
Clinical Key Trial
07 Feb 2012
Free Trial to ClinicalKey has been started and will be valid until April 1st 2012.
ClinicalKey is the ultimate clinical search tool with the following contents:
ALL Elsevier medical and surgical journals (over 500) 
ALL Elsevier medical and surgical reference books (over 700) 
ALL Medical and Surgical Clinics of North America 
ALL First Consult Point-of-Care clinical monographs 
ALL Procedures Consult content and associated videos 
ALL Elsevier medical and surgical procedure videos (over 2,500) 
ALL Clinical Pharmacology drug monographs 
ALL Elsevier-associated and supplemental images and videos
ClinicalKey also provides some features from MD Consult including access to:
  Selected third-party journals and content sources
  Guideline information
  Elsevier and third-party published patient education materials
  Fully indexed Medline
  Fully indexed clinical trial
You can access this service inside campus at this URL :  http://www.clinicalkey.com​