muneer oqlah bani yasin
• Cyber Security Department - Faculty Member
• Department of Computer Science - Faculty Member
• Faculty Of Computer And Information Technology - Dean

  • Ph.D. of Computer Science from Unversity of Glasgow, 2007
  • Msc. of Computer Science from Al Albayt University, 2001
  • Bsc. of COMPUTER SCIENCE from Yarmouk University, 1986

  • Muneer Bani Yassein, Sanabel Fathi Nimer, Ahmed Y. Al-Dubai, "A new dynamic counter-based broadcasting scheme for Mobile Ad hoc Networks," ," Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 553-563, 2011
  • Muneer Bani Yassein, M. Bani Khalaf  and A. Y. Al-Dubai, "A performance comparison of smart probabilistic broadcasting of ad hoc distance vector (AODV)," ," International Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 196-2011, 2010
  • Muneer Bani Yassein, Mohamed Al-Maolegi, Yaser Khamayseh, Dragana Krstic, Shadi Aljawarneh, "Smart System for Busy Roads Using Short Range Wireless Technologies," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION , vol. 9, no. , pp. 146-152, 2015
  • Dragana S. Krsti, Suad Suljovi, Mihajlo  Stefanovi, Muneer Masadeh Bani Yassein, Danijela Aleksi?, "Level Crossing Rate of SC Receiver over Gamma Shadowed Rician Multipath Fading Environment," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS , vol. 9, no. , pp. 19-27, 2015
  • Mohammad Al-Rousan,Muneer Bani Yassein,  Ahmed Al-Dubai,  Barraq Ghaleb, Ibrahim Mahmoud, "A Novel Situation Specific Network Security for Wireless Sensor Networks ," Sensors & Transducers, vol. 186, no. 3, pp. 1-10, 2015
  • Yaser Khamayseh,  Wail Mardini, Shadi Aljawarneh,  Muneer Bani Yassein, , "Integration of Wireless Technologies in Smart University Campus Environment: Framework Architecture," International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 60-74, 2015
  • Athina Bourdena, Constandinos X Mavromoustakis, George Kormentzas, Evangelos Pallis, George Mastorakis, Muneer Bani Yassein, "A Resource Intensive Traffic-Aware Scheme using Energy-Aware Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks ," Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 39, no. , pp. 16-28, 2014
  • Wail Mardini , Muneer Bani Yassein, Yaser Khamayseh, and Barraq A. Ghaleb, "Rotated Hybrid, Energy-Efficient and Distributed (R-HEED) Clustering Protocol in WSN," TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 13, no. , pp. 275-290, 2014
  • Marios Charalambous, Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis, George C. Violaris and Muneer Bani Yassein, "On the Mobility Scenario Implementation Using a Graphical P2P Discrete Event Simulator for the Bittorrent Protoco," Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology V, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 449-487, 2013
  • Muneer Bani Yassein, Balqees Abd Hameed, Wail Mardini, Yaser Khamayseh , "Performance Analysis of Adjusted Counter Based Broadcasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Communications and Network, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 353-359, 2013
  • Yaser M Khamayseh, Muneer BaniYassein, Mariam AbdAlghani, Constandinos X Mavromoustakis, "Network Size Estimation in VANETs," Network Protocols and Algorithms, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 136-152, 2013
  • Sanaa A Alwidian, Ismail M Ababneh, Muneer O Bani Yassein, "Neighborhood-based Route Discovery Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Networks," International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 68-87, 2013
  • Muneer Bani Yassein, Yaser Khamayseh, Al-Ameri, Wail E. Mardini, "Routing Discovery Algorithm Using Parallel Chase Packe," International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 104-109, 2013
  • Muneer O Bani Yassein, Yaser M Khamayseh, Ali M Hatamleh, "Intelligent Randomize Round Robin for Cloud Computing," International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 27-33, 2013
  • Muneer Bani Yassein, Zeinab Jaradat, Neveen Hijazi, Constandinos Mavromoustakis, "New Load Balancing Algorithm for LEACH Protocol (F-VCH LEACH)," Sensors & Transducers, vol. 145, no. 10, pp. 172-182, 2012
  • Muneer Bani Yassein, N Alslaity, A Alwidian, "An Efficient Overhead-Aware Leader Election Algorithm for Distributed Systems," International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 ? 8887) , vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 10-15, 2012
  • Yaser khamayseh, Ruba Al-Salah, Muneer Bani Yassein, "Malicious Nodes Detection in MANETs: Behavioral Analysis Approach," JOURNAL OF NETWORKS, , vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 116-125, 2012
  • Muneer O Bani Yassein, Saher S Manaseer, Ahmad A Momani, "Adaptive Backoff Algorithm for Wireless Internet," JOURNAL OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN WEB INTELLIGENCE,, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 155-163, 2012
  • Muneer Bani Yassein, Qusai Abuein, Deya Alzoubi, " Dynamic Probabilistic Flooding in DSR Routing Algorithm for Wireless Network," JOURNAL OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN WEB INTELLIGENCE, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 352-361,
  • Ahmad Abed Elellah Momani, Muneer Bani Yassein, Omar Darwish, Saher Manaseer, Wail Mardini, "Intelligent Paging Backoff Algorithm for IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol," Network Protocols and Algorithms, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 108-123, 2012
  • Mohammed Q Shatnawi, Muneer Bani Yassein, Reem Mahafza, "A framework for retrieving Arabic documents based on queries written in Arabic slang language," ournal of Information Science, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 350-365, 2012
  • Muneer Bani Yassein, Mohammed Ahmed Alomari, Constandinos X Mavromoustakis, "Optimized Pessimistic Fibonacci Back-off Algorithm (PFB)," ) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 254-260, 2012
  • Muneer O Bani Yassien, Marwa Kh Salayma, Wail E Mardini, Yaser M Khamayseh, "Fibonacci Backoff Algorithm for IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee," Network Protocols and Algorithms, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 62-78, 2012
  • Muneer Bani Yassein, Safwan Omari, Enas Hassan Abu Yabes,   Shadi Aljawarneh. , "An Energy Saving Algorithm (ESA) For Wireless Sensor Networks: Testing and Evaluation ," Recent Patents on Computer Science, vol. 9, no. , pp. 1-14, 2016
  • Muneer Bani Yassein,Yaser Khamayseh,Mai AbuJazoh, " Feature Selection for Black Hole Attacks," Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 521-536, 2016
  • Qusai Abuein, Mohammed Q. Shatnawi, Muneer Bani Yassein, Radwan Batiha, "A Framework for Social Media and Text-Based Content Analysis for Event Management Purposes," International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S.) , vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 388-394, 2016
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Mardini, Wail and Al-zoubi, Dua, "Internet of Things Business Impact and its Application Layer Protocol in Embedded Systems," International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, Inderscience, Scopus[Q3]., vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Inderscience
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Rababah, Yazan, "Adaptive Distance-based Broadcasting Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 8, no. , pp. 222-231, 2018, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Saad, Mohammad, "An Efficient on-Demand Constrained Application Protocol for Internet of Things," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 8, no. , pp. 232-239, 2018, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Al Bataineh, Manar, "Enhanced Home Energy Management Scheme (EHEM) in Smart Grids," Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS),, vol. 10, no. , pp. 85-90, 2018, SCOPUS Q2
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini and Wail and Al Bataineh, Manar, "Enhanced Home Energy Management Scheme (EHEM) in Smart Grids," International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS),SCOPUS Q2, vol. 10, no. , pp. 0-0, 2018
  • Bourdena, Athina and Mavromoustakis, Constandinos X and Kormentzas, George and Pallis, Evangelos and Mastorakis, George and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "A resource intensive traffic-aware scheme using energy-aware routing in cognitive radio networks," Future Generation Computer Systems,SCOPUS (Q1), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)., vol. 39, no. , pp. 16-28, 2014, North-Holland,Elsevier
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Aljawarneh, Shadi and BaniYassein, Muneer, "Integration of Wireless Technologies in Smart University Campus Environment: Framework Architecture," International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), vol. 11, no. , pp. 60-74, 2015, IGI Global
  • Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Ghaleb, Barraq and Mahmoud, Ibrahim, "A Novel Situation Specific Network Security for Wireless Sensor Networks," Sensors \& Transducers, vol. 186, no. , pp. 33-42, 2015, Directory of Open Access Journals
  • Dragana S. Krsti{\'c}, Suad Suljovi{\'c}, Mihajlo {\v{C}}. Stefanovi{\'c}, Muneer Masadeh Bani Yassein, Danijela Aleksi{\'c}, "Level crossing rate of SC receiver output signal in the presence of Gamma shadowing and k-$\mu$ or Rician multipath fading," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 9, no. , pp. 19-27, 2015
  • Yassein, M Bani and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yatim, Maryan, "NISHA: Novel Interface for Smart Home Applications for Arabic Region," BRIS Journal of Advances in S \& T, vol. 3, no. , pp. 86-98, 2015
  • Qasem, Mamoun and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Romdhani, Imed and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "ATP: adaptive tuning protocol for service discovery in Internet of Things.," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2015, ACM
  • Bani-Yassein, Muneer and Al-Maolegi, Mohamed and Khamayseh, Yaser and Krstic, Dragana and Aljawarneh, Shadi, "Smart System for Busy Roads Using Short Range Wireless Technologies," International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 9, no. , pp. 146-152, 2015
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Hamdan, Mohammad and Shehadeh, Hisham, "PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF HEALTH MONITORING NETWORK FOR ELDERLY PATIENT IN HOME," Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, vol. 9, no. , pp. 108-118, 2016
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Omari, Safwan and Abu Yabes, Enas and Aljawarneh, Shadi, "An Energy Saving Algorithm (ESA) For Wireless Sensor Networks: Testing and Evaluation," RECENT PATENTS ON COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 9, no. , pp. 1-14, 2016, 10.2174/2213275909666151117210403
  • MARI{\v{C}}I{\'C}1, SRDJAN and KRSTI{\'C}, DRAGANA and STEFANOVI{\'C}, MIHAJLO and Bani Yassein, MUNEER and VLADETA, MILENKOVI{\'C}, "Performance of SC Receiver over Weibull Multipath Fading Channel," Transactions on Communications, vol. 15, no. , pp. 114-119, 2016
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Fakirah, Fakirah and Abuein, Qusai and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Bani Yaseen, Liath, "Data Traffic Optimization in Different Backoff Algorithms for IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee Networks," International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, vol. 14, no. , pp. 62-66, 2016,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Hatamleh, Ali, "A Novel Technique for Jobs Scheduling In Cloud Computing Systems," International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, vol. 14, no. , pp. 562-568, 2016,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yatim, Maryan, "NISHA: Novel Interface for Smart Home Applications for Arabic RegionSubtitle as needed," (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-Dubai, Ahmed, "A Novel Broadcast Scheme DSR-based for Mobile Ad hoc Networks," (International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application, vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Damer and Alhuda?, ?Nour, "Flying Ad-Hoc Networks: Routing Protocols, Mobility Models, Issues," International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 7, no. , pp. 162-168, 2016, The Science and Information (SAI) Organization
  • Abuein, Qusai and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Bani-Yaseen, Laith and Al-Omari, Omar and Mehdawi, Moutaz and Altawssi, Hussien, "Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocol (RPL) for Internet of Things," International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application, vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yatim, Maryan, "NISHA: Novel Interface for Smart Home Applications for Arabic Regionsubtitle as Needed," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 7, no. , pp. 183-190, 2016, SCIENCE \& INFORMATION SAI ORGANIZATION LTD 183-02 HILL SIDE AVE, JAMAICA, NY~?
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mai, Abujazohl, "Feature Selection for Black Hole Attacks," The Journal of Universal Computer Science, SCOPUS (Q1), SCIE, vol. 22, no. , pp. 521-536, 2016,\_22\_4/feature\_selection\_for\_black
  • Abuein, Qusai and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Batiha, Radwan, "A Framework for Social Media and Text-Based Content Analysis for Event Management Purposes," International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S.), SCOPUS (Q2), vol. 11, no. , pp. 388-394, 2016,\&page=article~?
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Abuein, Qusai Abuein and Bani Amer, Ahmad, "Energy Saving in Constrained Application Protocol of Internet of Things," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q2), vol. 6, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q2)
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Salayma, Marwa and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mouftah, Hussien, "Adaptive Duty Cycle (ADC) Energy Effecient Algorithm for ZigBee Networks," International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering,SCOPUS(Q2), Thomson Reuters, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)., vol. 32, no. , pp. 5-19, 2017,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Masa'deh, Esra'a, "A new elastic trickle timer algorithm for Internet of Things," Journal of Network and Computer Applications,SCOPUS(Q1), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), vol. 82, no. , pp. 1-24, 2017,
  • Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Talafha, We?am, "A resource-efficient encryption algorithm for multimedia big data," Multimedia Tools and Applications, SCOPUS(Q1),Thomson Reuters, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1)., vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Springer
  • Aljawarneha, Shadi and Aldwairi, Monther and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "Anomaly-based intrusion detection system through feature selection analysis and building hybrid efficient model," Journal of Computational Science, SCOPUS(Q1), Thomson Reuters, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017,,
  • Abuein, Qusai and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mahafza, Reem, "Intelligent system for visual web content analytics: A new approach and case study," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1)., vol. , no. , pp. 1-15, 2017, springer\_
  • Mardini, Wail and Albalas, Firas and Obeidat, Qusai and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "Improved Home Energy Management Techniques for Smart Grids," International Journal of Smart Home, SCOPUS (Q3), vol. 11, no. , pp. 1-20, 2017, Science \& Engineering Research Support soCiety,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayeh, Yaser and Hmeidi, Ismail and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Al-Maolegi, Mohammed, "A New Energy-Efficient Hybrid and Clustering Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and ALbalas, Firas and Odeh, Alaa, "Energy-Aware objective function for RPL Routing in Internet of Things," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Talafha, We?am, "A Multithreaded Programming Approach for Multimedia Big Data: Encryption System," Multimedia Tools and Applications, SCOPUS(Q1),Thomson Reuters, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1)., vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017,\%2Fs11042-017-4873-9
  • Biel, Pilar and P{\'e}rez, Ester and Rodrigo, Carmen and Serrano, Ana and Cabezuelo, Antonio Sarasa, "An official publication of the Information Resources Management Association," Journal of Cases on Information Technology, vol. 18, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016
  • Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "A multithreaded programming approach for multimedia big data: encryption system," Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. , no. , pp. 1-20, 2017, Springer US
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Mardini, Wail and Al-zoubi, Dua, "Internet of Things Business Impact and its Application Layer Protocol in Embedded Systems," International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, Inderscience, Scopus[Q3]., vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Inderscience
  • Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljundi, Mohammed, "An enhanced J48 classification algorithm for the anomaly intrusion detection systems," Cluster Computing,Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1), vol. , no. , pp. 1-17, 2017, Springer US
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Hamdan, Mohammad and Shehadeh, Hisham and Mrayan, Lina, "A Novel Approach for Health Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 7, no. , pp. 271-281, 2017, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Shatnawi, Mohammed Q and Mardini, Wail and Al-zoubi, Dua', "Internet of things' business impact and its application layer protocol in embedded systems," International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, vol. 4, no. , pp. 143-154, 2017, Inderscience Publishers (IEL)
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khatatbeh, Montaha Hani, "Mining Internet of Things for intelligent objects using genetic algorithm," Computers \& Electrical Engineering,Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1)., vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Elsevier, Pergamon
  • Aljawarneha, Shadi and Aldwairia, Monther and Yasina, Muneer Bani, "Journal of Computational Science," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2016
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Rababah, Yazan, "Adaptive Distance-based Broadcasting Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 8, no. , pp. 222-231, 2018, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Saad, Mohammad, "An Efficient on-Demand Constrained Application Protocol for Internet of Things," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 8, no. , pp. 232-239, 2018, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Al Bataineh, Manar, "Enhanced Home Energy Management Scheme (EHEM) in Smart Grids," Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS),, vol. 10, no. , pp. 85-90, 2018, SCOPUS Q2
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini and Wail and Al Bataineh, Manar, "Enhanced Home Energy Management Scheme (EHEM) in Smart Grids," International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS),SCOPUS Q2, vol. 10, no. , pp. 0-0, 2018
  • Aljawarneh, Shadi A and Yassein, Muneer O Bani, "A conceptual security framework for cloud computing issues," International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT), vol. 12, no. , pp. 12-24, 2016, IGI Global
  • Mhaidat, Nizar M and Ai-Sweedan, Suleiman A and Alzoubi, Karem H and Alazzam, Sayer I and Banihani, Mohammed N and Yasin, Muneer O Bani and Massadeh, Majed M, "Prevalence of depression among relatives of cancer patients in Jordan: a cross-sectional survey," Palliative \& supportive care, vol. 9, no. , pp. 25-29, 2011, Cambridge University Press
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-zou'bi, A and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail, "Improvement on LEACH Protocol of Wireless Sensor Network (VLEACH).," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2009
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khalaf, Mustafa Bani and Al-Dubai, Ahmed Y, "A new probabilistic broadcasting scheme for mobile ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routed networks," The Journal of Supercomputing,SCOPUS (Q1), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)., vol. 53, no. , pp. 196-211, 2010, Springer US
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Nimer, Sanabel and Al-Dubai, Ahmed, "A new dynamic counter-based broadcasting scheme for Mobile Ad hoc Networks," Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory,SCOPUS (Q1), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)., vol. 19, no. , pp. 553-563, 2011, Elsevier
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khaoua, M Ould, "Application of Probabilistic Flooding in MANETs," Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal, vol. 1, no. , pp. 1-5, 2007
  • Bourdena, Athina and Mavromoustakis, Constandinos X and Kormentzas, George and Pallis, Evangelos and Mastorakis, George and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "A resource intensive traffic-aware scheme using energy-aware routing in cognitive radio networks," Future Generation Computer Systems,SCOPUS (Q1), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)., vol. 39, no. , pp. 16-28, 2014, North-Holland,Elsevier
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yassein, MB and Obiedat, Ghadeer, "Survey of latest Wimax technologies and techniques," International Review on Computers and Software, vol. 6, no. , pp. 586-602, 2011, Praise Worthy Prize, FEDERICO II University 21 Claudio Naples I 80125 Italy
  • Shatnawi, Mohammed Q and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mahafza, Reem, "A framework for retrieving Arabic documents based on queries written in Arabic slang language," Journal of Information Science,SCOPUS (Q1), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)., vol. 38, no. , pp. 350-365, 2012, Sage Publications
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Ala?a, N Alslaity and Sana?a, A Alwidian, "An efficient overhead-aware leader election algorithm for distributed systems," International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 49, no. , pp. 10-15, 2012, Foundation of Computer Science, 244 5 th Avenue,\# 1526, New York, NY 10001~?
  • Momani, Ahmad Abed Elellah and Yassein, Muneer O Bani and Darwish, Omar and Manaseer, Saher S and Mardini, Wail, "Intelligent Paging Backoff Algorithm for IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol.," Network Protocols \& Algorithms, vol. 4, no. , pp. 108-123, 2012
  • Yassein, M Bani and Al-Humoud, S and Khaoua, M Ould and Mackenzie, LM, "New counter based broadcast scheme using local neighborhood information in manets," University of Glasgow, Department of Computing Science, Tech. Rep., vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2007
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Mistareehi, Hassan, "Improvement on the Lifetime of the WSN Using Energy Efficiency Saving of Leach Protocol (New Improved LEACH)," Sensors \& Transducers, vol. 130, no. , pp. 0-0, 2011, IFSA Publishing, SL
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Jaradat, Zeinab and Hijazi, Neveen and Mavromoustakis, Constandinos, "New Load Balancing Algorithm for LEACH Protocol (F-VCH LEACH)," Sensors \& Transducers, vol. 145, no. , pp. 0-0, 2012, IFSA Publishing, SL
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Abuein, Qusai and Alzoubi, Deya, "Dynamic probabilistic flooding in DSR routing algorithm for wireless network," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, vol. 4, no. , pp. 352-361, 2012, Academy Publisher, PO Box 40 Oulu 90571 Finland
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Alomari, Mohammed Ahmed and Mavromoustakis, Constandinos X, "Optimized Pessimistic Fibonacci Back-off Algorithm (PFB)," (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,, vol. 3, no. , pp. 0-0, 2012
  • Charalambous, Marios and Mavromoustakis, Constandinos X and Violaris, George C and Yassein, Muneer Bani, "On the mobility scenario implementation using a Graphical P2P Discrete Event Simulator for the Bittorrent Protocol," Journal of Algorithms \& Computational Technology, vol. 7, no. , pp. 449-487, 2013, SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England
  • Yassein, M Bani and Ould-Khaoua, M and Papanatasiou, S, "Performance Analysis of the Effects of Mobility and Traffic Load on Probabilistic Flooding in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Badran, Iman I and Mardini, Wail, "An Adaptive Backoff Algorithm for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks," International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), vol. 3, no. , pp. 1-19, 2011, IGI Global
  • Yassein, M Bani and Dalal?ah, A and Ababneh, I and Khaoua, M Ould, "New Bandwidth Allocation for QoS in ATM Networks," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Al-Salah, Ruba and Yassein, Muneer Bani, "Malicious nodes detection in MANETs: behavioral analysis approach," Journal of networks, vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2012, Academy Publisher
  • Yassein, M Bani and Al-Humoud, S and Khaoua, M Ould and Mackenzie, LM, "Department of Computing Science University of Glasgow Glasgow, G12 8RZ, UK Email:$\{$muneer, sara, mohamed, lewis$\}$@ dcs. gla. ac. uk," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Yassein, M Bani and Dalal?ah, A and Ababneh, I and Ould-Khaoua, M, "Equivalent Bandwidth Allocation for QoS in ATM Networks," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Bahi, J and Yassein, M Bani and Boukerche, A and Mair, Q and Papanatasiou, S, "PMAC-PDG?05 Reviewers," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Zhou, Wanlei and Xiang, Yang and Aggarwal, Akshai K and Akan, {\"O}zg{\"u}r B and Ali, Shawkat and Barcellos, Marinho P and Blundo, Carlo and Boutaba, Raouf and {\c{C}}amtepe, Seyit Ahmet and Crampton, Jason and others, "CSS-08 Organizing and Program Committees," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Hameed, Balqees Abd and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser, "Performance Analysis of Adjusted Counter Based Broadcasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Communications and Network, vol. 2013, no. , pp. 0-0, 2013, Scientific Research Publishing
  • Bani-Yassein, M and Ould-Khaoua, Mohamed and Mackenzie, Lewis M and Papanastasiou, Stylianos, "Performance analysis of adjusted probabilistic broadcasting in mobile ad hoc networks," International Journal of Wireless Information Networks,SCOPUS (Q1), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)., vol. 13, no. , pp. 127-140, 2006, Springer US
  • Mavromoustakis, Constandinos X and Yassein, Muneer Masadeh Bani, "Movement synchronization for improving File-Sharing efficiency using bi-directional recursive data-replication in Vehicular P2P Systems," International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services Volume 5, Number 1 \& 2, 2012, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2012
  • Khamayseh, Yaser M and Yassein, Muneer O Bani and AbdAlghani, Mariam and Mavromoustakis, Constandinos X, "Network size estimation in VANETs.," Network Protocols \& Algorithms, vol. 5, no. , pp. 136-152, 2013
  • Alwidian, Sanaa A and Ababneh, Ismail M and Yassein, Muneer O Bani, "Neighborhood-based route discovery protocols for mobile ad hoc networks," International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), vol. 5, no. , pp. 68-87, 2013, IGI Global
  • Yassein, Muneer O Bani and Khamayseh, Yaser M and Hatamleh, Ali M, "Intelligent randomize round Robin for cloud computing," International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC), vol. 3, no. , pp. 27-33, 2013, IGI Global
  • Yassein, Muneer O Bani and Salayma, Marwa and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser M, "Fibonacci Backoff Algorithm for IEEE 802.15. 4/ZigBee.," Network Protocols \& Algorithms, vol. 4, no. , pp. 62-78, 2012
  • Yassein, Muneer O Bani and Manaseer, Saher S and Momani, Ahmad A, "Adaptive backoff algorithm for wireless internet," International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, vol. 4, no. , pp. 155-163, 2012
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Bader, Abdulraheem and Mardini, Wail and Yasein, Muneer Bani, "A new protocol for detecting black hole nodes in ad hoc networks," International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, vol. 3, no. , pp. 0-0, 2011, Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST)
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Obiedat, Ghadeer and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "Mobility and Load aware Routing protocol for ad hoc networks," Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, vol. 23, no. , pp. 105-113, 2011, Elsevier
  • Mardini, Wail and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Ghaleb, Barraq A, "Rotated Hybrid, Energy-Efficient and Distributed (R-HEED) Clustering Protocol in WSN," Wseas Transactions on Communications, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2014
  • Muneer O. Bani Yasin, "Rotated Hybrid, Energy-Efficient and Distributed (R-HEED) Clustering Protocol in WSN," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Aljawarneh, Shadi and BaniYassein, Muneer, "Integration of Wireless Technologies in Smart University Campus Environment: Framework Architecture," International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), vol. 11, no. , pp. 60-74, 2015, IGI Global
  • Manaseer, Saher S and Ould-Khaoua, Mohamed and Mackenzie, Lewis M, "On a Modified Backoff Algorithm for MAC Protocol in MANETs," International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking (IJBDCN), vol. 5, no. , pp. 60-73, 2009, IGI Global
  • Manaseer, Saher S and Ould-Khaoua, Mohamed and Mackenzie, Lewis M, "Thorough study of the Logarithmic Backoff Algorithm for MAC Protocol in," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Ghaleb, Barraq and Mahmoud, Ibrahim, "A Novel Situation Specific Network Security for Wireless Sensor Networks," Sensors \& Transducers, vol. 186, no. , pp. 33-42, 2015
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Hijazi, Neveen and Jaradat, Zeinab, "A New Load Balancing for LEACH Protocol," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Bader, Abdulraheem and Mardini, Wail and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "A new protocol for detecting black hole nodes in ad hoc networks," International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, vol. 3, no. , pp. 0-0, 2011, Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST)
  • Dragana S. Krsti{\'c}, Suad Suljovi{\'c}, Mihajlo {\v{C}}. Stefanovi{\'c}, Muneer Masadeh Bani Yassein, Danijela Aleksi{\'c}, "Level crossing rate of SC receiver output signal in the presence of Gamma shadowing and k-$\mu$ or Rician multipath fading," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 9, no. , pp. 19-27, 2015
  • Yassein, M Bani and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yatim, Maryan, "NISHA: Novel Interface for Smart Home Applications for Arabic Region," BRIS Journal of Advances in S \& T, vol. 3, no. , pp. 86-98, 2015
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Hamdan, Mohammad and Shehadeh, Hisham and Mrayan, Lina, "An Improvement on Health Monitoring System for Multiple Patients Using Wireless Sensor Network," in process, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, , in process
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Khamayseh, Yaser and Al-Ameri and Mardini, Wail E., "Routing Discovery Algorithm Using Parallel Chase Packet," International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), vol. 4, no. , pp. 104-109, 2013
  • Qasem, Mamoun and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Romdhani, Imed and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "ATP: adaptive tuning protocol for service discovery in Internet of Things.," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2015, ACM
  • Bani-Yassein, Muneer and Al-Maolegi, Mohamed and Khamayseh, Yaser and Krstic, Dragana and Aljawarneh, Shadi, "Smart System for Busy Roads Using Short Range Wireless Technologies," International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 9, no. , pp. 146-152, 2015
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Yaser, Khamayseh and Yatim, Maryan, "NISHA: Novel Interface for Smart Home Applications for Arabic Region," in process, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, , in process
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Hamdan, Mohammad and Shehadeh, Hisham, "PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF HEALTH MONITORING NETWORK FOR ELDERLY PATIENT IN HOME," Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, vol. 9, no. , pp. 108-118, 2016
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Omari, Safwan and Abu Yabes, Enas and Aljawarneh, Shadi, "An Energy Saving Algorithm (ESA) For Wireless Sensor Networks: Testing and Evaluation," RECENT PATENTS ON COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 9, no. , pp. 1-14, 2016, 10.2174/2213275909666151117210403
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Al-Dubai, Ahmed Y, "Message from the IoT-Smart 2015 Workshop Chairs," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Feng, Dengguo and Ray, Indrajit and Abie, Habtamu and Ahn, Gail Joon and Chakraborty, Sudip and Cho, Jin-Hee and Ding, Jen-Wen and Dewri, Rinku and Ferrari, Elena and Giorgini, Paolo and others, "TrustCom 2011," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • MARI{\v{C}}I{\'C}1, SRDJAN and KRSTI{\'C}, DRAGANA and STEFANOVI{\'C}, MIHAJLO and Bani Yassein, MUNEER and VLADETA, MILENKOVI{\'C}, "Performance of SC Receiver over Weibull Multipath Fading Channel," Transactions on Communications, vol. 15, no. , pp. 114-119, 2016
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Fakirah, Fakirah and Abuein, Qusai and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Bani Yaseen, Liath, "Data Traffic Optimization in Different Backoff Algorithms for IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee Networks," International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, vol. 14, no. , pp. 62-66, 2016,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Hatamleh, Ali, "A Novel Technique for Jobs Scheduling In Cloud Computing Systems," International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, vol. 14, no. , pp. 562-568, 2016,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yatim, Maryan, "NISHA: Novel Interface for Smart Home Applications for Arabic RegionSubtitle as needed," (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Al-Rushdan, S and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser, "Performance of Probabilistic Broadcasting of Dynamic Source Routing Protocol," CTRQ 2011, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2011
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-Dubai, Ahmed, "A Novel Broadcast Scheme DSR-based for Mobile Ad hoc Networks," (International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application, vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Damer and Alhuda?, ?Nour, "Flying Ad-Hoc Networks: Routing Protocols, Mobility Models, Issues," International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 7, no. , pp. 162-168, 2016, The Science and Information (SAI) Organization
  • Abuein, Qusai and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Bani-Yaseen, Laith and Al-Omari, Omar and Mehdawi, Moutaz and Altawssi, Hussien, "Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocol (RPL) for Internet of Things," International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application, vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yatim, Maryan, "NISHA: Novel Interface for Smart Home Applications for Arabic Regionsubtitle as Needed," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 7, no. , pp. 183-190, 2016, SCIENCE \& INFORMATION SAI ORGANIZATION LTD 183-02 HILL SIDE AVE, JAMAICA, NY~?
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mai, Abujazohl, "Feature Selection for Black Hole Attacks," The Journal of Universal Computer Science, SCOPUS (Q1), SCIE, vol. 22, no. , pp. 521-536, 2016,\_22\_4/feature\_selection\_for\_black
  • Abuein, Qusai and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Batiha, Radwan, "A Framework for Social Media and Text-Based Content Analysis for Event Management Purposes," International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S.), SCOPUS (Q2), vol. 11, no. , pp. 388-394, 2016,\&page=article~?
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Abuein, Qusai Abuein and Bani Amer, Ahmad, "Energy Saving in Constrained Application Protocol of Internet of Things," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q2), vol. 6, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q2)
  • Al-Jarrah, O and Salhieh, A and Qaroush, A and Yassein, MB and Al-Dubai, A and Khaoua, MO, "Dr. Omar AL-JARRAH Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan Selected Scholarly Contributions SCOPUS," Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol. 35, no. , pp. 197-208, 2009
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Salayma, Marwa and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mouftah, Hussien, "Adaptive Duty Cycle (ADC) Energy Effecient Algorithm for ZigBee Networks," International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering,SCOPUS(Q2), Thomson Reuters, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)., vol. 32, no. , pp. 5-19, 2017,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Masa'deh, Esra'a, "A new elastic trickle timer algorithm for Internet of Things," Journal of Network and Computer Applications,SCOPUS(Q1), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), vol. 82, no. , pp. 1-24, 2017,
  • Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Talafha, We?am, "A resource-efficient encryption algorithm for multimedia big data," Multimedia Tools and Applications, SCOPUS(Q1),Thomson Reuters, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1)., vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Springer
  • Aljawarneha, Shadi and Aldwairi, Monther and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "Anomaly-based intrusion detection system through feature selection analysis and building hybrid efficient model," Journal of Computational Science, SCOPUS(Q1), Thomson Reuters, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017,,
  • Abuein, Qusai and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mahafza, Reem, "Intelligent system for visual web content analytics: A new approach and case study," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1)., vol. , no. , pp. 1-15, 2017, springer\_
  • Mardini, Wail and Albalas, Firas and Obeidat, Qusai and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "Improved Home Energy Management Techniques for Smart Grids," International Journal of Smart Home, SCOPUS (Q3), vol. 11, no. , pp. 1-20, 2017, Science \& Engineering Research Support soCiety,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayeh, Yaser and Hmeidi, Ismail and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Al-Maolegi, Mohammed, "A New Energy-Efficient Hybrid and Clustering Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and ALbalas, Firas and Odeh, Alaa, "Energy-Aware objective function for RPL Routing in Internet of Things," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Talafha, We?am, "A Multithreaded Programming Approach for Multimedia Big Data: Encryption System," Multimedia Tools and Applications, SCOPUS(Q1),Thomson Reuters, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1)., vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017,\%2Fs11042-017-4873-9
  • Johnson, Richard D, "An official publication of the Information Resources Management Association," Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, vol. 28, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016
  • Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "A multithreaded programming approach for multimedia big data: encryption system," Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. , no. , pp. 1-20, 2017, Springer US
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Mardini, Wail and Al-zoubi, Dua, "Internet of Things Business Impact and its Application Layer Protocol in Embedded Systems," International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, Inderscience, Scopus[Q3]., vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Inderscience
  • Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljundi, Mohammed, "An enhanced J48 classification algorithm for the anomaly intrusion detection systems," Cluster Computing,Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1), vol. , no. , pp. 1-17, 2017, Springer US
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Hamdan, Mohammad and Shehadeh, Hisham and Mrayan, Lina, "A Novel Approach for Health Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 7, no. , pp. 271-281, 2017, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Shatnawi, Mohammed Q and Mardini, Wail and Al-zoubi, Dua', "Internet of things' business impact and its application layer protocol in embedded systems," International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, vol. 4, no. , pp. 143-154, 2017, Inderscience Publishers (IEL)
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khatatbeh, Montaha Hani, "Mining Internet of Things for intelligent objects using genetic algorithm," Computers \& Electrical Engineering,Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1)., vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Elsevier, Pergamon
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Rababah, Yazan, "Adaptive Distance-based Broadcasting Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 8, no. , pp. 222-231, 2018, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Saad, Mohammad, "An Efficient on-Demand Constrained Application Protocol for Internet of Things," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 8, no. , pp. 232-239, 2018, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Al Bataineh, Manar, "Enhanced Home Energy Management Scheme (EHEM) in Smart Grids," Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS),, vol. 10, no. , pp. 85-90, 2018, SCOPUS Q2
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Yang, Shusen and Huang, Haojun, "Message from the GreenCom-2017 Workshop/Symposium Chairs," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini and Wail and Al Bataineh, Manar, "Enhanced Home Energy Management Scheme (EHEM) in Smart Grids," International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS),SCOPUS Q2, vol. 10, no. , pp. 0-0, 2018
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Alodibat, Sawsan, "To Propose a New Model for Emergency Systems based on Cloud Computing and Wireless Sensor Networks," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Hmeidi, Ismail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Arrabi, Danah, "BLACK HOLE ATTACK SECURITY ISSUES, CHALLENGES \& SOLUTION IN MANET," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Aljawarneh, Shadi A and Yassein, Muneer O Bani, "A conceptual security framework for cloud computing issues," International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT), vol. 12, no. , pp. 12-24, 2016, IGI Global
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Wahsheh, Yarub, "Hybrid real-time protection system for online social networks," Foundations of Science, vol. , no. , pp. 1-30, 2019, Springer Netherlands
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Abu-Jazoh, Mai, "Intelligent black hole detection in mobile AdHoc networks," International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering SCOPUS Q2, vol. 9, no. , pp. 1968-1977, 2019, Vol 9, No 3: June 2019
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-Nassan, Haneen, "Highly Improved Artificial Bee Colony Scheme to Enhance Coverage and Fault Tolerance in Sensor Networks," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP),SCOPUS Q1, vol. 9, no. , pp. 207-217, 2019, DOI:
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Hmeidi, Ismail and Shehadeh, Haneen and Yaseen, Waed Bani and Masadeh, Esra?a and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Baker, Qanita Bani, "Performance Evaluation of" Dynamic Double Trickle Timer Algorithm" in RPL for Internet of Things (IoT)," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2019
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Mardini, Wail and Al-Abdi, Amnah, "Security Issues in the Internet of Things," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2018
  • Mardini, Wail and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Alrawashdeh, Rana and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Khamayseh, Yaser and Megdadi, Omar, "Enhanced Detection of Epileptic Seizure using EEG signals in Combination with Machine Learning Classifiers," IEEE Access, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2020, IEEE
  • Mhaidat, Nizar M and Ai-Sweedan, Suleiman A and Alzoubi, Karem H and Alazzam, Sayer I and Banihani, Mohammed N and Yasin, Muneer O Bani and Massadeh, Majed M, "Prevalence of depression among relatives of cancer patients in Jordan: a cross-sectional survey," Palliative \& supportive care, vol. 9, no. , pp. 25-29, 2011, Cambridge University Press
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-zou'bi, A and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail, "Improvement on LEACH Protocol of Wireless Sensor Network (VLEACH).," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2009
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khalaf, Mustafa Bani and Al-Dubai, Ahmed Y, "A new probabilistic broadcasting scheme for mobile ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routed networks," The Journal of Supercomputing,SCOPUS (Q1), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)., vol. 53, no. , pp. 196-211, 2010, Springer US
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Nimer, Sanabel and Al-Dubai, Ahmed, "A new dynamic counter-based broadcasting scheme for Mobile Ad hoc Networks," Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory,SCOPUS (Q1), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)., vol. 19, no. , pp. 553-563, 2011, Elsevier
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khaoua, M Ould, "Application of Probabilistic Flooding in MANETs," Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal, vol. 1, no. , pp. 1-5, 2007
  • Bourdena, Athina and Mavromoustakis, Constandinos X and Kormentzas, George and Pallis, Evangelos and Mastorakis, George and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "A resource intensive traffic-aware scheme using energy-aware routing in cognitive radio networks," Future Generation Computer Systems,SCOPUS (Q1), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)., vol. 39, no. , pp. 16-28, 2014, North-Holland,Elsevier
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yassein, MB and Obiedat, Ghadeer, "Survey of latest Wimax technologies and techniques," International Review on Computers and Software, vol. 6, no. , pp. 586-602, 2011, Praise Worthy Prize, FEDERICO II University 21 Claudio Naples I 80125 Italy
  • Shatnawi, Mohammed Q and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mahafza, Reem, "A framework for retrieving Arabic documents based on queries written in Arabic slang language," Journal of Information Science,SCOPUS (Q1), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)., vol. 38, no. , pp. 350-365, 2012, Sage Publications
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Ala?a, N Alslaity and Sana?a, A Alwidian, "An efficient overhead-aware leader election algorithm for distributed systems," International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 49, no. , pp. 10-15, 2012, Foundation of Computer Science, 244 5 th Avenue,\# 1526, New York, NY 10001~?
  • Momani, Ahmad Abed Elellah and Yassein, Muneer O Bani and Darwish, Omar and Manaseer, Saher S and Mardini, Wail, "Intelligent Paging Backoff Algorithm for IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol.," Network Protocols \& Algorithms, vol. 4, no. , pp. 108-123, 2012
  • Yassein, M Bani and Al-Humoud, S and Khaoua, M Ould and Mackenzie, LM, "New counter based broadcast scheme using local neighborhood information in manets," University of Glasgow, Department of Computing Science, Tech. Rep., vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2007
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Mistareehi, Hassan, "Improvement on the Lifetime of the WSN Using Energy Efficiency Saving of Leach Protocol (New Improved LEACH)," Sensors \& Transducers, vol. 130, no. , pp. 0-0, 2011, IFSA Publishing, SL
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Jaradat, Zeinab and Hijazi, Neveen and Mavromoustakis, Constandinos, "New Load Balancing Algorithm for LEACH Protocol (F-VCH LEACH)," Sensors \& Transducers, vol. 145, no. , pp. 0-0, 2012, IFSA Publishing, SL
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Abuein, Qusai and Alzoubi, Deya, "Dynamic probabilistic flooding in DSR routing algorithm for wireless network," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, vol. 4, no. , pp. 352-361, 2012, Academy Publisher, PO Box 40 Oulu 90571 Finland
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Alomari, Mohammed Ahmed and Mavromoustakis, Constandinos X, "Optimized Pessimistic Fibonacci Back-off Algorithm (PFB)," (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,, vol. 3, no. , pp. 0-0, 2012
  • Charalambous, Marios and Mavromoustakis, Constandinos X and Violaris, George C and Yassein, Muneer Bani, "On the mobility scenario implementation using a Graphical P2P Discrete Event Simulator for the Bittorrent Protocol," Journal of Algorithms \& Computational Technology, vol. 7, no. , pp. 449-487, 2013, SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England
  • Yassein, M Bani and Ould-Khaoua, M and Papanatasiou, S, "Performance Analysis of the Effects of Mobility and Traffic Load on Probabilistic Flooding in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Badran, Iman I and Mardini, Wail, "An Adaptive Backoff Algorithm for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks," International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), vol. 3, no. , pp. 1-19, 2011, IGI Global
  • Yassein, M Bani and Dalal?ah, A and Ababneh, I and Khaoua, M Ould, "New Bandwidth Allocation for QoS in ATM Networks," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Al-Salah, Ruba and Yassein, Muneer Bani, "Malicious nodes detection in MANETs: behavioral analysis approach," Journal of networks, vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2012, Academy Publisher
  • Yassein, M Bani and Al-Humoud, S and Khaoua, M Ould and Mackenzie, LM, "Department of Computing Science University of Glasgow Glasgow, G12 8RZ, UK Email:$\{$muneer, sara, mohamed, lewis$\}$@ dcs. gla. ac. uk," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Yassein, M Bani and Dalal?ah, A and Ababneh, I and Ould-Khaoua, M, "Equivalent Bandwidth Allocation for QoS in ATM Networks," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Bahi, J and Yassein, M Bani and Boukerche, A and Mair, Q and Papanatasiou, S, "PMAC-PDG?05 Reviewers," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Zhou, Wanlei and Xiang, Yang and Aggarwal, Akshai K and Akan, {\"O}zg{\"u}r B and Ali, Shawkat and Barcellos, Marinho P and Blundo, Carlo and Boutaba, Raouf and {\c{C}}amtepe, Seyit Ahmet and Crampton, Jason and others, "CSS-08 Organizing and Program Committees," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Hameed, Balqees Abd and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser, "Performance Analysis of Adjusted Counter Based Broadcasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Communications and Network, vol. 2013, no. , pp. 0-0, 2013, Scientific Research Publishing
  • Bani-Yassein, M and Ould-Khaoua, Mohamed and Mackenzie, Lewis M and Papanastasiou, Stylianos, "Performance analysis of adjusted probabilistic broadcasting in mobile ad hoc networks," International Journal of Wireless Information Networks,SCOPUS (Q1), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)., vol. 13, no. , pp. 127-140, 2006, Springer US
  • Mavromoustakis, Constandinos X and Yassein, Muneer Masadeh Bani, "Movement synchronization for improving File-Sharing efficiency using bi-directional recursive data-replication in Vehicular P2P Systems," International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services Volume 5, Number 1 \& 2, 2012, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2012
  • Khamayseh, Yaser M and Yassein, Muneer O Bani and AbdAlghani, Mariam and Mavromoustakis, Constandinos X, "Network size estimation in VANETs.," Network Protocols \& Algorithms, vol. 5, no. , pp. 136-152, 2013
  • Alwidian, Sanaa A and Ababneh, Ismail M and Yassein, Muneer O Bani, "Neighborhood-based route discovery protocols for mobile ad hoc networks," International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), vol. 5, no. , pp. 68-87, 2013, IGI Global
  • Yassein, Muneer O Bani and Khamayseh, Yaser M and Hatamleh, Ali M, "Intelligent randomize round Robin for cloud computing," International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC), vol. 3, no. , pp. 27-33, 2013, IGI Global
  • Yassein, Muneer O Bani and Salayma, Marwa and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser M, "Fibonacci Backoff Algorithm for IEEE 802.15. 4/ZigBee.," Network Protocols \& Algorithms, vol. 4, no. , pp. 62-78, 2012
  • Yassein, Muneer O Bani and Manaseer, Saher S and Momani, Ahmad A, "Adaptive backoff algorithm for wireless internet," International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, vol. 4, no. , pp. 155-163, 2012
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Bader, Abdulraheem and Mardini, Wail and Yasein, Muneer Bani, "A new protocol for detecting black hole nodes in ad hoc networks," International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, vol. 3, no. , pp. 0-0, 2011, Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST)
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Obiedat, Ghadeer and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "Mobility and Load aware Routing protocol for ad hoc networks," Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, vol. 23, no. , pp. 105-113, 2011, Elsevier
  • Mardini, Wail and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Ghaleb, Barraq A, "Rotated Hybrid, Energy-Efficient and Distributed (R-HEED) Clustering Protocol in WSN," Wseas Transactions on Communications, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2014
  • Muneer O. Bani Yasin, "Rotated Hybrid, Energy-Efficient and Distributed (R-HEED) Clustering Protocol in WSN," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Aljawarneh, Shadi and BaniYassein, Muneer, "Integration of Wireless Technologies in Smart University Campus Environment: Framework Architecture," International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), vol. 11, no. , pp. 60-74, 2015, IGI Global
  • Manaseer, Saher S and Ould-Khaoua, Mohamed and Mackenzie, Lewis M, "On a Modified Backoff Algorithm for MAC Protocol in MANETs," International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking (IJBDCN), vol. 5, no. , pp. 60-73, 2009, IGI Global
  • Manaseer, Saher S and Ould-Khaoua, Mohamed and Mackenzie, Lewis M, "Thorough study of the Logarithmic Backoff Algorithm for MAC Protocol in," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Ghaleb, Barraq and Mahmoud, Ibrahim, "A Novel Situation Specific Network Security for Wireless Sensor Networks," Sensors \& Transducers, vol. 186, no. , pp. 33-42, 2015
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Hijazi, Neveen and Jaradat, Zeinab, "A New Load Balancing for LEACH Protocol," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Bader, Abdulraheem and Mardini, Wail and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "A new protocol for detecting black hole nodes in ad hoc networks," International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, vol. 3, no. , pp. 0-0, 2011, Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST)
  • Dragana S. Krsti{\'c}, Suad Suljovi{\'c}, Mihajlo {\v{C}}. Stefanovi{\'c}, Muneer Masadeh Bani Yassein, Danijela Aleksi{\'c}, "Level crossing rate of SC receiver output signal in the presence of Gamma shadowing and k-$\mu$ or Rician multipath fading," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 9, no. , pp. 19-27, 2015
  • Yassein, M Bani and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yatim, Maryan, "NISHA: Novel Interface for Smart Home Applications for Arabic Region," BRIS Journal of Advances in S \& T, vol. 3, no. , pp. 86-98, 2015
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Hamdan, Mohammad and Shehadeh, Hisham and Mrayan, Lina, "An Improvement on Health Monitoring System for Multiple Patients Using Wireless Sensor Network," in process, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, , in process
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Khamayseh, Yaser and Al-Ameri and Mardini, Wail E., "Routing Discovery Algorithm Using Parallel Chase Packet," International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), vol. 4, no. , pp. 104-109, 2013
  • Qasem, Mamoun and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Romdhani, Imed and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "ATP: adaptive tuning protocol for service discovery in Internet of Things.," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2015, ACM
  • Bani-Yassein, Muneer and Al-Maolegi, Mohamed and Khamayseh, Yaser and Krstic, Dragana and Aljawarneh, Shadi, "Smart System for Busy Roads Using Short Range Wireless Technologies," International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 9, no. , pp. 146-152, 2015
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Yaser, Khamayseh and Yatim, Maryan, "NISHA: Novel Interface for Smart Home Applications for Arabic Region," in process, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, , in process
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Hamdan, Mohammad and Shehadeh, Hisham, "PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF HEALTH MONITORING NETWORK FOR ELDERLY PATIENT IN HOME," Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, vol. 9, no. , pp. 108-118, 2016
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Omari, Safwan and Abu Yabes, Enas and Aljawarneh, Shadi, "An Energy Saving Algorithm (ESA) For Wireless Sensor Networks: Testing and Evaluation," RECENT PATENTS ON COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 9, no. , pp. 1-14, 2016, 10.2174/2213275909666151117210403
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Al-Dubai, Ahmed Y, "Message from the IoT-Smart 2015 Workshop Chairs," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Feng, Dengguo and Ray, Indrajit and Abie, Habtamu and Ahn, Gail Joon and Chakraborty, Sudip and Cho, Jin-Hee and Ding, Jen-Wen and Dewri, Rinku and Ferrari, Elena and Giorgini, Paolo and others, "TrustCom 2011," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • MARI{\v{C}}I{\'C}1, SRDJAN and KRSTI{\'C}, DRAGANA and STEFANOVI{\'C}, MIHAJLO and Bani Yassein, MUNEER and VLADETA, MILENKOVI{\'C}, "Performance of SC Receiver over Weibull Multipath Fading Channel," Transactions on Communications, vol. 15, no. , pp. 114-119, 2016
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Fakirah, Fakirah and Abuein, Qusai and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Bani Yaseen, Liath, "Data Traffic Optimization in Different Backoff Algorithms for IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee Networks," International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, vol. 14, no. , pp. 62-66, 2016,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Hatamleh, Ali, "A Novel Technique for Jobs Scheduling In Cloud Computing Systems," International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, vol. 14, no. , pp. 562-568, 2016,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yatim, Maryan, "NISHA: Novel Interface for Smart Home Applications for Arabic RegionSubtitle as needed," (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Al-Rushdan, S and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser, "Performance of Probabilistic Broadcasting of Dynamic Source Routing Protocol," CTRQ 2011, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2011
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-Dubai, Ahmed, "A Novel Broadcast Scheme DSR-based for Mobile Ad hoc Networks," (International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application, vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Damer and Alhuda?, ?Nour, "Flying Ad-Hoc Networks: Routing Protocols, Mobility Models, Issues," International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 7, no. , pp. 162-168, 2016, The Science and Information (SAI) Organization
  • Abuein, Qusai and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Bani-Yaseen, Laith and Al-Omari, Omar and Mehdawi, Moutaz and Altawssi, Hussien, "Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocol (RPL) for Internet of Things," International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application, vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yatim, Maryan, "NISHA: Novel Interface for Smart Home Applications for Arabic Regionsubtitle as Needed," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS, vol. 7, no. , pp. 183-190, 2016, SCIENCE \& INFORMATION SAI ORGANIZATION LTD 183-02 HILL SIDE AVE, JAMAICA, NY~?
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mai, Abujazohl, "Feature Selection for Black Hole Attacks," The Journal of Universal Computer Science, SCOPUS (Q1), SCIE, vol. 22, no. , pp. 521-536, 2016,\_22\_4/feature\_selection\_for\_black
  • Abuein, Qusai and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Batiha, Radwan, "A Framework for Social Media and Text-Based Content Analysis for Event Management Purposes," International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S.), SCOPUS (Q2), vol. 11, no. , pp. 388-394, 2016,\&page=article~?
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Abuein, Qusai Abuein and Bani Amer, Ahmad, "Energy Saving in Constrained Application Protocol of Internet of Things," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q2), vol. 6, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q2)
  • Al-Jarrah, O and Salhieh, A and Qaroush, A and Yassein, MB and Al-Dubai, A and Khaoua, MO, "Dr. Omar AL-JARRAH Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan Selected Scholarly Contributions SCOPUS," Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol. 35, no. , pp. 197-208, 2009
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Salayma, Marwa and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mouftah, Hussien, "Adaptive Duty Cycle (ADC) Energy Effecient Algorithm for ZigBee Networks," International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering,SCOPUS(Q2), Thomson Reuters, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)., vol. 32, no. , pp. 5-19, 2017,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Masa'deh, Esra'a, "A new elastic trickle timer algorithm for Internet of Things," Journal of Network and Computer Applications,SCOPUS(Q1), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), vol. 82, no. , pp. 1-24, 2017,
  • Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Talafha, We?am, "A resource-efficient encryption algorithm for multimedia big data," Multimedia Tools and Applications, SCOPUS(Q1),Thomson Reuters, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1)., vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Springer
  • Aljawarneha, Shadi and Aldwairi, Monther and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "Anomaly-based intrusion detection system through feature selection analysis and building hybrid efficient model," Journal of Computational Science, SCOPUS(Q1), Thomson Reuters, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017,,
  • Abuein, Qusai and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mahafza, Reem, "Intelligent system for visual web content analytics: A new approach and case study," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1)., vol. , no. , pp. 1-15, 2017, springer\_
  • Mardini, Wail and Albalas, Firas and Obeidat, Qusai and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "Improved Home Energy Management Techniques for Smart Grids," International Journal of Smart Home, SCOPUS (Q3), vol. 11, no. , pp. 1-20, 2017, Science \& Engineering Research Support soCiety,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayeh, Yaser and Hmeidi, Ismail and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Al-Maolegi, Mohammed, "A New Energy-Efficient Hybrid and Clustering Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and ALbalas, Firas and Odeh, Alaa, "Energy-Aware objective function for RPL Routing in Internet of Things," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Talafha, We?am, "A Multithreaded Programming Approach for Multimedia Big Data: Encryption System," Multimedia Tools and Applications, SCOPUS(Q1),Thomson Reuters, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1)., vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017,\%2Fs11042-017-4873-9
  • Johnson, Richard D, "An official publication of the Information Resources Management Association," Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, vol. 28, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016
  • Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "A multithreaded programming approach for multimedia big data: encryption system," Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. , no. , pp. 1-20, 2017, Springer US
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Mardini, Wail and Al-zoubi, Dua, "Internet of Things Business Impact and its Application Layer Protocol in Embedded Systems," International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, Inderscience, Scopus[Q3]., vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Inderscience
  • Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljundi, Mohammed, "An enhanced J48 classification algorithm for the anomaly intrusion detection systems," Cluster Computing,Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1), vol. , no. , pp. 1-17, 2017, Springer US
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Hamdan, Mohammad and Shehadeh, Hisham and Mrayan, Lina, "A Novel Approach for Health Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 7, no. , pp. 271-281, 2017, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Shatnawi, Mohammed Q and Mardini, Wail and Al-zoubi, Dua', "Internet of things' business impact and its application layer protocol in embedded systems," International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, vol. 4, no. , pp. 143-154, 2017, Inderscience Publishers (IEL)
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khatatbeh, Montaha Hani, "Mining Internet of Things for intelligent objects using genetic algorithm," Computers \& Electrical Engineering,Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) ,SCOPUS(Q1)., vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2017, Elsevier, Pergamon
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Rababah, Yazan, "Adaptive Distance-based Broadcasting Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 8, no. , pp. 222-231, 2018, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Saad, Mohammad, "An Efficient on-Demand Constrained Application Protocol for Internet of Things," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), SCOPUS (Q1), vol. 8, no. , pp. 232-239, 2018, Praise Worthy Prize,SCOPUS (Q1)
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Al Bataineh, Manar, "Enhanced Home Energy Management Scheme (EHEM) in Smart Grids," Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS),, vol. 10, no. , pp. 85-90, 2018, SCOPUS Q2
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Yang, Shusen and Huang, Haojun, "Message from the GreenCom-2017 Workshop/Symposium Chairs," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini and Wail and Al Bataineh, Manar, "Enhanced Home Energy Management Scheme (EHEM) in Smart Grids," International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS),SCOPUS Q2, vol. 10, no. , pp. 0-0, 2018
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Alodibat, Sawsan, "To Propose a New Model for Emergency Systems based on Cloud Computing and Wireless Sensor Networks," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Hmeidi, Ismail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Arrabi, Danah, "BLACK HOLE ATTACK SECURITY ISSUES, CHALLENGES \& SOLUTION IN MANET," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Aljawarneh, Shadi A and Yassein, Muneer O Bani, "A conceptual security framework for cloud computing issues," International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT), vol. 12, no. , pp. 12-24, 2016, IGI Global
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Wahsheh, Yarub, "Hybrid real-time protection system for online social networks," Foundations of Science, vol. , no. , pp. 1-30, 2019, Springer Netherlands
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Abu-Jazoh, Mai, "Intelligent black hole detection in mobile AdHoc networks," International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering SCOPUS Q2, vol. 9, no. , pp. 1968-1977, 2019, Vol 9, No 3: June 2019
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-Nassan, Haneen, "Highly Improved Artificial Bee Colony Scheme to Enhance Coverage and Fault Tolerance in Sensor Networks," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP),SCOPUS Q1, vol. 9, no. , pp. 207-217, 2019, DOI:
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Hmeidi, Ismail and Shehadeh, Haneen and Yaseen, Waed Bani and Masadeh, Esra?a and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Baker, Qanita Bani, "Performance Evaluation of" Dynamic Double Trickle Timer Algorithm" in RPL for Internet of Things (IoT)," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2019
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Mardini, Wail and Al-Abdi, Amnah, "Security Issues in the Internet of Things," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2018
  • Mardini, Wail and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Alrawashdeh, Rana and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Khamayseh, Yaser and Megdadi, Omar, "Enhanced Detection of Epileptic Seizure using EEG signals in Combination with Machine Learning Classifiers," IEEE Access, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2020, IEEE
  • Muneer O. Bani Yasin, "New Adaptive Counter Based Broadcast Using Neighborhood Information in MANETS," Proceeding of the 23rd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 2009, pp. 0-0
  • Marwa Salayma, Ahmed Al-Dubai, Imed Romdhani, Muneer Bani Yassein, "Battery Aware Beacon Enabled IEEE 802.15.4: An Adaptive and Cross-Layer Approach," Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Sep 2015, pp. 1267-1272, 978-83-60810-66-8/$25.00 c 2015, IEEE
  • Mohamed Eshaftri, Ahmed Y.Al-Dubai, Imed Romdhani, Muneer Beni Yassien, "A New Energy Efficient Cluster based Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks," Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Sep 2015, pp. 1209-1215, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Ould-Khaoua, Mohamed and Papanastasiou, Stylianos, "On the performance of probabilistic flooding in mobile ad hoc networks," , 2005, pp. 125-129, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Ould-Khaoua, M and Mackenzie, L and Papanastasiou, S, "Improving the performance of probabilistic flooding in manets," , 2005, pp. 1-6
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-Dubai, A and Khaoua, M Ould and Al-jarrah, Omar M, "New adaptive counter based broadcast using neighborhood information in manets," , 2009, pp. 1-7, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Ould-Khaoua, Mohamed and Papanastasiou, Stylianos, "Performance evaluation of flooding in MANETs in the presence of multi-broadcast traffic," , 2005, pp. 505-509, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer, "A Performance Comparison of Different Backoff Algorithms under Different Rebroadcast Probabilities for MANET?s," , 2016, pp. 0-0, University of Leeds
  • Yassein, M Bani and Papanastasiou, M Ould-Khaoua S and Al-Ayyoub, A, "On the effect of Mobility and Density on Probabilistic Flooding in MANETs," , 2004, pp. 0-0
  • Yassein, M Bani and Khalaf, M Bani, "Performance Evolution of Multiple Probabilities of Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Victor Protocol (AODV)," , 2009, pp. 0-0
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Al-hassan, Asmahan Abu and Taye, Zainab Abu, "Performance analysis of the effects of network density and network mobility on velocity-based scheme in mobile ad hoc network," , 2010, pp. 1-7, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Abuein, Qusai and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Alzoubi, Deya, "Analytical Study of the Effect of Transmission Range on the Performance of Probabilistic Flooding Protocols in MANETs," , 2001, pp. 0-0
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Yasin, Muneer Bani, "PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF DIFFERENT MINIMUM SPANNING TREES SCHEMES FOR SCHEDULING IN WMNS," , 2009, pp. 160-164
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Abed Al-Hameed, B and Mavromoustakis, Constandinos, "Adaptive counter-based broadcasting scheme in mobile ad hoc networks," , 2012, pp. 47-52
  • Salayma, Marwa and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yassein, Muneer Bani, "IEEE802. 15.4 performance in various WSNs applications," , 2013, pp. 103-116
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khaoua, M Ould and Mackenzie, Lewis M and Papanastasiou, Stylianos, "Performance evaluation of adjusted probabilistic broadcasting in MANETs," , 2006, pp. 245-249, IEEE
  • DraganaKrstic, Suad suljovic, Mihajlo Stefanovic, Muneer Masadeh Bani Yassein, Srdjan Mari{\v{c}}i{\'c}, "Level Crossing Rate of SC Receiver over Gamma Shadowed Rician Multipath Fading Environment," , 2014, pp. 0-0,
  • BaniYassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Nawafleh and Bahaa, "Improved AODV Protocol to Detect and Avoid Black Hole Nodes in MANETs,," , 2014, pp. 0-0
  • Manaseer, S and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "Pessimistic backoff for mobile ad hoc networks," , 2009, pp. 0-0
  • Masadeh, Muneer and Nimer, Sanabel Fathi and Al-Dubai, Ahmed Y, "The effects of network density of a new counter-based broadcasting scheme in mobile ad hoc networks," , 2010, pp. 1462-1467, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Al Oqaily, Osama and Min, Geyong and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Manaseer, Saher S, "Enhanced Fibonacci backoff algorithm for mobile Ad-hoc network," , 2010, pp. 749-754, IEEE
  • Alsmearat, Kholoud and Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "A new broadcast scheme for sensor networks," , 2014, pp. 824-828, IEEE
  • BANI YASSEIN, MUNEER and AL-MAOLEGI, MOHAMMED and KHAMAYSEH, YASER and KRSTIC, DRAGANA and ALJAWARNEH, SHADI, "Intelligent Transportation System for Crowded Streets Using Short Range Wireless Technologies," , 2015, pp. 0-0
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Mohammed, Al-Maoleg{\i} and Khamayseh, Yaser and Dragana, Krst{\i}c and Shadi, Aljawarneh, "Intelligent Transportation System for Crowded Streets Using Short Range Wireless Technologies," , 2015, pp. 20-22
  • Eshaftri, Mohamed and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Romdhani, Imed and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "A New Energy Efficient Cluster based Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks," , 2015, pp. 0-0, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-Dubai, Ahmed, "Inspired Counter Based Broadcasting in Dynamic Source Routing Protocol," , 2015, pp. 0-0, IEEE
  • BaniYassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Fakirah, Maged and Mohsen, Ghassan, "Optimization in Backoff Technique for IEEE 802.15.4/ ZigBee Networks," , 2014, pp. 0-0
  • Salayma, Marwa and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Romdhani, Imed and Yassein, Muneer Bani, "Battery aware beacon enabled IEEE 802.15. 4: An adaptive and cross-layer approach," , 2015, pp. 1267-1272, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Khamayseh, Yaser and Nawafleh, Bahaa, "Improved AODV Protocol to Detect and Avoid Black Hole Nodes in MANETs," , , pp. 0-0
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Abuein, Qusai and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Alzoubi, Deya, "Analytical Study of the Effect of Transmission Range on the Performance of Probabilistic Flooding Protocols in MANETs," , 2011, pp. 0-0,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Al-zoubi, Dua?, "Application Layer Protocols for the Internet of Things," , 2016, pp. 0-0, IEEE
  • Bani Yasin, Muneer and Abuein, Qusai and Bani Amer, Ahmad and Qasem, Mamoun, "An Energy-efficient Technique for Constrained Application Protocol of Internet of Things," , 2016, pp. 0-0, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Wahsheh, Yarub A, "HQTP v. 2: holy Quran transfer protocol version 2," , 2016, pp. 1-5, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mardini, Wail and Khalil, Ashwaq, "Smart Homes Automation using Z-wave Protocol," , 2016, pp. 0-0, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawaerneh, Shadi Aljawaerneh and Abdulraziq, Reema, "Secure Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchal Based on Internet of Things for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN): Survey," , 2016, pp. 0-0, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Krsti{\'c}, Dragana and Stefanovi{\'c}, Mihajlo and Doljak, Vesad and Aleksi{\'c}, Danijela and Yassein, Muneer Masadeh Bani and Gligorijevi{\'c}, Milan, "Performance analysis of wireless systems in the presence of k-$\mu$ short term fading, Gamma long term fading and k-$\mu$ cochannel interference," , 2016, pp. 135-140, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Ghaleb, Baraq, "A new dynamic trickle algorithm for low power and lossy networks," , 2016, pp. 1-6, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Aljarrah, Emran and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi, "Routing protocol of low-power and lossy network: Survey and open issues," , 2016, pp. 1-6, IEEE,SCOPUS
  • Krstic, Dragana and Stefanovic, Mihajlo and Milenkovic, Vladeta and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Popovic, Zoran, "Wireless relay system with two sections in the presence of K-$\mu$ and $\eta$-$\mu$ multipath fading," , 2016, pp. 1-6, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Alodibat, Sawsan, "A mathematical model of integrated cloud computing and WSNs for emergency systems," , 2017, pp. 0-0, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Aljwarneh, Shadi and Al-Hatmi, Razan, "Internet of Things: Survey and open issues of MQTT Protocol," , 2017, pp. 0-0, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Sarayrah, Walaa, "Mobility Management of Internet of Things: Protocols, Challenges and Open Issues," , 2017, pp. 0-0, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Huthaifi, Rasha, "Enhancements of LEACH Protocol: Security and Open Issues," , 2017, pp. 1-8, IEEE, SCOPUS,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Qawasmeh, Ethar and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail, "Comprehensive Study of Symmetric Key and Asymmetric Key Encryption Algorithms," , 2017, pp. 1-7, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Mardin, Wail and Al-Shargabi, Bassam and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Alkhatatbeh, Amani and Bani Abdarahman, Esraa, "Energy Saving in Modified RPL: An Experimental Study and Results," , 2017, pp. 0-0, 2519-786x
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Sadi, Aisha, "Challenges and features of IoT communications in 5G networks," , 2017, pp. 1-5, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Mardini, Wail and Al-Rashdan, Wesam, "Combined software-defined network (SDN) and Internet of Things (IoT)," , 2017, pp. 1-6, IEEE
  • McQuaid, Ronald W and Christy, Beverley, "European economic development partnerships-the case of the Eastern Scotland European partnership," , 1999, pp. 0-0
  • Shatnawi, Mohammed and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-natour and Hashem, "Customer relationship management at Jordan university of science and technology: Case study, issues and recommendations," , 2017, pp. 1-6, IEEE, SCOPUS,
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Abuein, Qusai and Alasal, Sanaa Abu, "Combining software-defined networking with Internet of Things: Survey on security and performance aspects," , 2017, pp. 1-7, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Sarayrah, Walaa, "Mobility management of Internet of Things: Protocols, challenges and open issues," , 2017, pp. 1-8, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Alodibat, Sawsan, "A mathematical model of integrated cloud computing and WSNs for emergency systems," , 2017, pp. 1-12, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Shatnawi, Mohammed Q and Aljwarneh, Shadi and Al-Hatmi, Razan, "Internet of Things: Survey and open issues of MQTT protocol," , 2017, pp. 1-6, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mardini, Wail and Almasri, Taha, "Evaluation of security regarding Z-Wave wireless protocol," , 2018, pp. 0-0, ACM ICPS (The ISBN number assigned to ICEMIS 2018 is 978-1-4503-6392-1~?
  • Shehadeh, Haneen and Mardini, Wail and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Habeeb, Doaa and Bani Yaseen, Waed, "Hop Count " Dynamic Double Trickle Timer Algorithm Use Case: Data Aggregation In Smart Green House," , 2018, pp. 0-0,\_2018\_Full\_Conf\_Program\_AA18.pdf
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Alnadi, Ansam and Bataineh, Asmaa, "Randomized Dynamic Trickle Timer Algorithm for Internet of Things," , 2018, pp. 187-197, Computer Science \& Information Technology , AIRCC Publishing Corporation
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Hmeidi, Ismail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Arrabi, Danah, "Black Hole Attack Security Issues, Challenges \& Solution in MANET," , 2018, pp. 199-207, Computer Science \& Information Technology , AIRCC Publishing Corporation
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Flefil, Ameena and Krsti{\'c}, Dragana and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Shatnawi, Mohammed, "Performance Evaluation of RPL in High Density Networks for Internet of Things (IoT)," , 2019, pp. 0-0,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Hmeidi, Ismail and shehadeh, Haneen and Masa?deh, Esra?a and Bani Yaseen, Waed and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Bani Baker, Qanita, "Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Double Trickle Timer Algorithm in RPL for Internet of Things," , 2019, pp. 0-0,
  • Jamal, Abdulai and Ould-Khaou, Mohamed and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mackenzie, Lewis, "Improving probabilistic route discovery in mobile ad hoc networks," , 2007, pp. 0-0
  • Mohammed, Aminu and Mohammed and Ould-Khaou, Mohamed and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mackenzie, Lewis, "An efficient counter-based broadcast scheme for mobile ad hoc networks," , 2007, pp. 0-0
  • Aminu Mohammed, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua and Bani Yassein,, Muneer and Mackenzie, Lewis, "An efficient counter-based broadcast scheme for mobile ad hoc networks," , 2007, pp. 0-0
  • Constandinos X Mavromoustakis, Konstantinos G Zerfiridis, "On the diversity properties of wireless mobility with the user-centered temporal capacity awareness for EC in wireless devices," , 2010, pp. 0-0
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Flefil, Ameena and Krstic, Dragana and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Shatnawi, Mohammed, "Performance evaluation of RPL in high density networks for internet of things (IoT)," , 2019, pp. 183-187
  • AIbales, Firras and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Nassar, Asma'a, "Detecting black hole attacks in MANET using relieff classification algorithm," , 2019, pp. 0-0,
  • Jamal-Deen, Abdulai and Mohamed, Ould-Khaoua and Lewis, Mackenzie and Aminu, Mohammed, "Neighbour coverage: A dynamic probabilistic route discovery for mobile ad hoc networks," , 2008, pp. 0-0
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-smadi, Lujain and Mrayan, Lina, "A Survey of Mobile Health Applications in Context of Internet of Things," , 2019, pp. 0-0,
  • Krstic, D and Stefanovic, M and Doljak, V and Aleksic, D and Yassein, M and Frtuni{\'c} Gligorijevi{\'c}, M, "Performance analysis of wireless systems in the presence of k-$\mu$ short term fading, Gamma long term fading and k-$\mu$ cochannel interference," , 2016, pp. 0-0
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Al-smadi, Lujain and Mrayan, Lina, "A Survey of Mobile Health Applications in Context of Internet of Things," , 2019, pp. 351-357, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Ould-Khaoua, Mohamed and Papanastasiou, Stylianos, "On the performance of probabilistic flooding in mobile ad hoc networks," , 2005, pp. 125-129, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Ould-Khaoua, M and Mackenzie, L and Papanastasiou, S, "Improving the performance of probabilistic flooding in manets," , 2005, pp. 1-6
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-Dubai, A and Khaoua, M Ould and Al-jarrah, Omar M, "New adaptive counter based broadcast using neighborhood information in manets," , 2009, pp. 1-7, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Ould-Khaoua, Mohamed and Papanastasiou, Stylianos, "Performance evaluation of flooding in MANETs in the presence of multi-broadcast traffic," , 2005, pp. 505-509, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer, "A Performance Comparison of Different Backoff Algorithms under Different Rebroadcast Probabilities for MANET?s," , 2016, pp. 0-0, University of Leeds
  • Yassein, M Bani and Papanastasiou, M Ould-Khaoua S and Al-Ayyoub, A, "On the effect of Mobility and Density on Probabilistic Flooding in MANETs," , 2004, pp. 0-0
  • Yassein, M Bani and Khalaf, M Bani, "Performance Evolution of Multiple Probabilities of Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Victor Protocol (AODV)," , 2009, pp. 0-0
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Al-hassan, Asmahan Abu and Taye, Zainab Abu, "Performance analysis of the effects of network density and network mobility on velocity-based scheme in mobile ad hoc network," , 2010, pp. 1-7, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Abuein, Qusai and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Alzoubi, Deya, "Analytical Study of the Effect of Transmission Range on the Performance of Probabilistic Flooding Protocols in MANETs," , 2001, pp. 0-0
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Yasin, Muneer Bani, "PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF DIFFERENT MINIMUM SPANNING TREES SCHEMES FOR SCHEDULING IN WMNS," , 2009, pp. 160-164
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Abed Al-Hameed, B and Mavromoustakis, Constandinos, "Adaptive counter-based broadcasting scheme in mobile ad hoc networks," , 2012, pp. 47-52
  • Salayma, Marwa and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yassein, Muneer Bani, "IEEE802. 15.4 performance in various WSNs applications," , 2013, pp. 103-116
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Khaoua, M Ould and Mackenzie, Lewis M and Papanastasiou, Stylianos, "Performance evaluation of adjusted probabilistic broadcasting in MANETs," , 2006, pp. 245-249, IEEE
  • DraganaKrstic, Suad suljovic, Mihajlo Stefanovic, Muneer Masadeh Bani Yassein, Srdjan Mari{\v{c}}i{\'c}, "Level Crossing Rate of SC Receiver over Gamma Shadowed Rician Multipath Fading Environment," , 2014, pp. 0-0,
  • BaniYassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Nawafleh and Bahaa, "Improved AODV Protocol to Detect and Avoid Black Hole Nodes in MANETs,," , 2014, pp. 0-0
  • Manaseer, S and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "Pessimistic backoff for mobile ad hoc networks," , 2009, pp. 0-0
  • Masadeh, Muneer and Nimer, Sanabel Fathi and Al-Dubai, Ahmed Y, "The effects of network density of a new counter-based broadcasting scheme in mobile ad hoc networks," , 2010, pp. 1462-1467, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Al Oqaily, Osama and Min, Geyong and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Manaseer, Saher S, "Enhanced Fibonacci backoff algorithm for mobile Ad-hoc network," , 2010, pp. 749-754, IEEE
  • Alsmearat, Kholoud and Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "A new broadcast scheme for sensor networks," , 2014, pp. 824-828, IEEE
  • BANI YASSEIN, MUNEER and AL-MAOLEGI, MOHAMMED and KHAMAYSEH, YASER and KRSTIC, DRAGANA and ALJAWARNEH, SHADI, "Intelligent Transportation System for Crowded Streets Using Short Range Wireless Technologies," , 2015, pp. 0-0
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Mohammed, Al-Maoleg{\i} and Khamayseh, Yaser and Dragana, Krst{\i}c and Shadi, Aljawarneh, "Intelligent Transportation System for Crowded Streets Using Short Range Wireless Technologies," , 2015, pp. 20-22
  • Eshaftri, Mohamed and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Romdhani, Imed and Bani Yassein, Muneer, "A New Energy Efficient Cluster based Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks," , 2015, pp. 0-0, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-Dubai, Ahmed, "Inspired Counter Based Broadcasting in Dynamic Source Routing Protocol," , 2015, pp. 0-0, IEEE
  • BaniYassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Fakirah, Maged and Mohsen, Ghassan, "Optimization in Backoff Technique for IEEE 802.15.4/ ZigBee Networks," , 2014, pp. 0-0
  • Salayma, Marwa and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Romdhani, Imed and Yassein, Muneer Bani, "Battery aware beacon enabled IEEE 802.15. 4: An adaptive and cross-layer approach," , 2015, pp. 1267-1272, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Khamayseh, Yaser and Nawafleh, Bahaa, "Improved AODV Protocol to Detect and Avoid Black Hole Nodes in MANETs," , , pp. 0-0
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Abuein, Qusai and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Alzoubi, Deya, "Analytical Study of the Effect of Transmission Range on the Performance of Probabilistic Flooding Protocols in MANETs," , 2011, pp. 0-0,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Al-zoubi, Dua?, "Application Layer Protocols for the Internet of Things," , 2016, pp. 0-0, IEEE
  • Bani Yasin, Muneer and Abuein, Qusai and Bani Amer, Ahmad and Qasem, Mamoun, "An Energy-efficient Technique for Constrained Application Protocol of Internet of Things," , 2016, pp. 0-0, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Wahsheh, Yarub A, "HQTP v. 2: holy Quran transfer protocol version 2," , 2016, pp. 1-5, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mardini, Wail and Khalil, Ashwaq, "Smart Homes Automation using Z-wave Protocol," , 2016, pp. 0-0, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawaerneh, Shadi Aljawaerneh and Abdulraziq, Reema, "Secure Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchal Based on Internet of Things for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN): Survey," , 2016, pp. 0-0, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Krsti{\'c}, Dragana and Stefanovi{\'c}, Mihajlo and Doljak, Vesad and Aleksi{\'c}, Danijela and Yassein, Muneer Masadeh Bani and Gligorijevi{\'c}, Milan, "Performance analysis of wireless systems in the presence of k-$\mu$ short term fading, Gamma long term fading and k-$\mu$ cochannel interference," , 2016, pp. 135-140, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Ghaleb, Baraq, "A new dynamic trickle algorithm for low power and lossy networks," , 2016, pp. 1-6, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Aljarrah, Emran and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi, "Routing protocol of low-power and lossy network: Survey and open issues," , 2016, pp. 1-6, IEEE,SCOPUS
  • Krstic, Dragana and Stefanovic, Mihajlo and Milenkovic, Vladeta and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Popovic, Zoran, "Wireless relay system with two sections in the presence of K-$\mu$ and $\eta$-$\mu$ multipath fading," , 2016, pp. 1-6, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Alodibat, Sawsan, "A mathematical model of integrated cloud computing and WSNs for emergency systems," , 2017, pp. 0-0, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Aljwarneh, Shadi and Al-Hatmi, Razan, "Internet of Things: Survey and open issues of MQTT Protocol," , 2017, pp. 0-0, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Sarayrah, Walaa, "Mobility Management of Internet of Things: Protocols, Challenges and Open Issues," , 2017, pp. 0-0, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Huthaifi, Rasha, "Enhancements of LEACH Protocol: Security and Open Issues," , 2017, pp. 1-8, IEEE, SCOPUS,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Qawasmeh, Ethar and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail, "Comprehensive Study of Symmetric Key and Asymmetric Key Encryption Algorithms," , 2017, pp. 1-7, IEEE, SCOPUS
  • Mardin, Wail and Al-Shargabi, Bassam and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Alkhatatbeh, Amani and Bani Abdarahman, Esraa, "Energy Saving in Modified RPL: An Experimental Study and Results," , 2017, pp. 0-0, 2519-786x
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Sadi, Aisha, "Challenges and features of IoT communications in 5G networks," , 2017, pp. 1-5, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Mardini, Wail and Al-Rashdan, Wesam, "Combined software-defined network (SDN) and Internet of Things (IoT)," , 2017, pp. 1-6, IEEE
  • McQuaid, Ronald W and Christy, Beverley, "European economic development partnerships-the case of the Eastern Scotland European partnership," , 1999, pp. 0-0
  • Shatnawi, Mohammed and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-natour and Hashem, "Customer relationship management at Jordan university of science and technology: Case study, issues and recommendations," , 2017, pp. 1-6, IEEE, SCOPUS,
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Abuein, Qusai and Alasal, Sanaa Abu, "Combining software-defined networking with Internet of Things: Survey on security and performance aspects," , 2017, pp. 1-7, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Sarayrah, Walaa, "Mobility management of Internet of Things: Protocols, challenges and open issues," , 2017, pp. 1-8, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Alodibat, Sawsan, "A mathematical model of integrated cloud computing and WSNs for emergency systems," , 2017, pp. 1-12, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Shatnawi, Mohammed Q and Aljwarneh, Shadi and Al-Hatmi, Razan, "Internet of Things: Survey and open issues of MQTT protocol," , 2017, pp. 1-6, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mardini, Wail and Almasri, Taha, "Evaluation of security regarding Z-Wave wireless protocol," , 2018, pp. 0-0, ACM ICPS (The ISBN number assigned to ICEMIS 2018 is 978-1-4503-6392-1~?
  • Shehadeh, Haneen and Mardini, Wail and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Habeeb, Doaa and Bani Yaseen, Waed, "Hop Count " Dynamic Double Trickle Timer Algorithm Use Case: Data Aggregation In Smart Green House," , 2018, pp. 0-0,\_2018\_Full\_Conf\_Program\_AA18.pdf
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Alnadi, Ansam and Bataineh, Asmaa, "Randomized Dynamic Trickle Timer Algorithm for Internet of Things," , 2018, pp. 187-197, Computer Science \& Information Technology , AIRCC Publishing Corporation
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Hmeidi, Ismail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Arrabi, Danah, "Black Hole Attack Security Issues, Challenges \& Solution in MANET," , 2018, pp. 199-207, Computer Science \& Information Technology , AIRCC Publishing Corporation
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Flefil, Ameena and Krsti{\'c}, Dragana and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Shatnawi, Mohammed, "Performance Evaluation of RPL in High Density Networks for Internet of Things (IoT)," , 2019, pp. 0-0,
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Hmeidi, Ismail and shehadeh, Haneen and Masa?deh, Esra?a and Bani Yaseen, Waed and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Bani Baker, Qanita, "Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Double Trickle Timer Algorithm in RPL for Internet of Things," , 2019, pp. 0-0,
  • Jamal, Abdulai and Ould-Khaou, Mohamed and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mackenzie, Lewis, "Improving probabilistic route discovery in mobile ad hoc networks," , 2007, pp. 0-0
  • Mohammed, Aminu and Mohammed and Ould-Khaou, Mohamed and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mackenzie, Lewis, "An efficient counter-based broadcast scheme for mobile ad hoc networks," , 2007, pp. 0-0
  • Aminu Mohammed, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua and Bani Yassein,, Muneer and Mackenzie, Lewis, "An efficient counter-based broadcast scheme for mobile ad hoc networks," , 2007, pp. 0-0
  • Constandinos X Mavromoustakis, Konstantinos G Zerfiridis, "On the diversity properties of wireless mobility with the user-centered temporal capacity awareness for EC in wireless devices," , 2010, pp. 0-0
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Flefil, Ameena and Krstic, Dragana and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Shatnawi, Mohammed, "Performance evaluation of RPL in high density networks for internet of things (IoT)," , 2019, pp. 183-187
  • AIbales, Firras and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Nassar, Asma'a, "Detecting black hole attacks in MANET using relieff classification algorithm," , 2019, pp. 0-0,
  • Jamal-Deen, Abdulai and Mohamed, Ould-Khaoua and Lewis, Mackenzie and Aminu, Mohammed, "Neighbour coverage: A dynamic probabilistic route discovery for mobile ad hoc networks," , 2008, pp. 0-0
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-smadi, Lujain and Mrayan, Lina, "A Survey of Mobile Health Applications in Context of Internet of Things," , 2019, pp. 0-0,
  • Krstic, D and Stefanovic, M and Doljak, V and Aleksic, D and Yassein, M and Frtuni{\'c} Gligorijevi{\'c}, M, "Performance analysis of wireless systems in the presence of k-$\mu$ short term fading, Gamma long term fading and k-$\mu$ cochannel interference," , 2016, pp. 0-0
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Al-smadi, Lujain and Mrayan, Lina, "A Survey of Mobile Health Applications in Context of Internet of Things," , 2019, pp. 351-357, IEEE
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer O, On the performance of probabilistic flooding in wireless mobile ad hoc networks, , 2006
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer O, On the performance of probabilistic flooding in wireless mobile ad hoc networks, , 2006
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Sadi, Aisha, Challenges and features of IoT communications in 5G networks, , 2017
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Mardini, Wail and Al-Rashdan, Wesam, Combined software-defined network (SDN) and Internet of Things (IoT), , 2017
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mardini, Wail and Almasri, Taha, Evaluation of security regarding Z-Wave wireless protocol, , 2018
  • Shehadeh, Haneen and Mardini, Wail and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Habeeb, Doaa and Bani Yaseen, Waed, Hop Count " Dynamic Double Trickle Timer Algorithm Use Case: Data Aggregation In Smart Green House, , 2018
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Alnadi, Ansam and Bataineh, Asmaa, Randomized Dynamic Trickle Timer Algorithm for Internet of Things, , 2018
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Hmeidi, Ismail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Arrabi, Danah, Black Hole Attack Security Issues, Challenges \& Solution in MANET, , 2018
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer, A Performance Comparison of Different Backoff Algorithms under Different Rebroadcast Probabilities for MANET?s, , 2016
  • DraganaKrstic, Suad suljovic, Mihajlo Stefanovic, Muneer Masadeh Bani Yassein, Srdjan Mari{\v{c}}i{\'c}, Level Crossing Rate of SC Receiver over Gamma Shadowed Rician Multipath Fading Environment, , 2014
  • BaniYassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Nawafleh and Bahaa, Improved AODV Protocol to Detect and Avoid Black Hole Nodes in MANETs,, , 2014
  • Alsmearat, Kholoud and Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud and Bani Yassein, Muneer, A new broadcast scheme for sensor networks, , 2014
  • BANI YASSEIN, MUNEER and AL-MAOLEGI, MOHAMMED and KHAMAYSEH, YASER and KRSTIC, DRAGANA and ALJAWARNEH, SHADI, Intelligent Transportation System for Crowded Streets Using Short Range Wireless Technologies, , 2015
  • Yasse{\i}n, Muneer Ban{\i} and Mohammed, Al-Maoleg{\i} and Khamayseh, Yaser and Dragana, Krst{\i}c and Shad{\i}, Aljawarneh, Intelligent Transportation System for Crowded Streets Using Short Range Wireless Technologies, , 2015
  • Eshaftri, Mohamed and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Romdhani, Imed and Bani Yassein, Muneer, A New Energy Efficient Cluster based Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, , 2015
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-Dubai, Ahmed, Inspired Counter Based Broadcasting in Dynamic Source Routing Protocol, , 2015
  • BaniYassein, Muneer and Khamayseh, Yaser and Fakirah, Maged and Mohsen, Ghassan, Optimization in Backoff Technique for IEEE 802.15.4/ ZigBee Networks, , 2014
  • Salayma, Marwa and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Romdhani, Imed and Yassein, Muneer Bani, Battery aware beacon enabled IEEE 802.15. 4: An adaptive and cross-layer approach, , 2015
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Al-zoubi, Dua?, Application Layer Protocols for the Internet of Things, , 2016
  • Bani Yasin, Muneer and Abuein, Qusai and Bani Amer, Ahmad and Qasem, Mamoun, An Energy-efficient Technique for Constrained Application Protocol of Internet of Things, , 2016
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Wahsheh, Yarub A, HQTP v. 2: holy Quran transfer protocol version 2, , 2016
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mardini, Wail and Khalil, Ashwaq, Smart Homes Automation using Z-wave Protocol, , 2016
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawaerneh, Shadi Aljawaerneh and Abdulraziq, Reema, Secure Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchal Based on Internet of Things for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN): Survey, , 2016
  • Krsti{\'c}, Dragana and Stefanovi{\'c}, Mihajlo and Doljak, Vesad and Aleksi{\'c}, Danijela and Yassein, Muneer Masadeh Bani and Gligorijevi{\'c}, Milan, Performance analysis of wireless systems in the presence of k-$\mu$ short term fading, Gamma long term fading and k-$\mu$ cochannel interference, , 2016
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Ghaleb, Baraq, A new dynamic trickle algorithm for low power and lossy networks, , 2016
  • Aljarrah, Emran and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi, Routing protocol of low-power and lossy network: Survey and open issues, , 2016
  • Krstic, Dragana and Stefanovic, Mihajlo and Milenkovic, Vladeta and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Popovic, Zoran, Wireless relay system with two sections in the presence of K-$\mu$ and $\eta$-$\mu$ multipath fading, , 2016
  • Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Alodibat, Sawsan, A mathematical model of integrated cloud computing and WSNs for emergency systems, , 2017
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Shatnawi, Mohammed and Aljwarneh, Shadi and Al-Hatmi, Razan, Internet of Things: Survey and open issues of MQTT Protocol, , 2017
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Sarayrah, Walaa, Mobility Management of Internet of Things: Protocols, Challenges and Open Issues, , 2017
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Huthaifi, Rasha, Enhancements of LEACH Protocol: Security and Open Issues, , 2017
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Qawasmeh, Ethar and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail, Comprehensive Study of Symmetric Key and Asymmetric Key Encryption Algorithms, , 2017
  • Mardin, Wail and Al-Shargabi, Bassam and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Alkhatatbeh, Amani and Bani Abdarahman, Esraa, Energy Saving in Modified RPL: An Experimental Study and Results, , 2017
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Sadi, Aisha, Challenges and features of IoT communications in 5G networks, , 2017
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Mardini, Wail and Al-Rashdan, Wesam, Combined software-defined network (SDN) and Internet of Things (IoT), , 2017
  • Shatnawi, Mohammed and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Al-natour and Hashem, Customer relationship management at Jordan university of science and technology: Case study, issues and recommendations, , 2017
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Abuein, Qusai and Alasal, Sanaa Abu, Combining software-defined networking with Internet of Things: Survey on security and performance aspects, , 2017
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Sarayrah, Walaa, Mobility management of internet of things: Protocols, challenges and open issues, , 2017
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Alodibat, Sawsan, A mathematical model of integrated cloud computing and WSNs for emergency systems, , 2017
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Shatnawi, Mohammed Q and Aljwarneh, Shadi and Al-Hatmi, Razan, Internet of Things: Survey and open issues of MQTT protocol, , 2017
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Mardini, Wail and Almasri, Taha, Evaluation of security regarding Z-Wave wireless protocol, , 2018
  • Shehadeh, Haneen and Mardini, Wail and Bani Yassein, Muneer and Habeeb, Doaa and Bani Yaseen, Waed, Hop Count " Dynamic Double Trickle Timer Algorithm Use Case: Data Aggregation In Smart Green House, , 2018
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Alnadi, Ansam and Bataineh, Asmaa, Randomized Dynamic Trickle Timer Algorithm for Internet of Things, , 2018
  • Bani Yassein, Muneer and Hmeidi, Ismail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Arrabi, Danah, Black Hole Attack Security Issues, Challenges \& Solution in MANET, , 2018
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer, Integration of wireless technologies in Smart University Campus environment: framework architecture, Smart Technologies: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, SCOPUS, IGI Global, 2018
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Shatnawi, Mohammed and others, A Survey of Probabilistic Broadcast Schemes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Critical Research on Scalability and Security Issues in Virtual Cloud Environments, IGI Global, 2018
  • Abdulraziq, Reema and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi, The Rise of Big Data, Cloud, and Internet of Things: Three Trends to Watch, Critical Research on Scalability and Security Issues in Virtual Cloud Environments, IGI Global, 2018
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Mardini, Wail and Al-Abdi, Amnah, Security Issues in the Internet of Things: A Review, Critical Research on Scalability and Security Issues in Virtual Cloud Environments, IGI Global, 2018
  • Salayma, Marwa and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Romdhani, Imed and Bani Yassein, Muneer, BARBEI: A new adaptive battery aware and reliable beacon enabled technique for IEEE 802.15.4 MAC (Article), Advances in Network Systems,Springer, SCOPUS, Springer Verlag, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44354-6\_18, ISSN: 21945357, 2017
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer, Integration of wireless technologies in Smart University Campus environment: framework architecture, Smart Technologies: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, SCOPUS, IGI Global, 2018
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Shatnawi, Mohammed and others, A Survey of Probabilistic Broadcast Schemes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Critical Research on Scalability and Security Issues in Virtual Cloud Environments, IGI Global, 2018
  • Abdulraziq, Reema and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi, The Rise of Big Data, Cloud, and Internet of Things: Three Trends to Watch, Critical Research on Scalability and Security Issues in Virtual Cloud Environments, IGI Global, 2018
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Mardini, Wail and Al-Abdi, Amnah, Security Issues in the Internet of Things: A Review, Critical Research on Scalability and Security Issues in Virtual Cloud Environments, IGI Global, 2018
  • Salayma, Marwa and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Romdhani, Imed and Bani Yassein, Muneer, BARBEI: A new adaptive battery aware and reliable beacon enabled technique for IEEE 802.15.4 MAC (Article), Advances in Network Systems,Springer, SCOPUS, Springer Verlag, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44354-6\_18, ISSN: 21945357, 2017
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer, Integration of wireless technologies in Smart University Campus environment: framework architecture, Smart Technologies: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, SCOPUS, IGI Global, 2018
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Shatnawi, Mohammed and others, A Survey of Probabilistic Broadcast Schemes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Critical Research on Scalability and Security Issues in Virtual Cloud Environments, IGI Global, 2018
  • Abdulraziq, Reema and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi, The Rise of Big Data, Cloud, and Internet of Things: Three Trends to Watch, Critical Research on Scalability and Security Issues in Virtual Cloud Environments, IGI Global, 2018
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Mardini, Wail and Al-Abdi, Amnah, Security Issues in the Internet of Things: A Review, Critical Research on Scalability and Security Issues in Virtual Cloud Environments, IGI Global, 2018
  • Salayma, Marwa and Al-Dubai, Ahmed and Romdhani, Imed and Bani Yassein, Muneer, BARBEI: A new adaptive battery aware and reliable beacon enabled technique for IEEE 802.15.4 MAC (Article), Advances in Network Systems,Springer, SCOPUS, Springer Verlag, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44354-6\_18, ISSN: 21945357, 2017
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Bani Yassein, Muneer, Integration of wireless technologies in Smart University Campus environment: framework architecture, Smart Technologies: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, SCOPUS, IGI Global, 2018
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Shatnawi, Mohammed and others, A Survey of Probabilistic Broadcast Schemes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Critical Research on Scalability and Security Issues in Virtual Cloud Environments, IGI Global, 2018
  • Abdulraziq, Reema and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi, The Rise of Big Data, Cloud, and Internet of Things: Three Trends to Watch, Critical Research on Scalability and Security Issues in Virtual Cloud Environments, IGI Global, 2018
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Mardini, Wail and Al-Abdi, Amnah, Security Issues in the Internet of Things: A Review, Critical Research on Scalability and Security Issues in Virtual Cloud Environments, IGI Global, 2018
  • Omar Abdelkarim Menawer Alzoubi, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin
  • Malik Ghazi Raji Qasaimeh, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin
  • Marah Riyad Alayan Bataineh, Wail Elias Sami Mardini, Yaser Mohammad Mahmoud Khamayseh, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin
  • Omar Abdelkarim Menawer Alzoubi, Buthina Hussein Mohmad Makhadmih, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin, Wail Elias Sami Mardini
  • "Routing protocol for low power and lossy network?load balancing time-based", International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics
    Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin, Shadi Abdel Rahman Mohammad Aljawarneh, Iman Qasem Mohammad Eyadat
  • Shadi Abdel Rahman Mohammad Aljawarneh, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin
  • Wail Elias Sami Mardini, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin, Rana Abde Rahman Ahmad Alrawashdeh, Shadi Abdel Rahman Mohammad Aljawarneh, Yaser Mohammad Mahmoud Khamayseh, Omar Mohammed Ali Meqdadi
  • Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin, Shadi Abdel Rahman Mohammad Aljawarneh, Yarub Ahmad Mutleq Wahsheh
  • Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin
  • Wail Elias Sami Mardini, Yaser Mohammad Mahmoud Khamayseh, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin, Khatatbeh Mostafa Hani Montaha
  • Shadi Abdel Rahman Mohammad Aljawarneh, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin, Mohammd Khaled Abd-Alziz Aljundi
  • Shadi Abdel Rahman Mohammad Aljawarneh, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin, Weam Adel Mahmoud Talafha
  • Qusai Qasem Moh'D Abuein, Mohammed Qassim Mousa Shatnawi, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin
  • Shadi Abdel Rahman Mohammad Aljawarneh, Monther Mustafa Mohammed Al Dwairi, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin
  • "A new elastic trickle timer algorithm for Internet of Things", Journal of Network and Computer Applications
    Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin, Shadi Abdel Rahman Mohammad Aljawarneh, Esra'A "Mohammad Taisir" Abedalqader Masa'Deh
  • Shadi Abdel Rahman Mohammad Aljawarneh, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin, Weam Adel Mahmoud Talafha
  • Dean , Faculty Of Computer And Information Technology, Sep 2024 - Present
  • Dean , Faculty Of Computer And Information Technology, Sep 2022 - Sep 2024
  • Vice Dean, Vice Dean, Sep 2021 - Sep 2022
  • Vice Dean, Vice Dean, Sep 2020 - Sep 2021
  • Vice Dean, Vice Dean, Sep 2019 - Sep 2020
  • Vice Dean, Vice Dean, Sep 2018 - Sep 2018
  • Vice Dean, Vice Dean, Sep 2018 - Sep 2019
  • Vice Dean, Vice dean, Sep 2017 - Sep 2018
  • Vice Dean, Vice Dean, Sep 2016 - Sep 2017
  • Vice Dean, Vice Dean, Sep 2013 - Sep 2014
  • Vice Dean, Vice Dean, Sep 2010 - Sep 2012
  • Deputy Head of Department, Department of Computer Science, Sep 2008 - Aug 2010
  • Faculty Member, Department of Computer Science, Aug 2007 - Present
  • Full-time Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Jun 2007 - Aug 2007
  • Teaching Assistnat, Department of Computer Science, Feb 2002 - Dec 2002
  • Laboratory Supervisor , Faculty Of Computer And Information Technology, Aug 2000 - Feb 2002
  • Laboratory Supervisor , Department of Computer Science, Feb 1989 - Aug 2000
  • Teaching Assistant,, University of Glasgow,, United Kingdom, Jan 2003- May 2007
    Technical Paper Reviews
  • The 7th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2016, Conference, U.S.A
  • The 14th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies: CCCT 2016, Conference, U.S.A
  • IEEE Transactions on Big Data, Journal
    Conference Duties
  • IEEE IUCC 2016: The 15th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications, Spain, Chair
  • IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Pervasive Systems (IoT-SP-2016), Morocco, Chair
  • The 15th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-16), China, Session Chair
    Professional Memberships
  • IEEE, 2005