Under the auspices of Prof. Sarhan Haddad, Vice President of the University of Science and Technology, on 11-8-2022, the Excellence Award for Innovative Projects was launched by Prof. Muhannad Quwaider. It is mentioned that this award is one of the activities of the project "Creating Attractive Opportunities for Youth Livelihoods in the Agricultural Sector" (COOL- YA) funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Jordan. This award is implemented by the Finnish Relief Organization in cooperation with the College of Agriculture and the Center of Excellence for Innovative Projects at the Jordan University of Science and Technology.
Note that the project is being implemented in cooperation with other partners, namely the Jordanian Agricultural Engineers Association and the Jordanian Fruit and Vegetable Exporters Association. This is in order to enhance communication with the sectors of the local community.
This award provides an opportunity for students who have Innovative projects that aim to find solutions to post-harvest problems in the Jordanian agricultural sector to complete the study and development of these projects and win a sum of 4,000 thousand Jordanian dinars for six teams for six problems related to post-harvest operations.