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YARMOUK FUTURES (2019-2021):
1.1 Background of the Project
The Yarmouk Futures Programme seeks to facilitate the emergence of law-based, equitable and sustainable transboundary water arrangements, with a focus on the Yarmouk tributary of the Jordan River.
To do so, the Yarmouk Futures Programme will generate knowledge, build capacity, and develop common understanding of the most pressing issues surrounding water use in and around the basin. This will be accomplished through research projects; technical, legal and negotiations training; and infographics, videos, public lectures, and media pieces. Communications activities will reach the general public to create a much greater awareness of Yarmouk issues as a case study.
The center-piece of the Yarmouk Futures Programme is the establishment of the Centre for Water Diplomacy, at the Jordan University of Science and Technology.
Running from July 2019 until December 2021, the Yarmouk Futures Programme is jointly supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the Jordan University of Science and Technology, and the University of East Anglia..
The Yarmouk Futures Programme formed part of Blue Peace Middle East initiative’s efforts to support fair and sustainable transboundary water management, with a focus on the Yarmouk tributary of the Jordan River. The programme built on the outcomes of previous research, including the Yarmouk Hydropolitical Baseline Study, to support various research projects and develop a range of communication tools aimed at building broader public awareness of water issues in the shared Yarmouk River Basin.
Yarmouk Futures also laid the groundwork for the establishment of the Water Diplomacy Center (WDC) at Jordan University of Science and Technology in 2019. The centre aims to become a regional hub for training and research in the domain of transboundary water cooperation and diplomacy.
The Yarmouk Futures programme was jointly supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Jordan University of Science and Technology and the University of East Anglia.
Infographics and Poster
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UEA Yarmouk Futures | UEA Yarmouk Hydrogeology | UEA Yarmouk Hydrogeology | UEA Yarmouk Water Use and Quality |
Yarmouk Hydro-Political Story Map
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Yarmouk HP Baseline - Main Report | Yarmouk HP Baseline - Executive Summary | Yarmouk HP Baseline - Executive Summary (Arabic) | Yarmouk HP Baseline - Qualitative Annex A
Zeitoun, M., Abdallah, C., Dajani, M., Khresat, S., Elaydi, H., Alfarra, A. (2019) The Yarmouk tributary to the Jordan River I: Agreements impeding equitable transboundary water arrangements. Water Alternatives 12(13): 1064-1094
Prof Mark Zeitoun - UEA School of International Development
Dr Muna Dajani - London School of Economics
Dr Chadi Abdallah - CNRS Lebanon
Sharif Youmans - Independent
Prof Sa’eb Khresat - Jordan University of Science and Technology.
Heather Elaydi - Independent
Enas al Bakri - Independent
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
UEA School of International Development