عبدالرحمن ابراهيم التميمي
- الدكـتوراة في هندسة كيماوية من جامعة متشغان ان اربر, 1982
- ماجستير في هندسة ميكانيكيه من جامعة متشغان ان اربر, 1984
- ماجستير في هندسة كيماوية من معهد ماساشوستس للتكنولوجيا, 1979
- بكالوريوس في هندسة كيماوية من جامعة القاهره, 1973
A. Tamimi and J. Clark, "1- Thermal Analysis of a Solar Collector Containing a Boiling Fluid ," Progress in Solar Energy J. , vol. 6, no. , pp. 319-324, 1983
A. Tamimi, "8- Analysis and Design of a Novel Flat- Plate Solar Collector ," Int. Comm. Heat and Mass Transfer J. , vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 651-657, 1986
A. Tamimi, "19- Performance of Tubeless Flat- Plate Solar Collector ," Int. J. of Energy Research, , vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 153-155, 1987
A. Tamuimi, "20- Performance of a Solar Still With Reflectors and Black Dye," Int. J. of Solar Energy, vol. 5, no. , pp. 229-235, 1987
A. Tamimi, "12- Transient Analysis of a Two-Phase Tubeless Flat- Plate Solar Collector ," Int.J.of Solar Energy, , vol. 5, no. , pp. 213-227, 1987
A. Tamimi, "9- Modeling and Testing of a Thermosiphon Solar-Air Heater," Int.J.of Solar Energy, vol. 6, no. , pp. 67-75, 1988
A. Tamimi, "21- Notes: A Unit Operation Laboratory ," Int. J. of Tech.and Design Edu. , vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 48-50, 1990
A. Tamimi, "22- Mass Flow Rate Prediction of a Thermosiphon Solar Air- Heater," The Canad. J. of Chem. Eng., , vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 773-776, 1990
A. Tamimi and Omer Abdel-Salam, "13- Washing the Extraction of El-Lajjun Oil-Shale Deposits With a Mixture of Organic Solvents," J. of Sep. Science and Tech, vol. 25, no. 11 & 12, pp. 1141-1150, 1990
A. Tamimi and B. Uysal, "23- Parametric Investigation of Oil-Shale Extraction With Organic Solvents ," J. of Sep. Science and Tech., , vol. 25, no. 11 & 12, pp. 1151-1159, 1990
A. Tamimi, "4- Explosion Hazards in Crude , Distillate Storage Tanks Assessed ," Oil & Gas J, vol. , no. , pp. 53-55, 1990
A. Tamimeh and K. Rawajfeh, "10- Testing Results of Tubeless Flat-Plate Phase-Change Solar Collector ," J. of Heat Transfer Eng., , vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 42-46, 1991
A. Tamimi and K. Rawajfeh, "11- Modeling and Testing of an Extended-Surface Tubeless Flat-Plate Solar Collector ," Int. J. of Solar Energy , vol. 11, no. , pp. 55-61, 1991
A. Tamimi and B. Uysal, "5- Drying Characteristics of Oil-Shale ," Energy, The Int. J., , vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 303-308, 1992
A. Tamimi and K. Rawajfeh, "2- Principles of Energy Conservation in Industrial Processes ," Pac. And Asi. J. of Energy, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 17-23, 1992
A. Tamimi and Z. Kodah
To substitute the retracted version from Energy Convers. Manag. J, (Vol.34, No. 5, pp. 427-432, 1993) by the same authors , "14- Energy Consumption in Jordam," Energy , The Int. J, , vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 1013-1017, 1992
A. Tamimi, "3- Energy Situation in Jordan ," Energy Convers. Mgmt., , vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 519-521, 1993
T. Khedaywi, A. Tamimi, H. Al-Masaeid, and K. Khamaiseh, "6- Laboratory Investigation of Properties of Asphalt-Rubber Concrete Mixtures ," Transportation Research Record, vol. , no. 1417 Materials and Construction- Asphalt Concrete Mixtures, pp. 93-98, 1993
A. Tamimi and E. B. Rinker and O. C. Sandall, "24- Diffusion Coefficient for Hydrogen Sulfide, Carbon Dioxide, and Nitrous Oxide in Water over the Temperature Range 293-368 K," J. Chem. Eng. Data, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 330-332, 1994
A. Tamimi, E. B> Rinker and O. C. Sandall, "25- Diffusivity of Nitrous Oxide in Aqueous Solutions of N-Methyldiethanolamine and Diethanolamine from 293 to 368 K," J.Chem. Eng. Data, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 396-398, 1994
A. Tamimi and O'Jailat, "26- Analysis of Electrical Energy Generation and Consumption in Jordan," Energy Convers. Mgmt., , vol. 36, no. 11, pp. 1059-1062, 1995
A. Tamimi, "27- Analysis of Energy Consumption in Jordan ," Energy Convers. Mgmt., vol. 36, no. 11, pp. 1063-1065, 1994
M. Abu-Arabi and A. Tamimi, "28- Availability Analysis of Combustion flue gases ....A Case Study," Energy Convers.Mgmt., , vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 1133-1137, 1995
E. Rinker, J. Russel, A. Tamimi, and O. C. Sandall, "15- Diffusivity of Nitrous Oxide in N-Methyldiethanolamine + Diethanolamine + Water," J. Chem. Eng. Data,, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 630-632, 1996
N. Nawayseh, M. Farid, A. Omar, S. Al-Hallaj,and A, Tamimi, "16- A Simulation Study to Improve The Performance of a Solar Humidification-Dehumidification Desalination Unit Constructed in Jordan ," Desalination J., , vol. 109, no. 3, pp. 227-284, 1997
M. Al-Lawzi, M. Abu-Arabi, H. Al-Zou'bi and A. Tamimi, "7- Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Thermal Stability of Jordanian Johoba Oil ," Journal of American Oil Chemists' Society ( JAOCS), , vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 57-67, 1998
S. Al-Hallaj, M. Farid and A. Tamimi, "17- Solar Desalination With a Humidification-Dehumidification Cycle : Performance of The Unit ," Desalination J.,, vol. 120, no. 3, pp. 273-280, 1998
N. Nawayseh, M. Farid, S. Al-Hallaj and A. Tamimi, "18- Solar Desalination Based on Humidification Process-I : Evaluating the Heat and Mass Transfer Coefficients," Energy Convers.Mgmt., , vol. 40, no. , pp. 1423-1439, 1999
M. Abu-Arabi, M. Allawzi, H. Al-Zou’bi, A. Tamimi, "31- Extraction of Johoba Oil by Pressing and Leaching," Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 76, no. , pp. 61-55, 1999
M. Abu-Arabi, A.Jarrah, M.El-Eideh, and A. Tamimi, "29- Physical Solubility and Diffusivity of CO2 in Aqueous Diethanolamine Solutions ," J. Chem. Eng. Data, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 516-521, 2001
M. Abu-Arabi,, A. Tamimi and A. Jarrah, "30- Solubility and Diffusivity of CO2 in triethanolamine Solutions ," J. Chem. Eng. Data, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 1125-1129, 2001
M. Abu-Arabi, A. Tamimi , A. Jarrah , "40- Solubility and Diffusivity of CO2 in triethanolamine Solutions ," J. Chem. Eng. Data, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 1125-1129, 2001
M. Abu-Qudais, A. Tamimi, F. Al-Momani , "37- Experimental Study of a Tubless Convex Type Solar Collector ," Energy Convers. Mgmt, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 791-797, 2001
A. Tamimi , and K. Rawajfeh, "38- Lumped Modeling of Solar-Evaporative Ponds Charged from the Water of the Dead Sea," Desalination J., , vol. 216, no. 1-3, pp. 356-366, 2006
A. Tamimi, "41- Modeling of Optimum Inclination Angles of Solar Systems for Amman, Jordan ," J. Renewable Sustainable Energy, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1-6, 2011
A. Tamimi, and A. Sowayan , "42- Optimum Tilt Angles of Flat-Plate Solar Collectors at Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia," Energy Sources Part A, vol. 34, no. , pp. 1221-1224, 2012
A. Tamimi, and J. Clark , "45- Thermal Performance of a Solar Collector Containing a Boiling Fluid R-11," ASHRAE Trans. , vol. 90, no. pt.1b, pp. 681-696, 1984
A. Tamimi and B. Kailani , "46- Hazards Assessment of Flammable and Explosive Chemicals in Engineering Laboratories," AMSE Trans., , vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 29-42, 1991
A. Tamimi and B. Kailani , "47- Hazards Assessment of Radiation and Electrical Systems in Engineering Laboratories," AMSE Trans.,, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 43-52, 1991
A. Tamimi and B. Kailani , "48- Potential Hazards of Toxic and Irritating Chemicals in Engineering Laboratories," AMSE Trans.,, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 53-63, 1991
A. Tamimi, "49- Co-ordination between the Colleges of Engineering and Industry ....is a National Demand," UNESCO Symposium on Co-operation between Engineering Education and Industry, Oct 1983, pp. 0-0, UNESCO
Abdulrahman I. Tamimi, "50- Preparation of Cars Tires to Winter Season," Symposium ofThe Jordan Society for the Prevention of Road Accidents, Nov 1983, pp. 0-0, The Jordan Society for the Prevention of Road Accidents,
Abdulrahman I. Tamimi, "51- Performance of Tubeless Thermosiphon Solar Water Heater," Australian Institute of Refrigeration Air Conditioning & Heating (AIRAH) Tech 85 Conference, Apr 1985, pp. 0-0, Australian Institute of Refrigeration Air Conditioning & Heating
Abdulrahman I. Tamimi, "52- The Use of mg/lit Versus ppm ," Water and Wastewater Symposium , May 1985, pp. 0-0, Nikx, Hungarian Trade Co
Abdulrahman I. Tamimi, "36- Engineering Analysis of Car Skidding," 10th Congress of International Association for Accidents and Traffic Medicine (IAATM), May 1985, pp. 0-0, International Association for Accidents and Traffic Medicine (IAATM)
A. Tamimi, "53- Investigation of Flat-Plate Solar Collector in a Closed-Loop Thermosiphon Using Referigerant R-11," 7th Annual Conference of the Association of Muslim Scientists & Engineers, Aug 1981, pp. 0-0, Association of Muslim Scientists & Engineers
A. Tamimi, "43- Hydroplaning : A Serious Cause of Car Accidents ," 2nd Inter. Symposium on Transportation Safety, Jun 1985, pp. 0-0
A. Tamimi, "32- A National Plan for Technology Transfer to Jordan ," UNESCO Symposium on Co-operation between Engineering Education and Industry, Oct 1985, pp. 0-0, UNESCO
A. Tamimi, "33- Discussion of the Optimum Conditions to Produce H2SO4-Acid by the Contact Process," American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Spring National Meeting, Apr 1986, pp. 0-0, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Spring National Meeting
A. Tamimi, "34- Investigation of a Thermosiphon Solar Air Heater Integrated With a Wind Fan," 1st Inter. Symposium on Application of Solar and Renewable Energy, , Mar 1986, pp. 0-0
A. Tamimi, "44- Planning for Scientific Research ," Deans of Research Symposium, , pp. 0-0, Yarmouk Univ
Ramzi O. Sinnokrot, M. K. Abu-Arabi, and A. I. Tamimi, "35- Modeling of a Conventional Solar Still with a Draft and Humidification-Dehumidification Process," 1st International Nuclear and Renewable Energy Conference (INERC), Apr 2010, pp. 0-0, JUST
S. Z. Abandeh, A. Y. Al-Otoom, A. I. Tamimi, "39- Effect of Area Concentration Ratio on Performance of a Conventional Solar Still with Humidification-Dehumidification," Water Desalination Conference in The Arab Countries, Apr 2010, pp. 0-0
- Faculty member, 4 ) Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia, Sep 2009- Sep 2012
- Adjunct Associate Professor, 1 ) University of California/Santa Barbara, U.S.A, Sep 1992- Aug 1993
- Teaching Assisstant, 3 ) The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, U.S.A, Sep 1979- Jun 1981
- Operation ,Process Engineer, 2 ) Refinery Operation & Process Engineer (R &D), Jordan, Oct 1973- Jun 1977
- 8. Heat and Mass Transfer
- 9. Air Pollution (Special Topics),
- 11. Safety in Industry (Special Topics),
- Introduction to Engineering
- 5. Plant Design & Economy,
- 1. Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer
- 4. Fuel Cells Engineering (Special Topics)
- ChE 780 Special Topics ( Solar Energy Engineering )
Technical Paper Reviews
- Design and Performance of Continuous Flow, Perforated-Basin Double- Slope Solar Still , Journal
- Combination of Advanced Oxidation Technologies with Biological Treatment: A General Review, Journal
- Mode selection of China's urban heating and its potential for energy saving and emission reduction, Journal
- Vapor Recompression Can Save Energy in Distillation , Journal
- Combustion and Performance Characteristics of CI Engine Running with Biodiesel, Journal
- Synergistic hydrogen desorption of HCS MgH2+LiAlH4 composite, Journal
- Wear prevention characteristics of a palm oil-based trimethylolpropane (TMP) ester as an engine lubricant, Journal
- A Theoretical Model for Liquid-Solid Chemisorption of Pollutants on the Surfaces of Non-Porous Adsorbents , Journal
- A versatile system for offshore energy conversion including diversified storage, Journal
- Optimal Temperature Policy for Immobilized Enzyme Packed Bed Reactor Performing Reversible Michaelis-Menten Kinetics Using the Disjoint Policy?, Journal
- Thermodynamic Analyses of a New Renewable Energy Based Hybrid System for Hydrogen Liquefaction, Journal
- Comparative Study of Ammonia-Water Based Multiple-Effect Absorption Systems: Energy and Exergy Analyses, Journal
- Integration and optimization study on the coal fired power plant with CO2 capture using MEA, Journal
- Study of a Wind?PV?Battery hybrid system at Plaka in Greece, Journal
- Integration and optimization study on the coal fired power plant with CO2 capture using MEA, Journal
- Water condensation in carbon-dioxide-based engineered geothermal power generation, Journal
- Selection of suitable operating conditions for Planar Anode-supported Direct-internal-reforming Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell, Journal
- Influence of temperature on production of bio-fuels from fast pyrolysis of rice husk under steam atmosphere in a fluidized bed reactor, Journal
- Geochemistry of trace elements in marine oil shales and their combustion residues: occurrence and environmental aspects, Journal
- Durability and degradation mechanism of titanium nitride based electrocatalysts for PEM fuel cell applications, Journal
- Degradation of automotive materials in palm biodiesel, Journal
- Selection of suitable operating conditions for Planar Anode-supported Direct-internal-reforming Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell, Journal
- Experimental study of n-butanol addition on performance and emissions with diesel low temperature combustion, Journal
- Determination of the Octane Number of Olefinic Hydrocarbons Present in Gasoline, Journal
Conference Duties
- New & Renewable Energies, Kewait, Key Notes Speaker
- Curriculum Development, Jordan, Session Chair
- The 1st Alumni Conference, Jordan, Chair
- The Productive University, Jordan, Chair
Professional Memberships
- ASME : American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA ., 1984
- AICHE: American Institute of Chemical Engineers,USA, 1983
- ASHRAE : American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air- Conditioning Engineers , USA ., 1984
- IOF :International Oceanographic Foundation, USA , 1984