures ? High Pressures Journal, vol. 32, no. , pp. 261-270, 2000
M. K. Abu-Arabi, M. Allawzi, H. S. Al-Zoubi, and A. Tamimi, "Extraction of Jojoba Oil by Pressing and Leaching," Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 61-65, 2000
M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Modeling of Heat Transfer in Dropwise Condensation," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 81-87, 1998
M. Allawzi, M. K. Abu-Arabi, H. S. Al-Zoubi, and A. Tamimi, "Physicochemical Characteristics and Thermal Stability of Jordanian Jojoba Oil," Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 57-62, 1998
M. Farid, , F. Hamad, and M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Melting And Solidification in Multi-Dimensional Geometry and the Presence of More than One Interface," Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 809-818, 1998
M. Farid, F. Hamad, and M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Phase Change Cool Storage Using Dimethyl-Sulfoxide," Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 819-826, 1998
M. K. Abu-Arabi, and A. Tamimi, "Availability Analysis of Combustion Flue Gases - A Case Study," Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 133-137, 1995
Hasan Mousa, M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Desalination and hot water production using solar still enhanced by external solar collector," Desalination for the Environment-Clean Water and Energy, Barcelona, Spain, Apr 2012, pp. -
Hasan Mousa, M. K. Abu Arabi, M. Al-Naerat, R. Al-Bakkar, Y. Ammera, and A. Khattab, "Solar Desalination by Indirect heating," 5th International EGE Energy Symposium and Exhibition (IEESE-5), Denizil, Turkey, Jun 2010, pp. -
Abdallah. Malkawi, M. K. Abu-Arabi, Mohammad Khasawneh, "The Red- to Dead Sea Conveyance System; bridging the water shortage and prospects for desalination," The 1st International Nuclear and Renewable Energy Conference, Amman-Jordan, Mar 2010, pp. -
Ramzi O. Sinnokrot, M. K. Abu-Arabi, A. Tamimi, "Modeling of a Conventional Solar Still with Draft and Humidification-Dehumidification Process," The 1st International Nuclear and Renewable Energy Conference, Amman-Jordan, Mar 2010, pp. -
M. K. Abu-Arabi, Hasan Mousa and Rania Abdelrahman, "Desalinated and Hot Water Production by Solar Energy, Desalination for the Environment-Clean Water and Energy," Desalination for the Environment-Clean Water and Energy, Baden-Baden, Germany, May 2009, pp. -
Hasan Mousa and M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Theoretical and Experimental Study of Water Desalination by a Falling Film Solar Unit," IChemE 2008, Birmingham, UK, Oct 2008, pp. -
M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Desalination Powered by Renewable Energy," Global Conference on the Renewable Energy Approaches for DEsert Regions (GCREADER), Amman, Jordan, Sep 2006, pp. -
M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Status and Prospects for Solar desalination in the MENA Region," Advanced Research Workshop for the 21st Century, Hammamet, Tunis, Feb 2006, pp. -
Kandi Venkat Reddy, M. K. Abu-Arabi, "MEDRC Contribution in Desalination R&D," International Seminar on Experiences and Practices of Water and Wastewater Technology, Muscat, Oman, Oct 2004, pp. -
M. K. Abu-Arabi, Kandi Venkat Reddy, "Overview of MEDRC Sponsored Projects: Application of Renewable Energy in Desalination," MEDAQUA II Conference, Amman, Jordan, Jun 2004, pp. -
Koussai Quteishat, M.K. Abu-Arabi, "Promotion of Solar Desalination in the MENA Region," Middle East and North Africa Renewable Energy Conference, Sana?a, Yemen, Apr 2004, pp. -
Koussai Quteishat, Ian Watson, M. K. Abu-Arabi, "An Operational Audit of Membrane Processes in Jordan," EDS-WSTA Second Workshop, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Aug 2003, pp. -
M. K. Abu-Arabi, and Kandi Venkat Reddy, "Rigorous Modeling Of A Desalination Process With Different Courier Gases in Humidificaion/Dehumidifcation Cycle," The IDA World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse, Paradise Island, Bahamas, Sep 2003, pp. -
M. K. Abu-Arabi, and Yousef H. Zurigat, "Modeling and performance analysis of a regenerative solar desalination unit," The IDA World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse, Paradise Island, Bahamas, Sep 2003, pp. -
M. K. Abu-Arabi, and Y. H. Zurigat, "Comparison of Year ?Round performance of two types of Double-Glass Cover Solar Stills," The International Conference on RES for island, tourism & water desalination, Crete, Greece, May 2003, pp. -
K. Quteishat, M. K. Abu-Arabi, and Kandi Venkat Reddy, "Review of MEDRC R&D Projects," EDS Conference on Desalination and the Environment, Malta, May 2003, pp. -
M. K. Abu-Arabi, and Kandi Venkat Reddy, "Performance evaluation of desalination processes based on humidification/dehumidification cycle with different carrier gases," The European Conference on Desalination and the Environment, Malta, May 2003, pp. -
S. A. Abdul-Wahab, M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Experimental Study of Liquid Desiccant Air Dehumidifier for Air Conditioning Processes," The 6th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design And Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, Jul 2002, pp. -
K. Quteishat, K. V. Reddy, M. K. Abu-Arabi, "The Interaction of Energy and Desalination, presented in the International Seminar on Water and Energy," The International Seminar on Water and Energy, Marrakech, Morocco, Apr 2002, pp. -
K. Quteishat, M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Desalination in the MENA Region-Road to the Future," Hydrotop 2001, Marseille, France, Apr 2001, pp. -
Y. H. Zurigat and M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Modeling and Performance Analysis of a Solar Desalination Unit with Double-Glass Cover Cooling," The European Conference on Desalination and the Environment Water Shortage, Lemesos, Cyprus, May 2001, pp. -
M. K. Abu-Arabi, and S. A. Al-Muhtaseb, "Modeling and Prediction the Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of Acid Gases-Diethanolamine Solutions," The 15th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, Wurzburg, Germany, Sep 1999, pp. -
M. K. Abu-Arabi, F. Hamad, and I. Al-Beirouty, "Solidification and Remelting of Paraffin Wax in a Vertical Cylinder," The International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Cesme, Turkey, May 1997, pp. -
M. K. Abu-Arabi, and S. A. Al-Muhtaseb, "Modeling the Solubility of Acid Gases in Monoethanolamine and Diethanolamine Solutions Using Pseudo-Equilibrium Model," The Second International Engineering Conference, Mansoura, Egypt, Apr 1997, pp. -
M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Theoretical Study of Heat Transfer in Dropwise Condensation," The Jordanian Chemical Engineering Conference II, Irbid, Jordan, Sep 1996, pp. -
M. Allawzi, M. K. Abu-Arabi, H. S. Al-Zoubi, "Characterization and Utilization of Jojoba oil," The Jordanian Chemical Engineering Conference II, Irbid, Jordan, Sep 1996, pp. -
M. K. Abu-Arabi, R. N. Maddox, and E. Elizando, "Physical Solubility of Hydrogen Sulfide and Carbon Dioxide in Alkanolamine Solutions," AICHE National Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Apr 1989, pp. -
E. Elizando, R. N. Maddox, and M. K. Abu-Arabi, "Low Pressure Experimental Equilibrium Data for the Absorption of Acid Gases in Alkanolamine," AICHE National Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, Apr 1989, pp. -
"Desalination and hot water production using solar still enhanced by external solar collector", Desalination and Water Treatment
"Experimental investigation of a solar desalination with humidification-dehumidification using a rotating surface", Desalination and Water Treatment
"Self-powered solar desalination using solar still enhanced by external solar collector and phase change material", Applied Thermal Engineering
"Solar desalination using solar still enhanced by external solar collector and PCM", Applied Thermal Engineering
"Theoretical investigation of solar desalination with solar still having phase change material and connected to a solar collector", desalination
"Theoretical modeling of a glass-cooled solar still incorporating PCM andcoupled toflat plate solar collector", JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE
- Dean , Faculty Of Engineering, Sep 2011 - Sep 2013
- Head of Department, Chemical Engineering, Sep 2008 - Sep 2009
- Deputy Head of Department, Chemical Engineering, Sep 2006 - Sep 2008
- Assistant Dean, Faculty Of Engineering, Sep 1996 - Sep 1998
- Faculty Member, Chemical Engineering, Sep 1991 - Present
- Project Manager, Middle East Desalination Research Center, Oman, Jul 1999- Sep 2005
- Faculty member, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, Sep 1998- Jul 1999
Technical Paper Reviews
- Member, International Advisory Board, the 2011 International Conference on Water: Environmental Sustainability, Conference, United Arab Emirates
- Member, Scientific Committee, the 26th Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2013) , Conference, China
- Chairman of Scientific Committee and member of Organizing Committee, 6th Jordanian International Chemical Engineering Conference , Conference, Jordan
- Member, Scientific Committee, the International Conference on Materials in Jordan, Conference, Jordan
- 1. Member, the Organizing Committee for the 2nd Jordanian Chemical Engineering Conference, Conference, Jordan
- 6. Member, Scientific Committee, 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS2011), Conference, yougzlafia
- Desalinaion, Journal
- Energy, Journal
- Energy Conversion & Management, Journal
Conference Duties
- Global Conference on the Renewable Energy Approaches for DEsert Regions (GCREADER), Jordan, Key Notes Speaker
Editorial Boards
- Desalination, 2010 -2012
Professional Memberships
- Jordan Engineers Association , 2013, since 1989
- European Desalination Society , 2013