taisir salim khedaywi zubi
- Ph.D. of Civil Engineering from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1982
- Msc. of Civil Engineering from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1979
- Bsc. of Civil Engineering from Unversity of Alexandria, 1975
Khedaywi, Taisir S, Effect of Inclusion of Oil Shale Ash on Behavior of Asphalt Concrete, , 1988
Khedaywi, Taisir S, Effect of Inclusion of Oil Shale Ash on Behavior of Asphalt Concrete, , 1988
Taisir Khedaywi, Egons Tons and Satia Bindra, "Road Network, Materials, and Evaluation in Jordan," Transportation Research Record , vol. , no. 1106, pp. 188-195, 1987
Taisir Khedaywi, Sultan Abu Orabi and Zaher Rashdan, "Effect of Limestone Dust Collector Fines on Properties of Asphalt Cement," Journal of Petroleum Research, vol. 6, no. , pp. 53-62, 1987
Taisir Khedaywi, Adli Balbissi and Abdelmalek Abu Sheikh, "An Analysis of Automobile Accidents in Jordan," ite Journal, Institute of Transportation Engineers,Washington, D.C., vol. 57, no. , pp. 46-48, 1987
Hashem Al Massaied, Taisir Khedaywi and Mohammed Smadi, "Properties of Asphalt Oil Shale Ash Bituminous Mixtures Under Normal and Freeze Thaw Conditions," Transportation Research Record 1228, TRB, vol. , no. , pp. 54-62, 1989
Taisir Khedaywi and Sultan Abu Orabi, "Effect of Polyethylene, Oil Shale Ash, Rubber Ash, and Husk Ash on Properties of Asphalt Cement," Journal of Petroleum Research, vol. 8, no. , pp. 193-205, 1989
Taisir Khedaywi, A. Yeginobali, M. Smadi and J. Cabrera, "Pozzolanic Activity of Jordanian Oil Shale Ash," Cement and Concrete Research Journal, vol. 20, no. , pp. 843-852, 1990
Taisir Khedaywi and Esam Alkhatib, "Performance Distress Relationship for Rural Flexible pavement in Jordan," Journal of the Australian Road Research, vol. 21, no. , pp. 1-9, 1991
Taisir S. Khedaywi Zubi, "Current Methods of Pavement Evaluation in Jordan," Journal of the Australian Road Research, vol. 21, no. , pp. 6-15, 1991
Taisir Khedaywi, "Utilization of the Indirect Tensile Test to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Additives on Moisture Sensitivity of Asphaltic Concrete Mixtures," Journal of the Indian Highways, vol. 20, no. , pp. 31-37, 1992
Taisir Khedaywi, A. Tamimi, H. Al-Masaeid and K. Khamaiseh, "Laboratory Investigation on Properties of Asphalt Rubber Concrete Mixtures," Transportation Research Record , vol. , no. , pp. 93-98, 1993
Azm Al-Homoud, Taisir Khedaywi and Abdallah Al-Ajlouni, "Studies on the Control of Swell and Collapse Potential of Selected Jordanian Soils Using Asphalt Stabilization," Soils and Foundations Journal, vol. 35, no. , pp. 15-23, 1995
Taisir S. Khedaywi Zubi, "Aggregate Rugosity and Size Effect on Bituminous Mixes," Transportation Research Record 1619, vol. , no. , pp. 26-36, 1998
Azm Al-Homoud, Taisir Khedaywi and Abdallah Al-Ajlouni, "Engineering and Environmental Aspects of Cutback Asphalt (MC-70) Stabilization of Swelling and Collapsible Soils," Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, vol. 1, no. , pp. 497-508, 1995
Taisir Khedaywi and Thomas White, "Development and Analysis of Laboratory Techniques for Simulating Segregation," Transportation Research Record 1492, TRB, vol. , no. , pp. 36-45, 1995
Taisir Khedaywi, Salah Taqieddin and Samir Abu-Eishah, "Effect of Phosphate Slimes on Properties and Performance of Asphalt-Cement and Asphalt Concrete Mixes," Dirasat Journal, Natural and Engineering Sciences, vol. 23, no. , pp. 170-180, 1996
Taisir S. Khedaywi Zubi, "Effect of Segregation on Fatigue Performance of Asphalt Paving Mixtures," Transportation Research Record No. 1543, TRB, vol. , no. , pp. 63-70, 1996
Mousa Attom, Mohammad Smadi and Taisir Khedaywi, "The Use of Jordanian Oil Shale Ash as A Soil Stabilizing Agent," Soils and Foundations, Japanese Geotechnical Society, vol. 38, no. , pp. 67-74, 1998
Mousa attom, Taisir Khedaywi and Sameer Mousa, "The Effect of Shredded Waste Tire on the Shear Strength, Swelling and Compressibility Properties of the Clayey Soil," Journal of Solid waste Technology and Management, vol. 33, no. , pp. 0-0, 2007
M. Smadi, Taisir Khedaywi, and H. Al-Masaeid, "Utilization of Freeze-thaw Pedestal Test to Evaluate the Effect of Oil Shale Ash and Pozzolana on the Stripping of Bituminous Mixtures ," The Institution of Engineers Journal, vol. 77, no. , pp. 205-208, 1997
H. Al-Masaeid, Taisir Khedaywi, and E. Al-Adamat, "Effect of Rubber on Dynamic and Static Creep Characteristics of Asphaltic Concrete Mixtures ," The Institution of Engineers Journal , vol. 79, no. , pp. 18-22, 1998
M. Obaidat, H. Al-Masaeid, F. Gharaybeh, and T. Khedaywi, "An Innovation Digital Image Analysis Approach to Quantify VMA of bituminous Mixtures ," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering , vol. 25, no. , pp. 1044-1049, 1998
Mousa Attom, Mohammad Smadi, and Taisir Khedaywi, "The Use of Jordanian Oil Shale Ash as A Soil Stabilizing Agent ," Japanese Geotechnical Society , vol. 38, no. , pp. 67-74, 1998
M. Obaidat, H. Al-Masaeid, F. Gharaybeh, and T. Khedaywi, "An Innovation Digital Image Analysis Approach to Quantify VMA of bituminous Mixtures ," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering , vol. 25, no. , pp. 1044-1049, 1998
S. Abo-Qudais, M. Smadi, and T. Khedaywi, "Effect of Pozzolan Modifier on Bituminous Mixtures Properties ," Highway and Transportation Journal, UK, vol. 46, no. 12, pp. 15-18, 1999
T. Al-Suleiman, M. Obaidat, G. Abdul-Jabbar, and T. Khedaywi, "Field Inspection and Laboratory Testing of Highway pavement Rutting ," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 1109-1119, 2000
Mousa attom, Taisir Khedaywi, and Sameer Mousa, "The effect of Shredded Waste Tire on the Shear Strength, Swelling and Compressibility Properties of the Clayey Soil ," Journal of Solid waste Technology and Management, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 0-0, 2007
Khedaywi, Taisir S and White, Thomas D, "Effect of segregation on fatigue performance of asphalt paving mixtures," Transportation Research Record, vol. 1543, no. , pp. 63-70, 1996, SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA
Obaidat, Mohammed Taleb and Al-Masaeid, Hashem R and Gharaybeh, Fouad and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "An innovative digital image analysis approach to quantify the percentage of voids in mineral aggregates of bituminous mixtures," Canadian journal of civil engineering, vol. 25, no. , pp. 1041-1049, 1998, NRC Research Press
Alsheyab, Mohammad AT and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Effect of electric arc furnace dust (EAFD) on properties of asphalt cement mixture," Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 70, no. , pp. 38-43, 2013, Elsevier
Khedaywi, Taisir S and White, Thomas D, "Development and analysis of laboratory techniques for simulating segregation," Transportation research record, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 1995
Khedaywi, Taisir and Yeginobali, Asim and Smadi, Mohammad and Cabrera, J, "Pozzolanic activity of Jordanian oil shale ash," Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 20, no. , pp. 843-852, 1990, Elsevier
Khedaywi, Taisir S and Tamini, Abdel Rahman and Al-Masaeid, Hashem R and Khamaiseh, Khaled, "Laboratory investigation of properties of asphalt-rubber concrete mixtures," Transportation research record, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 1993
Ye{\^g}inobali, A and Smadi, M and Khedaywi, T, "Effectiveness of oil shale ash in reducing alkali-silica reaction expansions," Materials and Structures, vol. 26, no. , pp. 0-0, 1993, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Smadi, Mohammad and Yeginobali, Asim and Khedaywi, Taisir, "Potential uses of Jordanian spent oil shale ash as a cementive material," Magazine of Concrete Research, vol. 41, no. , pp. 183-190, 1989, Thomas Telford Ltd
Al-Masaeid, H and Khedaywi, Taiser and Smadi, Mohammed, "Properties of asphalt-oil shale ash bituminous mixtures under normal and freeze-thaw conditions," J Transp Res Board (TRB), Transportation Research Record, vol. , no. , pp. 54-62, 1989
Khedaywi, TS and Abu-Orabi, ST, "Effect of oil shale ash, rubber ash, husk ash, and polyethylene on properties of asphalt cement," J Petroleum, vol. 8, no. , pp. 193-206, 1989
Al-Khateeb, Ghazi G and Khedaywi, Taisir S and Obaidat, Turki I Al-Suleiman and Najib, Ahmad Mirwais, "Laboratory study for comparing rutting performance of limestone and basalt superpave asphalt mixtures," Journal of materials in civil engineering, vol. 25, no. , pp. 21-29, 2013, American Society of Civil Engineers
Al-Suleiman, Turki I and Obaidat, Mohammed Taleb and Abdul-Jabbar, Ghassan T and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Field inspection and laboratory testing of highway pavement rutting," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 27, no. , pp. 1109-1119, 2000, NRC Research Press
Khedaywi, Taisir S and Tons, Egons, "Aggregate rugosity and size effect on bituminous mixes," Transportation research record, vol. 1619, no. , pp. 26-36, 1998, SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA
Attom, Mousa and Khedaywi, Taisir and Mousa, Sameer Ahmed, "THE EFFECT OF SHREDDED WASTE TIRE ON THE SHEAR STRENGTH, SWELLING AND COMPRESSIBILITY PROPERTIES OF THE CLAYEY SOIL.," Journal of Solid Waste Technology \& Management, vol. 33, no. , pp. 0-0, 2007
Al-Masaeid, Hashem R and Hamed, Mohammad M and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Empirical evaluation of olive husk in asphalt cement binder and bituminous concrete," Transportation research record, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 1994
Al-Homoud, Azm S and Khedaywi, Taisir and Al-Ajlouni, Abdallah M, "Studies on the control of swell and collapse potential of selected Jordanian soils using asphalt stabilization," Soils and foundations, vol. 35, no. , pp. 15-23, 1995, The Japanese Geotechnical Society
Khedaywi, Taisir and Al-Khateeb, Ghazi and Irfaeya, Motaz, "Effect of medical ash on shear properties of asphalt binder using superpave dynamic shear rheometer (DSR)," The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, vol. 38, no. , pp. 19-27, 2012, The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management
Al-Homoud, Azm S and Khedaywi, Taisir and Al-Ajlouni, Abdallah M, "Engineering and environmental aspects of cutback asphalt (MC-70) stabilization of swelling and collapsible soils," Environmental \& Engineering Geoscience, vol. 1, no. , pp. 497-506, 1995, EEGS
Khedaywi, T and Al-Qadi, A, "Effect of oil shale on fatigue performance of asphalt paving mixtures," Proceedings of ICCBT 2008, vol. , no. , pp. 301-314, 2008
Khedaywi, TS, "Utilization of the indirect tensile test to evaluate the effectiveness of additives on moisture sensitivity of asphaltic concrete mixtures," Indian Highways, vol. 20, no. , pp. 0-0, 1992
Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Study on utilising waste toner in asphalt cement," Road materials and pavement design, vol. 15, no. , pp. 446-454, 2014, Taylor \& Francis
Basma, AA and Al-Homoud, AS and Khedaywi, TS and Al-Ajlouni, AM, "Effect of Bitumen Content and Curing Condition on Strength Characteristics of Asphalt Stabilized Soils," Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 26, no. , pp. 0-0, 1995
Alsheyab, Mohammad AT and Khedaywi, Taisir S and Elayan, Mohammad S, "Laboratory study on solidification/stabilization of unwanted medications using asphalt as a binder," Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. 15, no. , pp. 129-137, 2013, Springer Japan
ABO-QUDAIS, S SMADI, "Effect of pozzolan modifier on bituminous mixtures properties," HIGHWAYS \& TRANSPORTATION, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 1999
Baker, Mousa Bani and Abendeh, Raed and Abu-Salem, Zaydoun and Khedaywi, Taisir, "Production of sustainable asphalt mixes using recycled polystyrene," International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, vol. 11, no. , pp. 183-192, 2016
Alsheyab, Mohammad AT and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Analysis of the effect of temperature on the resilient modulus of asphalt concrete mixed with electric arc furnace dust (EAFD)," Water, Air, \& Soil Pollution, vol. 227, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016, Springer International Publishing
Al-Suleiman, TI and BASMA, AA and AL-SOBOH, YF and Khedaywi, TS, "EFFECT OF HIGHWAY CLASS ON FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT SERVICEABILITY," Indian Highways, vol. 21, no. , pp. 0-0, 1993
Khedaywi, TS and Al-Suleiman, TI and KATKHUDA, E, "CURRENT METHODS OF PAVEMENT EVALUATION IN JORDAN," Australian Road Research, vol. 21, no. , pp. 0-0, 1991
Alsheyab, Mohammad AT and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Dynamic creep analysis of electric arc furnace dust (EAFD)--modified asphalt," Construction and Building Materials, vol. 146, no. , pp. 122-127, 2017, Elsevier
Qudais, SA and Smadi, M and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Effects of using asphalt-pozzolan binder on bituminous mixtures properties," HIGHWAY ENGINEERING IN AUSTRALIA, vol. 31, no. , pp. 0-0, 1999
Al-Khateeb, Ghazi G and Al-Suleiman Obaidat, Turki I and Khedaywi, Taisir S and Elayan, Mohammad S, "Studying rutting performance of Superpave asphalt mixtures using unconfined dynamic creep and simple performance tests," Road Materials and Pavement Design, vol. 19, no. , pp. 315-333, 2018, Taylor \& Francis
Smadi, M and Khedaywi, T and Al-Masaeid, H, "Utilization of freeze-thaw pedestal test to evaluate the effect of oil shale ash and pozzolana on the stripping of bituminous mixtures," Journal of the Institution of Engineers. India. Civil Engineering Division, vol. 77, no. , pp. 205-208, 1997
Zhou, Lan-Yu and Ueshita, Kano, "Liquefaction Risk Microzonation for Low-Volume Road Networks," Transportation Research Record, vol. 1, no. , pp. 0-0, 1987
Obaidat, Yasmeen Taleb and Khedaywi, Taisir S and Alsheyab, Mohammad A, "Assessment of the potential for using EAFD in cement paste in Jordan," European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, vol. 20, no. , pp. 332-343, 2016, Taylor \& Francis
Al-Khateeb, Ghazi G and Khedaywi, Taisir S and Obaidat, Turki I, "Volumetric Analysis-Based Comparison between Superpave and Marshall Mix Design Procedures," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
Khedaywi, T and Elkhatib, E, "Performance-distress relationships for rural flexible pavements in Jordan," Australian Road Research, vol. 21, no. , pp. 0-0, 1991
Al-Masaeid, HR and Khedaywi, TS and Al-Adamat, EO, "Effect of Rubber on Dynamic and Static Creep Characteristics of Asphaltic Concrete Mixtures," JOURNAL-INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS INDIA PART CV CIVIL ENGINEERING DIVISION, vol. 79, no. , pp. 18-22, 1998, INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS (INDIA)
Al-Khateeb, Ghazi G and Irfaeya, Motaz F and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "A new simplified micromechanical model for asphalt mastic behavior," Construction and Building Materials, vol. 149, no. , pp. 587-598, 2017, Elsevier
Al-Omari, Aslam A and Khedaywi, Taisir S and Khasawneh, Mohammad A, "Laboratory characterization of asphalt binders modified with waste vegetable oil using SuperPave specifications," International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, vol. 11, no. , pp. 68-76, 2018, No longer published by Elsevier
Khedaywi, T and Balbissi, A and Abu Sheik, A, "An analysis of automobile accidents in Jordan," ITE journal, vol. 57, no. , pp. 46-48, 1987, Institute of Transportation Engineers
F Attom, Mousa and Smadi, Mohammad and Khedaywi, Taiser, "?????????????????????? (???????????? Vol. 38, No. 3 (1998 ? 9 ???) ???????)," ????, vol. 46, no. , pp. 0-0, 1998, ?????
Attom, Mousa F and Smadi, Mohammad and Khedaywi, Taiser, "The use of Jordanian oil shale ash as a soil stabilizing agent," Soils and foundations, vol. 38, no. , pp. 67-74, 1998, The Japanese Geotechnical Society
Al-Khateeb, Ghazi and Obaidat, Turki and Khedaywi, Taisir, "Evaluation of Construction Limestone Aggregate Sourced in the Northern Part of Jordan using Superpave Tests," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
Al-Masaeid, Hashem R and Shehab, Al and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Trip and Parking Generation for Shopping Centers in Jordan," ITE Journal, vol. 88, no. , pp. 45-49, 2018
Abendeh, Raed M and AbuSalem, Zaydoun T and Bani Baker, Mousa I and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Concrete containing recycled waste glass: strength and resistance to freeze--thaw action," Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers--Construction Materials, vol. , no. , pp. 1-13, 2018, Thomas Telford Ltd
McNeil, Nathan and Broach, Joseph and Dill, Jennifer and Mangan, Mike and Al-Masaeid, Hashem R and Al Shehab, Oruba M and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Funding \& Equity," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2018
Al-Khateeb, Ghazi G and Khedaywi, Taisir S and Irfaeya, Motaz F, "Mechanical behavior of asphalt mastics produced using waste stone sawdust," Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2018, no. , pp. 0-0, 2018, Hindawi
AlKofahi, Nabil and Khedaywi, Taisir, "Evaluation the Effect of Asphalt Film Thickness on Stripping Resistance," International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 14, no. , pp. 560-570, 2019
Khedaywi, Taisir S and Tons, Egons and Bindra, S, "Road Network, Materials, and Evaluation in Jordan," Transportation Research Record, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 1987
Al-Khateeb, Ghazi G and Khedaywi, Taisir S and Irfaeya, Motaz F, "Shear properties of waste glass-asphalt mastics," International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, vol. 12, no. , pp. 307-314, 2019, Springer Singapore
Khedaywi, Taisir S and Al-Mashagbeh, Jameel M, "Effect of rubber on dynamic creep of asphalt concrete mixtures," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
Khedaywi, Taisir and Al Kofahi, Nabil, "Evaluation of Asphalt Stripping Resistance for Different Types of Aggregates and Additives," Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 13, no. , pp. 0-0, 2019, Jordan University of Science and Technology
Al-Omari, Aslam and Shatnawi, Nawras and Khedaywi, Taisir and Miqdady, Tasneem, "Prediction of traffic accidents hot spots using fuzzy logic and GIS," Applied Geomatics, vol. 12, no. , pp. 149-161, 2020, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
AlKofahi, Nabil and Khedaywi, Taisir, "Utilization of fatigue test to predict stripping of asphalt concrete mixtures," International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, vol. 13, no. , pp. 187-196, 2020, Springer Singapore
AlKofahi, Nabil and Khedaywi, Taisir, "Trends and Modeling of Traffic Accidents in Jordan," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
Khedaywi, Taisir and Al Kofahi, Nabil and Al-Zoubi, Malek, "Effect of olive waste ash on properties of asphalt cement and asphalt concrete mixtures," International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, vol. , no. , pp. 1-10, 2020, Springer Singapore
Al-Azzawi, Abdel Sahib and Salim, Abdel Rahim and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "The orientation systems in Jordanian settlements," Studies in the history and archaeology of Jordan. Department of Antiquities, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan-Amman. Vol. 5: Art and technology throughout the ages, vol. , no. , pp. 333-340, 1995
Khedaywi, TS and Abu-Eisah, SI and Taqieddin, SA, "Effect of Phosphate Slimes on Properties and Performance of Asphalt-Cement and Asphalt-Concrete Mixes," DIRASAT NATURAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, vol. 23, no. , pp. 170-180, 1996
Khedaywi, Taisir S and White, Thomas D, "Effect of segregation on fatigue performance of asphalt paving mixtures," Transportation Research Record, vol. 1543, no. , pp. 63-70, 1996, SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA
Obaidat, Mohammed Taleb and Al-Masaeid, Hashem R and Gharaybeh, Fouad and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "An innovative digital image analysis approach to quantify the percentage of voids in mineral aggregates of bituminous mixtures," Canadian journal of civil engineering, vol. 25, no. , pp. 1041-1049, 1998, NRC Research Press
Alsheyab, Mohammad AT and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Effect of electric arc furnace dust (EAFD) on properties of asphalt cement mixture," Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 70, no. , pp. 38-43, 2013, Elsevier
Khedaywi, Taisir S and White, Thomas D, "Development and analysis of laboratory techniques for simulating segregation," Transportation research record, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 1995
Khedaywi, Taisir and Yeginobali, Asim and Smadi, Mohammad and Cabrera, J, "Pozzolanic activity of Jordanian oil shale ash," Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 20, no. , pp. 843-852, 1990, Elsevier
Khedaywi, Taisir S and Tamini, Abdel Rahman and Al-Masaeid, Hashem R and Khamaiseh, Khaled, "Laboratory investigation of properties of asphalt-rubber concrete mixtures," Transportation research record, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 1993
Ye{\^g}inobali, A and Smadi, M and Khedaywi, T, "Effectiveness of oil shale ash in reducing alkali-silica reaction expansions," Materials and Structures, vol. 26, no. , pp. 0-0, 1993, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Smadi, Mohammad and Yeginobali, Asim and Khedaywi, Taisir, "Potential uses of Jordanian spent oil shale ash as a cementive material," Magazine of Concrete Research, vol. 41, no. , pp. 183-190, 1989, Thomas Telford Ltd
Al-Masaeid, H and Khedaywi, Taiser and Smadi, Mohammed, "Properties of asphalt-oil shale ash bituminous mixtures under normal and freeze-thaw conditions," J Transp Res Board (TRB), Transportation Research Record, vol. , no. , pp. 54-62, 1989
Khedaywi, TS and Abu-Orabi, ST, "Effect of oil shale ash, rubber ash, husk ash, and polyethylene on properties of asphalt cement," J Petroleum, vol. 8, no. , pp. 193-206, 1989
Al-Khateeb, Ghazi G and Khedaywi, Taisir S and Obaidat, Turki I Al-Suleiman and Najib, Ahmad Mirwais, "Laboratory study for comparing rutting performance of limestone and basalt superpave asphalt mixtures," Journal of materials in civil engineering, vol. 25, no. , pp. 21-29, 2013, American Society of Civil Engineers
Al-Suleiman, Turki I and Obaidat, Mohammed Taleb and Abdul-Jabbar, Ghassan T and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Field inspection and laboratory testing of highway pavement rutting," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 27, no. , pp. 1109-1119, 2000, NRC Research Press
Khedaywi, Taisir S and Tons, Egons, "Aggregate rugosity and size effect on bituminous mixes," Transportation research record, vol. 1619, no. , pp. 26-36, 1998, SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA
Attom, Mousa and Khedaywi, Taisir and Mousa, Sameer Ahmed, "THE EFFECT OF SHREDDED WASTE TIRE ON THE SHEAR STRENGTH, SWELLING AND COMPRESSIBILITY PROPERTIES OF THE CLAYEY SOIL.," Journal of Solid Waste Technology \& Management, vol. 33, no. , pp. 0-0, 2007
Al-Masaeid, Hashem R and Hamed, Mohammad M and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Empirical evaluation of olive husk in asphalt cement binder and bituminous concrete," Transportation research record, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 1994
Al-Homoud, Azm S and Khedaywi, Taisir and Al-Ajlouni, Abdallah M, "Studies on the control of swell and collapse potential of selected Jordanian soils using asphalt stabilization," Soils and foundations, vol. 35, no. , pp. 15-23, 1995, The Japanese Geotechnical Society
Khedaywi, Taisir and Al-Khateeb, Ghazi and Irfaeya, Motaz, "Effect of medical ash on shear properties of asphalt binder using superpave dynamic shear rheometer (DSR)," The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, vol. 38, no. , pp. 19-27, 2012, The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management
Al-Homoud, Azm S and Khedaywi, Taisir and Al-Ajlouni, Abdallah M, "Engineering and environmental aspects of cutback asphalt (MC-70) stabilization of swelling and collapsible soils," Environmental \& Engineering Geoscience, vol. 1, no. , pp. 497-506, 1995, EEGS
Khedaywi, T and Al-Qadi, A, "Effect of oil shale on fatigue performance of asphalt paving mixtures," Proceedings of ICCBT 2008, vol. , no. , pp. 301-314, 2008
Khedaywi, TS, "Utilization of the indirect tensile test to evaluate the effectiveness of additives on moisture sensitivity of asphaltic concrete mixtures," Indian Highways, vol. 20, no. , pp. 0-0, 1992
Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Study on utilising waste toner in asphalt cement," Road materials and pavement design, vol. 15, no. , pp. 446-454, 2014, Taylor \& Francis
Basma, AA and Al-Homoud, AS and Khedaywi, TS and Al-Ajlouni, AM, "Effect of Bitumen Content and Curing Condition on Strength Characteristics of Asphalt Stabilized Soils," Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 26, no. , pp. 0-0, 1995
Alsheyab, Mohammad AT and Khedaywi, Taisir S and Elayan, Mohammad S, "Laboratory study on solidification/stabilization of unwanted medications using asphalt as a binder," Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. 15, no. , pp. 129-137, 2013, Springer Japan
ABO-QUDAIS, S SMADI, "Effect of pozzolan modifier on bituminous mixtures properties," HIGHWAYS \& TRANSPORTATION, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 1999
Baker, Mousa Bani and Abendeh, Raed and Abu-Salem, Zaydoun and Khedaywi, Taisir, "Production of sustainable asphalt mixes using recycled polystyrene," International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, vol. 11, no. , pp. 183-192, 2016
Alsheyab, Mohammad AT and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Analysis of the effect of temperature on the resilient modulus of asphalt concrete mixed with electric arc furnace dust (EAFD)," Water, Air, \& Soil Pollution, vol. 227, no. , pp. 0-0, 2016, Springer International Publishing
Al-Suleiman, TI and BASMA, AA and AL-SOBOH, YF and Khedaywi, TS, "EFFECT OF HIGHWAY CLASS ON FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT SERVICEABILITY," Indian Highways, vol. 21, no. , pp. 0-0, 1993
Khedaywi, TS and Al-Suleiman, TI and KATKHUDA, E, "CURRENT METHODS OF PAVEMENT EVALUATION IN JORDAN," Australian Road Research, vol. 21, no. , pp. 0-0, 1991
Alsheyab, Mohammad AT and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Dynamic creep analysis of electric arc furnace dust (EAFD)--modified asphalt," Construction and Building Materials, vol. 146, no. , pp. 122-127, 2017, Elsevier
Qudais, SA and Smadi, M and Khedaywi, Taisir S, "Effects of using asphalt-pozzolan binder on bituminous mixtures properties," HIGHWAY ENGINEERING IN AUSTRALIA, vol. 31, no. , pp. 0-0, 1999
Al-Khateeb, Ghazi G and Al-Suleiman Obaidat, Turki I and Khedaywi, Taisir S and Elayan, Mohammad S, "Studying rutting performance of Superpave asphalt mixtures using unconfined dynamic creep and simple performance tests," Road Materials and Pavement Design, vol. 19, no. , pp. 315-333, 2018, Taylor \& Francis
Smadi, M and Khedaywi, T and Al-Masaeid, H, "Utilization of freeze-thaw pedestal test to evaluate the effect of oil shale ash and pozzolana on the stripping of bituminous mixtures," Journal of the Institution of Engineers. India. Civil Engineering Division, vol. 77, no. , pp. 205-208, 1997
Zhou, Lan-Yu and Ueshita, Kano, "Liquefaction Risk Microzonation for Low-Volume Road Networks," Transportation Research Record, vol. 1, no. , pp. 0-0, 1987
Obaidat, Yasmeen Taleb and Khedaywi, Taisir S and Alsheyab, Mohammad A, "Assessment of the potential for using EAFD in cement paste in Jordan," European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, vol. 20, no. , pp. 332-343, 2016, Taylor \& Francis
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Taisir Salim Aljubor Khedaywi Zubi, Tareq Ali Mohammad Al-Kattab
Taisir Salim Aljubor Khedaywi Zubi, Saeed Kriem Ahmad Al-Yaseen
Taisir Salim Aljubor Khedaywi Zubi
Taisir Salim Aljubor Khedaywi Zubi, Asalah Ahmad Abedalqader Jadah, Abdel Rahman Osama Marian
Taisir Salim Aljubor Khedaywi Zubi, Abdel Rahman Osama Marian, Asalah Ahmad Abedalqader Jadah
Bara' Wasfi Mohammad Al-Mistarehi, Yasmeen Taleb Mufleh Obeidat, Taisir Salim Aljubor Khedaywi Zubi, Amro Thair Faiz Alsmadi
Ghazi Gaseem Khaleel Al-Khateeb, Taisir Salim Aljubor Khedaywi Zubi, Motaz F. A. Irfaeya
Ghazi Gaseem Khaleel Al-Khateeb, Motaz F. A. Irfaeya, Taisir Salim Aljubor Khedaywi Zubi
Taisir Salim Aljubor Khedaywi Zubi
Hashem Rafa Salameh Al-Masaeid, Oruba Mahmoud Saleh Alshehab, Taisir Salim Aljubor Khedaywi Zubi
Ghazi Gaseem Khaleel Al-Khateeb, Turki Ibrahim Al-Kayed Obaidat, Taisir Salim Aljubor Khedaywi Zubi, Mohammad Saleem Mohd Elayan
- Head and owner , Ramtha Engineering Consulting Firm, Jordan, Sep 1976- Jan 1978
- Supervising Engineer, Ministry of Public Works, Irbid, Jordan, Sep 1975- Sep 1976