wail elias mardini
• Department of Computer Science - Faculty Member

  • Ph.D. of Computer Science from University of Ottawa, 2006
  • Msc. of Computer Science from University of New Brunswick, 2001
  • Bsc. of Applied Mathematics from Jordan University of Science and Technology, 1997

  • Wail E. Mardini, Protection of Unicast and Multicast Traffic in WDM Mesh Networks: A Survey, Nova Science Publishers , 2011, Book
  • Wail Mardini, Mai Abu Alfool, "Modified WRR Scheduling Algorithm for WiMAX Networks," Journal of Network Protocols and Algorithms, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 24-53, 2011
  • Wail Mardini, Yaser Khamayseh, Muneer Bani Yasin, Ghadeer Obiedat,, "Survey of Latest WiMAX Technologies and Techniques," Journal of International Review on Computers and Software, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 0-0, 2011
  • Wail Mardini, Muneer Bani Yassein, Zainab AbuTaye', "A NEW BACKOFF ALGORITHM FOR IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC PROTOCOL IN MOBILE AD HOC NETWORKS," Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal (UBICC), vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 907-916, 2011
  • Yaser M Khamayseh, Abdulraheem Bader, Wail Mardini, Muneer BaniYasein, "A New Protocol for Detecting Black Hole Nodes in Ad Hoc Networks," International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 36-47, 2011
  • Wail Mardini; Yaser Khamayseh; Shorouq AL-Eide,, "Optimal Number of Relays in Cooperative Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks," Communications and Network, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 0-0, 2012
  • Wail Mardini, Musab Q. Al-Ghadi, Ismail M. Ababneh,, "Distance-Based Scheme for Vertical Handoff in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 0-0, 2012
  • Yaser Khamayseh, Wail Mardini, Shadi Aljawarneh, Muneer Bani Yassein, "Integration of Wireless Technologies in Smart University Campus Environment: Framework Architecture," International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 74-89, 2015
  • Wail Mardini, Yaser Khamayseh, Abdalrhman Alshakh, Ehab Elmaleh, "Adaptive RSSI-based localization scheme for wireless sensor networks," Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, vol. 2015, no. , pp. 1-14, 2015
  • Yaser Khamayseh, Wail Mardini, Rana Al-Hijjawi, Reem Jaradat, Huessin Mouftah, "Prediction-based Schemes for Coexistence in Personal Wireless Networks," Journal of Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, vol. 26, no. 1-4, pp. 259-285, 2015
  • YASER KHAMAYSEH, WAIL MARDINI, HADEEL TBASHATE, "Leveraging The Data Gathering and Analysis Phases to Gain Situational Awareness," Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 1-20, 2015
  • Wail Mardini, Abdulaziz Alraddadi, "Adaptive Algorithm for Beacon and Superframe Values in IEEE802.15.4 Based Networks," Journal of International Review on Computers and Software, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 1637-1644, 2014
  • Wail Mardini,  Muneer Bani Yassein, Yaser Khamayseh, Barraq Ghaleb, "Rotated Hybrid, Energy-Efficient and Distributed (R-HEED) Clustering Protocol in WSN," WSEAS Transactions on Communications, vol. 13, no. , pp. 275-290, 2014
  • Ismail Ababneh, Wail Mardini, Asmahan Abu al-Hassan, "ADAPTIVE VELOCITY-BASED BROADCASTING IN MOBILE AD HOC NETWORKS," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks , vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 0-0, 2013
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Atwood, J William and Aldwairi, Monther, "{Dynamic framework to mining Internet of Things for multimedia services}," Expert Systems, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2019
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Hmeidi, Ismail and Shehadeh, Haneen and Yaseen, Waed Bani and Masadeh, Esraa and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Baker, Qanita Bani, "{Performance Evaluation of" Dynamic Double Trickle Timer Algorithm" in RPL for Internet of Things (IoT)}," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2019
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Hmeidi, Ismail and Shatnawi, Farah and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser, "{Smart Home Is Not Smart Enough to Protect You-Protocols, Challenges and Open Issues}," Procedia Computer Science, vol. 160, no. , pp. 134-141, 2019, Elsevier
  • Aldwairi, Monther and Mardini, Wail and Alhowaide, Alaa, "{Anomaly payload signature generation system based on efficient tokenization methodology}," International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2018
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and {Al Bataineh}, Manar, "{Enhanced Home Energy Management Scheme (EHEM) in Smart Grids}," International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, vol. 10, no. , pp. 85-90, 2018, Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST)
  • Khamayseh, Yaser M and Mardini, Wail and Halima, Nadhir Ben, "{Evolutionary Algorithm for Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks.}," JCP, vol. 13, no. , pp. 262-270, 2018
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Khatatbeh, Montaha Hani, "{Mining Internet of Things for intelligent objects using genetic algorithm}," Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol. 66, no. , pp. 423-434, 2018
  • MARDINI, WAIL and KHAMAYSEH, YASER and AL-ZARO, SAMAH JAWAD, "{SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT IN COGNITIVE RADIO NETWORKS}," ICIC express letters. Part B, Applications: an international journal of research and surveys, vol. 9, no. , pp. 887-898, 2018, ICIC International
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Salayma, Marwa and Yassien, Muneer Bani and Mouftah, Hussien, "{Adaptive Duty Cycle (ADC) energy efficient algorithm for ZigBee networks}," Computer Systems Science and Engineering, vol. 32, no. , pp. 5-19, 2017
  • Mardini, Wail and Ebrahim, Maad and Al-Rudaini, Mohammed, "{Comprehensive performance analysis of RPL objective functions in IoT networks}," International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, vol. 9, no. , pp. 323-332, 2017
  • Mardini, Wail and Albalas, Firas and Obeidat, Qusai and Yassein, Muneer Masadeh Bani and Joseph, Shibily and Jasmin, E A and Hoque, M Robiul and Kabir, M Humayun and Yang, Sung-Hyun and Ying-nan, Liu and Others, "{Improved home energy management techniques for smart grids}," International Journal of Smart Home, vol. 11, no. , pp. 1-20, 2017
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Shatnawi, Mohammed Q. and Mardini, Wail and Al-zoubi, Dua, "{Internet of things' business impact and its application layer protocol in embedded systems}," International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, vol. 4, no. , pp. 143-154, 2017
  • Albalas, Firas and Mardini, Wail and Bani-Salameh, Dua'a, "{Optimized job scheduling approach based on genetic algorithms in smart grid environment}," International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, vol. 9, no. , pp. 172-176, 2017
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Almodawar, Abdalrhman Abdalkareem and Elmallah, Ehab, "{Adaptive RSSI-based localization scheme for wireless sensor networks}," Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, vol. 9, no. , pp. 991-1004, 2016
  • {Al Balas}, Firas A and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Bani-Salameh, Dua'a Ah K, "{Improved appliance coordination scheme with waiting time in smart grids}," International Journal of advanced computer science and applications, vol. 7, no. , pp. 16-30, 2016
  • Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud and Husari, Ghaith and Mardini, Wail, "{Improving vertical handoffs using mobility prediction}," International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), vol. 7, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016
  • Wail, Mardini and Yaser, Khamayseh and Abdalkareem, Almodawar Abdalrhman and Others, "{Adaptive RSSI-based localization scheme for wireless sensor networks [J]}," Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, vol. , no. , pp. 1-14, 2015
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Yassein, Muneer Bani, "{Integration of wireless technologies in Smart University Campus environment: Framework architecture}," International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, vol. 11, no. , pp. 60-74, 2015
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Tbashate, Hadeel, "{Leveraging The Data Gathering and Analysis Phases to Gain Situational Awareness}," Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, vol. 21, no. , pp. 523-542, 2015
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Al-Hijjawi, Rana and Jaradat, Reem and Mouftah, Hussein, "{Prediction-based schemes for coexistence in personal wireless networks}," Ad-Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, vol. 26, no. , pp. 259-285, 2015
  • Mardini, Wail and Alraddadi, Abdulaziz, "{Adaptive algorithm for beacon and superframe values in IEEE802.15.4 based networks}," International Review on Computers and Software, vol. 9, no. , pp. 1637-1644, 2014
  • Mardini, Wail and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Khamayseh, Yaser and Ghaleb, Barraq A, "{Rotated hybrid, energy-efficient and distributed (R-HEED) clustering protocol in WSN}," wseas transactions on communications, vol. 13, no. , pp. 275-290, 2014
  • Ababneh, Ismail and Mardini, Wail and Al-Hassan, Asmahan Abu, "{ADAPTIVE VELOCITY-BASED ROUTE DISCOVERY IN MOBILE AD HOC NETWORKS}," arallel and Distributed Computing and Networks, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2013
  • Salayma, Marwa and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yasin, Muneer Bani, "{Optimal beacon and superframe orders in WSNs}," topology, vol. 6, no. , pp. 0-0, 2013
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Hameed, Balqees Abd and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser, "{Performance Analysis of Adjusted Counter Based Broadcasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks}," Communications and Network, vol. 5, no. , pp. 0-0, 2013, Scientific Research Publishing
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Al-Ameri, Amera and Khamayseh, Yaser M and Mardini, Wail E, "{Routing Discovery Algorithm Using Parallel Chase Packet}," Editorial Preface, vol. 4, no. , pp. 0-0, 2013
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser M, "{Algorithms and Protocols in Information and Communication Systems.}," Network Protocols {\&} Algorithms, vol. 4, no. , pp. 1-3, 2012
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Shatnawi, Anas, "{An Approximation Algorithm for Vertex Cover Problem}," International Conference on Computer Networks and Communication Systems, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2012
  • Mardini, Wail and Al-Ghadi, Musab Q. and Ababneh, Ismail M., "{Distance-based scheme for vertical handoff in heterogeneous wireless networks}," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, vol. 4, no. , pp. 67-76, 2012
  • Yassein, Muneer O Bani and Salayma, Marwa and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser M, "{Fibonacci Backoff Algorithm for IEEE 802.15. 4/ZigBee.}," Network Protocols {\&} Algorithms, vol. 4, no. , pp. 62-78, 2012
  • Momani, Ahmad Abed Elellah and Yassein, Muneer O Bani and Darwish, Omar and Manaseer, Saher S and Mardini, Wail, "{Intelligent Paging Backoff Algorithm for IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol.}," Network Protocols {\&} Algorithms, vol. 4, no. , pp. 108-123, 2012
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Jaradatand, Reem and Hijjawi, Rana, "{Interference problem between ZigBee and WiFi}," International Proceedings of Computer Science and Information Technology, vol. , no. , pp. 133-138, 2012
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Shorouq, AL-Eide, "{Optimal number of relays in cooperative communication in wireless sensor networks}," Communications and Network, vol. 4, no. , pp. 0-0, 2012, Scientific Research Publishing
  • Ababneh, Ismail and Bani-Mohammad, Saad and Mardini, Wail and Alawneh, Hilal and Hamed, Mohammad, "{The effect of communication on the performance of allocation request shape changes in 2D mesh-connected multicomputers}," International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, vol. 27, no. , pp. 409-433, 2012
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Bader, Abdulraheem and Mardini, Wail and BaniYasein, Muneer, "{A new protocol for detecting black hole nodes in Ad Hoc Networks}," International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, vol. 3, no. , pp. 36-47, 2011
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Badran, Iman I and Mardini, Wail, "{An Adaptive Backoff Algorithm for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks}," International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), vol. 3, no. , pp. 1-19, 2011, IGI Global
  • Mardini, Wail and Alfool, Mai Abu, "{Modified WRR Scheduling Algorithm for WiMAX Networks.}," Network Protocols {\&} Algorithms, vol. 3, no. , pp. 24-53, 2011
  • Al-Ghadi, Mr Musab Q and Ababneh, Ismail M and Mardini, Wail E, "{Performance study of SINR scheme for Vertical Handoff in wireless networks}," Information {\&} Communication Systems, vol. 137, no. , pp. 0-0, 2011
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Obiedat, Ghadeer, "{Survey of latest Wimax technologies and techniques}," International Review on Computers and Software, vol. 6, no. , pp. 586-603, 2011
  • Marini, Michele, "{Preparation of star-shaped polylactic acid drug carrier nanoparticles}," Materials Sciences and Applications, vol. 1, no. , pp. 0-0, 2010, Scientific Research Publishing
  • Ali, Mohammad Ghaleb and Mardini, Wail and Rahbar, Akbar Ghaffar Pour and Khamayseh, Yaser, "{Improvement of Metropolitan Wireless Networking Using Wireless Optical Mesh Networks}," International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, vol. 3, no. , pp. 0-0, 2009
  • Pochec, Przemyslaw and Mardini, Wail, "{ON LATENCY OF A BACKUP SYSTEM}," Applied Simulation and Modelling, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2003
  • Mardini, Wail Elias, "{Modelling with D-queues.}," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2002
  • Pochec, Przemyslaw and Mardini, Wail, "{Modelling with queues: An empirical study}," Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 1, no. , pp. 685-690, 2001
  • Daeinabi, Ameneh and Rahbar, Akbar Ghaffarpour and Mardini, Wail, "{PROTECTION OF UNICAST AND MULTICAST TRAFFIC IN WDM MESH NETWORKS: ASURVEY}," COMPUTER SCIENCE RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY. VOLUME 2, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
  • Musab Al-Ghadi, Ismail Ababneh, Wail Mardini,, "Performance study of SINR scheme for Vertical Handoff in wireless network," International Conference on Information and Communication Systems, May 2011, pp. 0-0
  • Ala'a Al-Howaide, Wail Mardini, Yaser Khamayseh, Muneer Bani Yasin, "Fast String Matching Algorithm," International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (MSE 2010), Oct 2010, pp. 0-0
  • Albalas, Firas and Mardini, Wail and Al-Soud, Majd and Yaseen, Qussai, "{A topology--based performance Evaluation for an adaptive tuning protocol for service and resource discovery in the Internet of Things}," , 2019, pp. 905-909, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Flefil, Ameena and Krstic, Dragana and Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Shatnawi, Mohammed, "{Performance Evaluation of RPL in High Density Networks for Internet of Things (IoT)}," , 2019, pp. 183-187, ACM
  • Rawashdeh, Saif and Eyadat, Walaa and Magableh, Areen and Mardini, Wail and Yasin, Muneer Bani, "{Sustainable Smart World}," , 2019, pp. 217-223, IEEE
  • Abdo, Amr Abu and Al-Qurran, Raffi and Mardini, Wail, "{Enhanced routing algorithm based on depth traversal in software defined wireless sensor networks}," , 2018, pp. 0-0, ACM
  • Mardini, Wail and Ali, Ghaidaa Al-Sheikh and Magdady, Esraa and Al-momani, Sajedah, "{Detecting human emotions using electroencephalography (EEG) using dynamic programming approach}," , 2018, pp. 1-5, IEEE
  • Issa, Manal Bani and Banat, Sajeda and Mardini, Wail and Others, "{Evaluation and Enhancement of the EdgeCloudSim using Poisson Interarrival time and Load capacity}," , 2018, pp. 7-12, IEEE
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Mardini, Wail and Almasri, Taha, "{Evaluation of security regarding Z-Wave wireless protocol}," , 2018, pp. 0-0, ACM
  • Shehadeh, Haneen and Mardini, Wail and Yassein, Muneer Bani and Allah, Doaa Habeeb and Yaseen, Waed Bani, "{Hop count dynamic double trickle timer algorithm use case: data aggregation in smart green house}," , 2018, pp. 0-0, ACM
  • Mardini, Wail and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Abdi, Amnah and Taamneh, Haneen, "{Performance evaluation of RPL objective functions for different sending intervals}," , 2018, pp. 1-6, IEEE
  • Albalas, Firas and Mardini, Wail and Al-Soud, Majd, "{AFT: Adaptive Fibonacci-based Tuning Protocol for Service and Resource discovery in the Internet of Things}," , 2017, pp. 177-182
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Al-Rousan, Mohammad and Mardini, Wail and Al-Rashdan, Wesam, "{Combined software-defined network (SDN) and Internet of Things (IoT)}," , 2017, pp. 1-6
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Aljawarneh, Shadi and Qawasmeh, Ethar and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser, "{Comprehensive study of symmetric key and asymmetric key encryption algorithms}," , 2017, pp. 1-7, IEEE
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Khatatbeh, Montaha Hani, "{Genetic algorithm for friendship selection in social IoT}," , 2017, pp. 1-4, IEEE
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Smadi, Ashraf, "{Messenger Bot for IoT devices}," , 2017, pp. 182-186
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Mardini, Wail and Khalil, Ashwaq, "{Smart homes automation using Z-wave protocol}," , 2016, pp. 0-0
  • Ali, Mohammad G. and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Rahbar, Akbar Ghaffar Pour, "{Improvements of using the WOMN system in communication}," , 2008, pp. 226-232
  • Salayma, Marwa and Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Yassein, Muneer Bani, "{IEEE802. 15.4 performance in various WSNs applications}," , 2013, pp. 103-116
  • Alawieh, Basel and Mardini, Wail and Mouftah, Hussein, "{A Kalman-fuzzy application for rate adaptation in IEEE 802.11 based multihop ad hoc networks}," , 2011, pp. 243-248
  • Mardini, Wail and Khamayseh, Yaser and Salayma, Marwa, "{Optimal power consumption in cooperative WSNs for a random distance using a linear propagation model}," , 2011, pp. 489-496
  • {Al Oqaily}, O and Min, Geyong and Mardini, W and Khamayseh, Y and Manaseer, S S, "{Enhanced fibonacci backoff algorithm for mobile Ad Hoc networks}," , 2010, pp. 749-754
  • Yassein, M Bani and Khamayseh, Y and Mardini, W, "{Improvement on LEACH protocol of wireless sensor network (VLEACH}," , 2009, pp. 0-0
  • Khamayseh, Yaser and Mardini, Wail and Yasin, Muneer Bani, "{PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF DIFFERENT MINIMUM SPANNING TREES SCHEMES FOR SCHEDULING IN WMNS}," , 2009, pp. 160-164
  • Daeinabi, Ameneh and Rahbar, Akbar Ghaffar Pour and Mardini, Wail, "{Protection of multicast traffic in WDM mesh networks}," , 2008, pp. 192-197
  • Mardini, Wail and Yang, Oliver, "{Optimal backup capacity improvements in optical mesh networks}," , 2006, pp. 0-0
  • Mardini, Wail and Yang, Oliver, "{Restorability analysis of two protection cycles in random mesh networks}," , 2006, pp. 0-0
  • Mardini, Wail and Yang, Oliver, "{The hop-count effect on the optimal spare capacity for p-cycles, rings and all-routes}," , 2006, pp. 1838-1841
  • Mardini, W and Yang, O and Zhai, Y, "{Using MCG to find PP-cycles in planar graphs [optical network applications]}," , 2005, pp. 3--1, IEEE
  • Shah-Heydari, Shahram and Mardini, Wail and Yang, Oliver, "{Theoretical analysis of restorability of Hamiltonian protection cycles in random mesh networks}," , 2004, pp. 921-926
  • Shatnawi, Nahla and Althebyan, Qutaibah and Mardini, Wail, {Detection of insiders misuse in database systems}, , 2010
  • Mardini, Wail, {Planar chordal cycles: Their construction, applications and analysis in mesh networks}, , 2006
  • Wail E. Mardini, "Optimal Power Consumption in Cooperative WSNs for a random Distance using a," The 2nd International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technolog, Sep 2011, pp. 0-0
  • Wail E. Mardini, "A Kalman-Fuzzy Application for Rate Adaptation in IEEE 802.11 based Multiho," The 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conferen, Jul 2011, pp. 0-0
  • Wail E. Mardini, "Performance of Probabilistic Broadcasting of Dynamic Source Routing Protoco," Fourth International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Q, Apr 2011, pp. 0-0
  • Wail E. Mardini, "Detection of Insiders Misuse in Database Systems," The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IME, Mar 2011, pp. 0-0
  • Yassein, Muneer Bani and Mardini, Wail and Al-Abdi, Amnah, {Security Issues in the Internet of Things: A Review}, Critical Research on Scalability and Security Issues in Virtual Cloud Environments, IGI Global, 2018
  • Marah Riyad Alayan Bataineh, Wail Elias Sami Mardini, Yaser Mohammad Mahmoud Khamayseh, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin
  • Omar Abdelkarim Menawer Alzoubi, Buthina Hussein Mohmad Makhadmih, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin, Wail Elias Sami Mardini
  • Wail Elias Sami Mardini, Shadi Abdel Rahman Mohammad Aljawarneh, Amnah Mohammad Sa'Ad Al Abdi
  • Wail Elias Sami Mardini
  • Wail Elias Sami Mardini, Yaser Mohammad Mahmoud Khamayseh
  • Wail Elias Sami Mardini, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin, Rana Abde Rahman Ahmad Alrawashdeh, Shadi Abdel Rahman Mohammad Aljawarneh, Yaser Mohammad Mahmoud Khamayseh, Omar Mohammed Ali Meqdadi
  • Yaser Mohammad Mahmoud Khamayseh, Wail Elias Sami Mardini, Monther Mustafa Mohammed Al Dwairi
  • Wail Elias Sami Mardini, Yaser Mohammad Mahmoud Khamayseh, Muneer Oqlah Abed Alrahman Bani Yasin, Khatatbeh Mostafa Hani Montaha
  • Head of Department, Department of Computer Science, Sep 2019 - Sep 2020
  • Acting Head of Department, Department of Computer Science, Sep 2019 - Sep 2019
  • Vice Dean, Faculty Of Computer And Information Technology, Sep 2012 - Sep 2013
  • Deputy Head of Department, Department of Computer Science, Sep 2010 - Sep 2012
  • Faculty Member, Department of Computer Science, Feb 2007 - Present
  • Full-time Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Nov 2006 - Feb 2007
  • Associate professor , Taibah university, Saudi Arabia, Sep 2013- Jul 2016
  • Linear algebra
  • Simulation and Modeling
    Technical Paper Reviews
  • ICICs, Conference, Jordan
  • ICICs, Conference, Jordan
    Conference Duties
  • CCECE 2006, Canada, Session Chair
  • Applied computing conference, Session FSP 20.10 Mobile Networks and Systems // Wireless Application // Networking // Communications, Italy, Session Chair
  • ICICs 2011, Session: Algorithms and Applications & Software Engineering , Jordan, Session Chair
  • ANT 2011, Session 12: Quality of Service, Jordan, Session Chair
  • The 3rd International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT-2012), Canada, Track Co-Chair
  • The Fifth International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service, France, Session Chair
    Editorial Boards
  • Guest Editor, special issue 2011 UBICC journal, ISSN 1992-8424, 2011 -2011
  • Guest Editor, special issue 2012, Network Protocols and Algorithms, ISSN 1943-3581, 2012 -2012