About the WDC
The Water Diplomacy Center (WDC) was established in 2020 at Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) as a hub for water diplomacy and cross-border water cooperation.
The WDC aims to become the go-to institution for water diplomacy issues in the MENA region to equip regional policy and decision-makers, academics and other relevant stakeholders with the required awareness, information and capacity to actively and timely act upon water conflict challenges and actively realize cooperation benefits.
About the Fellowship
The WDC, with support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), announces its second call for applications for the WDC fellowship for graduate students in Water Diplomacy.
The WDC Fellowship Award provides funding for graduate students (MS and PhD) who wish to carry out their thesis research on topics related to water diplomacy, transboundary water, international water governance, interdisciplinary analysis of water regulations and policies, and modeling within the MENA region. Other areas of research related to the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus (WEFE Nexus) aiming to understand and/or analyze the interdependencies of natural resources in MENA region may also be considered. The WDC Fellowship Award provides lump-sum financial support for the graduate student, advisor incentive, and journal publication fee.
Terms and Conditions
- Each award will have a max of $5000 for MS student and $7000 for PhD student. WDC expects to support approximately 10 students in this call. The award financial terms are as follows:
- 60%: MS or PhD student (paid in two installments: 50% in advance, and 50% after paper publication)
- 20%: Student's advisor (paid in full after paper publication)
- 20%: Journal publication fees (paid after publication with receipt)
- Applicant nationality must be from one of the followings countries: Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, Türkiye, Egypt, Sudan, Algeria, and Tunisia.
- Must be enrolled in a full-time MS or PhD program at a regional or international university.
- Research proposal approved by the student's advisor and relevant department.
- Be able to publish the work in an international journal.
- Proficient in English language.
Expected Outcomes
- Thesis report.
- Published research article in an international journal.
Application Procedure
Interested applicants who satisfy the qualifying conditions should submit a complete application together with the necessary supporting documentation by August 15, 2024 using the following link:
Or Scan the QR Code

The following supporting documents are needed and to be prepared in advance.
✓ Curriculum Vitae (use attached template)
✓ Degree transcripts (BSc, MS and PhD, whichever is applicable).
✓ Approved proposal from the university where the student is studying.
✓ Letter of endorsement from the student advisor.
✓ Copy of passport
Deadline: August 15,2024
Jordan University of Science and Technology
Water Diplomacy Center مركـــــز دبلومـاسيــــة الميــــــاه
Tel.: +962-2-7201000 Ext. 26265/26320