The College of Computer and Information Technology Council of Advisors visited the Center of Excellence for Creative Projects.
On Tuesday 10/03/2020, a delegation from the Council of Advisors of the College of Computer and Information Technology at the University of Science and Technology visited the Center of Excellence for Innovative Projects to learn about the experience of the center and the services it provides, in addition to discussing the insistence of cooperation in the field of embracing ideas and projects, and ways to incubate some engineering companies within the center.
Where the director of the center, Dr. Muhannad Al-Jarrah, gave a detailed explanation of the objectives and tasks of the center, and the experiences it went through in the field of incubating ideas, registering patents, and training students.
And Dr. Al-Jarrah also indicated that the center opens its doors to all segments of the local community and is not limited to university students. The delegation expressed its happiness at the advanced level the center has become and the great goals it seeks to achieve.