ايمن نورالدين عبابنه
• قسم الهندسة المدنية - عضو هيئة تدريس
• نائب العميد - نائب عميد
- الدكـتوراة في هندسة مدنيه من جامعة كولورادو في بولدر, 2002
- ماجستير في هندسة مدنيه من جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الاردنيه, 1994
- بكالوريوس في هندسة مدنيه من جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الاردنيه, 1991
Ayman Ababneh and Mashal Sheban, "Impact of mechanical loading on the corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete structures," Materials and Structures, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 1123-1137, 2011
Al-Akhras, N. M., Ababneh, A.N., Al-Qasem, I. A. , "Recycling of waste glass in mortar mixtures," Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 157-168, 2011
Al-Akhras, N. M., Ababneh, A., and Alaraji, W., "Using burnt stone slurry in mortar mixes," Construction and Building Materials, vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 2658-2663, 2010
Ababneh, A., Sheban, M., Abu-Dalo, M. and Andreescu, S. , "Effect of benzotriazole derivatives on steel corrosion in solution simulated carbonated concrete," Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 91-102, 2009
Sheban, M., Ababneh, A., Abu-Dalo, M. and Andreescu, S. , "Effect of benzotriazole derivatives on corrosion of steel in simulated concrete pore solutions," Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 135-147, 2007
Suwito, A., Ababneh, A., Xi, Y., and Willam, K., "The coupling effect of drying shrinkage and moisture diffusion in concrete," Computers and Concrete, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 103-122, 2006
Ababneh, A., Benboudjema, F., and Xi, Y., "Chloride penetration in non-saturated concrete," Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 183-191, 2003
Kong, J.S., Ababneh, A.N., Frangopol, D.M., and Xi, Y. , "Reliability analysis of chloride penetration in saturated concrete," istic Engineering Mechanics, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 305-315, 2002
Ababneh, A., and Xi, Y., "An experimental study on the effect chloride penetration on moisture diffusion in concrete," Materials and Structures, RILEM, vol. 35, no. , pp. 659-664, 2002
Ayman N. Ababneh, Mashal A. Sheban, and Muna A. Abu-Dalo, "Effectiveness of Benzotriazole as Corrosion Protection Material for Steel Reinforcement," Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 141-151, 2012
Ayman N. Ababneh, Rajai Z. Al-Rousan, Mohammad A. Alhassan, Mashal A. Sheban, "Assessment of shrinkage-induced cracks in restrained and unrestrained cement-based slabs," Construction and Building Materials, vol. 131, no. , pp. 371-380, 2016
Ayman Ababneh, Rajai Al-Rousan, Mohammad Alhassan and
Mohammed Alqadami
, "Influence of synthetic fibers on the shear behavior of lightweight concrete beams," Advances in Structural Engineering, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 1671-1683, 2017
Homan, Lydia and Ababneh, Ayman Nureddin and Xi, Yunping, "The effect of moisture transport on chloride penetration in concrete," Construction and Building Materials, vol. 125, no. , pp. 1189-1195, 2016, Elsevier
Ababneh, Ayman and Al-Rousan, Rajai and Alhassan, Mohammad and Alqadami, Mohammed, "Influence of synthetic fibers on the shear behavior of lightweight concrete beams," Advances in Structural Engineering, vol. 20, no. , pp. 1671-1683, 2017, SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England
Ababneh, Ayman N and Al-Rousan, Rajai Z and Alhassan, Mohammad A and Sheban, Mashal A, "Assessment of shrinkage-induced cracks in restrained and unrestrained cement-based slabs," Construction and Building Materials, vol. 131, no. , pp. 371-380, 2017, Elsevier
Ababneh, Ayman and Matalkah, Faris, "Potential use of Jordanian volcanic tuffs as supplementary cementitious materials," Case studies in construction materials, vol. 8, no. , pp. 193-202, 2018, Elsevier
Alhassan, Mohammad and Al-Rousan, Rajai and Ababneh, Ayman, "Flexural behavior of lightweight concrete beams encompassing various dosages of macro synthetic fibers and steel ratios," Case studies in construction materials, vol. 7, no. , pp. 280-293, 2017, Elsevier
Al-Rousan, Rajai and Alhassan, Mohammad and Ababneh, Ayman, "Simulating the response of CFRP strengthened shear-keys in composite concrete bridges," Materials \& Design, vol. 90, no. , pp. 733-744, 2016, Elsevier
Ababneh, Ayman and Benboudjema, Farid and Xi, Yunping, "Chloride penetration in nonsaturated concrete," Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 15, no. , pp. 183-191, 2003, American Society of Civil Engineers
Ababneh, Ayman and Al-Rousan, Rajai and Gharaibeh, Wafaa and Abu-Dalo, Muna, "Recycling of pre-treated medical waste fly ash in mortar mixtures," Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. , no. , pp. 1-14, 2019, Springer
H?mida Hamidane, Ayman Ababneh, "Modeling Of Chloride Penetration In Concrete Structures In Cold Regions," Journal of Advanced Sciences \& Applied Engineering, vol. 27, no. , pp. 76-82, 2014
Kong, Jung S and Ababneh, Ayman N and Frangopol, Dan M and Xi, Yunping, "Reliability analysis of chloride penetration in saturated concrete," Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, vol. 17, no. , pp. 305-315, 2002, Elsevier
Abu-Dalo, Muna A and Al-Rawashdeh, Nathir AF and Ababneh, Ayman, "Evaluating the performance of sulfonated Kraft lignin agent as corrosion inhibitor for iron-based materials in water distribution systems," Desalination, vol. 313, no. , pp. 105-114, 2013, Elsevier
Xi, Yunping and Shing, Benson and Abu-Hejleh, Naser and Asiz, Andi and Suwito, A and Xie, Zhaohui and Ababneh, Ayman, "Assessment of the cracking problem in newly constructed bridge decks in Colorado," Colorado Department of Transportation Research Report CDOT-DTD, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2003
Al-Akhras, Nabil M and Ababneh, Ayman and Alaraji, Wail A, "Using burnt stone slurry in mortar mixes," Construction and Building Materials, vol. 24, no. , pp. 2658-2663, 2010, Elsevier
Haddad, Rami H and Odeh, Ruba A and Amawi, Hala A and Ababneh, Ayman N, "Thermal performance of self-compacting concrete: destructive and nondestructive evaluation," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 40, no. , pp. 1205-1214, 2013, NRC Research Press
Ababneh, Ayman and Xi, Y and Willam, K, "Multiscale modeling of the coupled moisture diffusion and drying shrinkage of concrete," Creep, Shrink. Durab. Mech. Concr. other Quasi-brittle Mat.(Concreep6), eds. Ulm, Bazant \& Wittmann, Cambridge, USA, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2001
Ababneh, A. and Alhassan, M. and Abu-Haifa, M., "Predicting the contribution of recycled aggregate concrete to the shear capacity of beams without transverse reinforcement using artificial neural networks," Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 13, no. , pp. 0-0, 2020
Hamidane, H. and Chateauneuf, A. and Messabhia, A. and Ababneh, A., "Reliability analysis of corrosion initiation in reinforced concrete structures subjected to chlorides in presence of epistemic uncertainties," Structural Safety, vol. 86, no. , pp. 0-0, 2020
Alhassan, M.A. and Ababneh, A.N. and Betoush, N.A., "Innovative model for accurate prediction of the transfer length of prestressing strands based on artificial neural networks: Case study," Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 12, no. , pp. 0-0, 2020
Ababneh, A.N. and Al-Rousan, R.Z. and Ghaith, I.M.N., "Experimental study on anchoring of FRP-strengthened concrete beams," Structures, vol. 23, no. , pp. 26-33, 2020
Amaireh, L. and Al-Rousan, R.Z. and Ababneh, A.N. and Alhassan, M., "Integration of CFRP strips as an internal shear reinforcement in reinforced concrete beams," Structures, vol. 23, no. , pp. 13-19, 2020
Ababneh, A. and Matalkah, F. and Aqel, R., "Synthesis of kaolin-based alkali-activated cement: Carbon footprint, cost and energy assessment," Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 9, no. , pp. 8367-8378, 2020
Al-Rousan, R. and Ababneh, A. and Alhassan, M., "Hybrid CFRP-steel for enhancing the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams," Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2020
Ababneh, A. and Al-Rousan, R. and Gharaibeh, W. and Abu-Dalo, M., "Recycling of pre-treated medical waste fly ash in mortar mixtures," Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. 22, no. , pp. 207-220, 2020
Hamidane, H. and Ababneh, A. and Messabhia, A. and Xi, Y., "Modeling of chloride penetration in concrete structures under freeze-thaw cycles," International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, vol. 38, no. , pp. 127-147, 2019
Ababneh, A. and Albiss, B.A. and Lafi, T., "Effect of synthesized calcium carbonate nanoparticles on fresh and mechanical properties of high volume natural pozzolan mortars," International Review of Civil Engineering, vol. 10, no. , pp. 85-93, 2019
Ababneh, A.N. and Abu-Dalo, M.A. and Horn, C. and Hernandez, M.T., "Polarographic determination of benzotriazoles and their sorption behavior on granular activated carbon," International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 16, no. , pp. 833-842, 2019
Ababneh, A. and Matalkah, F., "Potential use of Jordanian volcanic tuffs as supplementary cementitious materials," Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 8, no. , pp. 193-202, 2018
Alhassan, M. and Al-Rousan, R. and Ababneh, A., "Flexural behavior of lightweight concrete beams encompassing various dosages of macro synthetic fibers and steel ratios," Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 7, no. , pp. 280-293, 2017
Ababneh, A. and Al-Rousan, R. and Alhassan, M. and Alqadami, M., "Influence of synthetic fibers on the shear behavior of lightweight concrete beams," Advances in Structural Engineering, vol. 20, no. , pp. 1671-1683, 2017
Ababneh, A.N. and Al-Rousan, R.Z. and Alhassan, M.A. and Sheban, M.A., "Assessment of shrinkage-induced cracks in restrained and unrestrained cement-based slabs," Construction and Building Materials, vol. 131, no. , pp. 371-380, 2017
Homan, L. and Ababneh, A.N. and Xi, Y., "The effect of moisture transport on chloride penetration in concrete," Construction and Building Materials, vol. 125, no. , pp. 1189-1195, 2016
Al-Rousan, R. and Alhassan, M. and Ababneh, A., "Simulating the response of CFRP strengthened shear-keys in composite concrete bridges," Materials and Design, vol. 90, no. , pp. 733-744, 2016
Haddad, R.H. and Odeh, R.A. and Amawi, H.A. and Ababneh, A.N., "Thermal performance of self-compacting concrete: Destructive and nondestructive evaluation," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 40, no. , pp. 1205-1214, 2013
Abu-Dalo, M.A. and Al-Rawashdeh, N.A.F. and Ababneh, A., "Evaluating the performance of sulfonated Kraft lignin agent as corrosion inhibitor for iron-based materials in water distribution systems," Desalination, vol. 313, no. , pp. 105-114, 2013
Ababneh, A.N. and Sheban, M.A. and Abu-Dalo, M.A., "Effectiveness of benzotriazole as corrosion protection material for steel reinforcement in concrete," Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 24, no. , pp. 141-151, 2012
Al-Akhras, N.M. and Ababneh, A.N. and Al-Qasem, I.A., "Recycling of waste glass in mortar mixtures," Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, vol. 37, no. , pp. 157-167, 2011
Ababneh, A. and Sheban, M., "Impact of mechanical loading on the corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete structures," Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, vol. 44, no. , pp. 1123-1137, 2011
Al-Akhras, N.M. and Ababneh, A. and Alaraji, W.A., "Using burnt stone slurry in mortar mixes," Construction and Building Materials, vol. 24, no. , pp. 2658-2663, 2010
Ababneh, A. and Sheban, M. and Abu-Dalo, M. and Andreescu, S., "Effect of benzotriazole derivtives on steel corrosion in solution simulated carbonated concrete," Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 3, no. , pp. 91-102, 2009
Sheban, M. and Abu-Dalo, M. and Ababneh, A. and Andreescu, S., "Effect of benzotriazole derivatives on the corrosion of steel in simulated concrete pore solutions," Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, vol. 54, no. , pp. 135-147, 2007
Suwito, A. and Ababneh, A. and Xi, Y. and Willam, K., "The coupling effect of drying shrinkage and moisture diffusion in concrete," Computers and Concrete, vol. 3, no. , pp. 103-122, 2006
Ababneh, A. and Benboudjema, F. and Xi, Y., "Chloride penetration in nonsaturated concrete," Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 15, no. , pp. 183-191, 2003
Ababneh, A. and Xi, Y., "An experimental study on the effect of chloride penetration on moisture diffusion in concrete," Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, vol. 35, no. , pp. 659-664, 2002
Kong, J.S. and Ababneh, A.N. and Frangopol, D.M. and Xi, Y., "Reliability analysis of chloride penetration in saturated concrete," Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, vol. 17, no. , pp. 305-315, 2002
Ababneh, A. and Alhassan, M. and Abu-Haifa, M., "Predicting the contribution of recycled aggregate concrete to the shear capacity of beams without transverse reinforcement using artificial neural networks," Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 13, no. , pp. 0-0, 2020
Hamidane, H. and Chateauneuf, A. and Messabhia, A. and Ababneh, A., "Reliability analysis of corrosion initiation in reinforced concrete structures subjected to chlorides in presence of epistemic uncertainties," Structural Safety, vol. 86, no. , pp. 0-0, 2020
Alhassan, M.A. and Ababneh, A.N. and Betoush, N.A., "Innovative model for accurate prediction of the transfer length of prestressing strands based on artificial neural networks: Case study," Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 12, no. , pp. 0-0, 2020
Ababneh, A.N. and Al-Rousan, R.Z. and Ghaith, I.M.N., "Experimental study on anchoring of FRP-strengthened concrete beams," Structures, vol. 23, no. , pp. 26-33, 2020
Amaireh, L. and Al-Rousan, R.Z. and Ababneh, A.N. and Alhassan, M., "Integration of CFRP strips as an internal shear reinforcement in reinforced concrete beams," Structures, vol. 23, no. , pp. 13-19, 2020
Ababneh, A. and Matalkah, F. and Aqel, R., "Synthesis of kaolin-based alkali-activated cement: Carbon footprint, cost and energy assessment," Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 9, no. , pp. 8367-8378, 2020
Al-Rousan, R. and Ababneh, A. and Alhassan, M., "Hybrid CFRP-steel for enhancing the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams," Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2020
Ababneh, A. and Al-Rousan, R. and Gharaibeh, W. and Abu-Dalo, M., "Recycling of pre-treated medical waste fly ash in mortar mixtures," Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. 22, no. , pp. 207-220, 2020
Hamidane, H. and Ababneh, A. and Messabhia, A. and Xi, Y., "Modeling of chloride penetration in concrete structures under freeze-thaw cycles," International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, vol. 38, no. , pp. 127-147, 2019
Ababneh, A. and Albiss, B.A. and Lafi, T., "Effect of synthesized calcium carbonate nanoparticles on fresh and mechanical properties of high volume natural pozzolan mortars," International Review of Civil Engineering, vol. 10, no. , pp. 85-93, 2019
Ababneh, A.N. and Abu-Dalo, M.A. and Horn, C. and Hernandez, M.T., "Polarographic determination of benzotriazoles and their sorption behavior on granular activated carbon," International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 16, no. , pp. 833-842, 2019
Ababneh, A. and Matalkah, F., "Potential use of Jordanian volcanic tuffs as supplementary cementitious materials," Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 8, no. , pp. 193-202, 2018
Alhassan, M. and Al-Rousan, R. and Ababneh, A., "Flexural behavior of lightweight concrete beams encompassing various dosages of macro synthetic fibers and steel ratios," Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 7, no. , pp. 280-293, 2017
Ababneh, A. and Al-Rousan, R. and Alhassan, M. and Alqadami, M., "Influence of synthetic fibers on the shear behavior of lightweight concrete beams," Advances in Structural Engineering, vol. 20, no. , pp. 1671-1683, 2017
Ababneh, A.N. and Al-Rousan, R.Z. and Alhassan, M.A. and Sheban, M.A., "Assessment of shrinkage-induced cracks in restrained and unrestrained cement-based slabs," Construction and Building Materials, vol. 131, no. , pp. 371-380, 2017
Homan, L. and Ababneh, A.N. and Xi, Y., "The effect of moisture transport on chloride penetration in concrete," Construction and Building Materials, vol. 125, no. , pp. 1189-1195, 2016
Al-Rousan, R. and Alhassan, M. and Ababneh, A., "Simulating the response of CFRP strengthened shear-keys in composite concrete bridges," Materials and Design, vol. 90, no. , pp. 733-744, 2016
Haddad, R.H. and Odeh, R.A. and Amawi, H.A. and Ababneh, A.N., "Thermal performance of self-compacting concrete: Destructive and nondestructive evaluation," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 40, no. , pp. 1205-1214, 2013
Abu-Dalo, M.A. and Al-Rawashdeh, N.A.F. and Ababneh, A., "Evaluating the performance of sulfonated Kraft lignin agent as corrosion inhibitor for iron-based materials in water distribution systems," Desalination, vol. 313, no. , pp. 105-114, 2013
Ababneh, A.N. and Sheban, M.A. and Abu-Dalo, M.A., "Effectiveness of benzotriazole as corrosion protection material for steel reinforcement in concrete," Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 24, no. , pp. 141-151, 2012
Al-Akhras, N.M. and Ababneh, A.N. and Al-Qasem, I.A., "Recycling of waste glass in mortar mixtures," Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, vol. 37, no. , pp. 157-167, 2011
Ababneh, A. and Sheban, M., "Impact of mechanical loading on the corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete structures," Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, vol. 44, no. , pp. 1123-1137, 2011
Al-Akhras, N.M. and Ababneh, A. and Alaraji, W.A., "Using burnt stone slurry in mortar mixes," Construction and Building Materials, vol. 24, no. , pp. 2658-2663, 2010
Ababneh, A. and Sheban, M. and Abu-Dalo, M. and Andreescu, S., "Effect of benzotriazole derivtives on steel corrosion in solution simulated carbonated concrete," Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 3, no. , pp. 91-102, 2009
Sheban, M. and Abu-Dalo, M. and Ababneh, A. and Andreescu, S., "Effect of benzotriazole derivatives on the corrosion of steel in simulated concrete pore solutions," Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, vol. 54, no. , pp. 135-147, 2007
Suwito, A. and Ababneh, A. and Xi, Y. and Willam, K., "The coupling effect of drying shrinkage and moisture diffusion in concrete," Computers and Concrete, vol. 3, no. , pp. 103-122, 2006
Ababneh, A. and Benboudjema, F. and Xi, Y., "Chloride penetration in nonsaturated concrete," Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 15, no. , pp. 183-191, 2003
Ababneh, A. and Xi, Y., "An experimental study on the effect of chloride penetration on moisture diffusion in concrete," Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, vol. 35, no. , pp. 659-664, 2002
Kong, J.S. and Ababneh, A.N. and Frangopol, D.M. and Xi, Y., "Reliability analysis of chloride penetration in saturated concrete," Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, vol. 17, no. , pp. 305-315, 2002
Ayman N. Ababneh, "Transverse Cracking of Composite Bridge Decks," The 15th International Conference on Computation Methods and Experimental Measurements, May 2011, pp. 317-325, Wessex Institute of Technology
Alhassan, M.A. and Ababneh, A.N. and Betoush, N.A., "Optimum Prediction of the Transfer Length of Strands Based on Artificial Neural Networks," , 2020, pp. 505-512
Matalkah, F. and Aqel, R. and Ababneh, A., "Enhancement of the Mechanical Properties of Kaolin Geopolymer Using Sodium Hydroxide and Calcium Oxide," , 2020, pp. 164-171
Ababneh, A. and Hamidane, H. and Wang, Y. and Abdelrahman, M. and Xi, Y., "Assessment of the Coupled Transport-Degradation Model for Concrete using Smart Sensors," , 2020, pp. 20-27
Ababneh, A.N., "Coupled transport-degradation behavior of reinforced concrete: State-of-the-art," , 2017, pp. 1038-1048
Ababneh, A.N., "Transverse cracking of composite bridge decks," , 2011, pp. 317-325
Ababneh, A.N. and Xi, Y., "Evaluation of environmental degradation of concrete in cold regions," , 2007, pp. 0-0
Nakhi, A. and Xie, Z. and Asiz, A. and Ababneh, A. and Xi, Y., "Chloride penetration in concrete under coupled hygromechanical loadings," , 2000, pp. 84-94
Alhassan, M.A. and Ababneh, A.N. and Betoush, N.A., "Optimum Prediction of the Transfer Length of Strands Based on Artificial Neural Networks," , 2020, pp. 505-512
Matalkah, F. and Aqel, R. and Ababneh, A., "Enhancement of the Mechanical Properties of Kaolin Geopolymer Using Sodium Hydroxide and Calcium Oxide," , 2020, pp. 164-171
Ababneh, A. and Hamidane, H. and Wang, Y. and Abdelrahman, M. and Xi, Y., "Assessment of the Coupled Transport-Degradation Model for Concrete using Smart Sensors," , 2020, pp. 20-27
Ababneh, A.N., "Coupled transport-degradation behavior of reinforced concrete: State-of-the-art," , 2017, pp. 1038-1048
Ababneh, A.N., "Transverse cracking of composite bridge decks," , 2011, pp. 317-325
Ababneh, A.N. and Xi, Y., "Evaluation of environmental degradation of concrete in cold regions," , 2007, pp. 0-0
Nakhi, A. and Xie, Z. and Asiz, A. and Ababneh, A. and Xi, Y., "Chloride penetration in concrete under coupled hygromechanical loadings," , 2000, pp. 84-94
Ayman N. Ababneh, "Evaluation of Environmental Degradation of Concrete in Cold Regions," The 13th International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering, 2006, pp. 0-0
Xi, Yunping and Ababneh, Ayman, The coupling effects of environmental and mechanical loadings on durability of concrete, , 2003
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Abdelrahman Husam Nawaf Alshouha, Nabil Moh'D Ali Al-Akhras
Bara'A Refa'Ee Abed Al-Rahman Alnemrawi, Rajai Zuheir Salem Al Rousan, Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Mohammad Na'Eem Abdel Rasoul Al-Akhras
Rajai Zuheir Salem Al Rousan, Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Mohammad Sharif Hussein Bani Hani
Bara'A Refa'Ee Abed Al-Rahman Alnemrawi, Rajai Zuheir Salem Al Rousan, Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh
Bara'A Refa'Ee Abed Al-Rahman Alnemrawi, Rajai Zuheir Salem Al Rousan, Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Ruba Mohammad Badr Aqel
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Ruba Mohammad Badr Aqel
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Ruba Mohammad Badr Aqel
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Bisher Ishaq Ibrahim Matalkeh
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Ruba Mohammad Badr Aqel
Mohammad Abedalkareem Mohammad Alhassan, Rajai Zuheir Salem Al Rousan, Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Ruba Mohammad Badr Aqel
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Ruba Mohammad Badr Aqel
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh
Rajai Zuheir Salem Al Rousan, Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Mohammad Abedalkareem Mohammad Alhassan
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Rajai Zuheir Salem Al Rousan, Wafa'A Fayek Farhan Al-Ghraiybah, Muna Ahmed Abdel Na'Eem Abu-Dalo
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Rajai Zuheir Salem Al Rousan, Isam M.N M.A Gheith
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Muna Ahmed Abdel Na'Eem Abu-Dalo
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Rajai Zuheir Salem Al Rousan, Mohammed Ali Mahdi Al-Qadami
Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh, Rajai Zuheir Salem Al Rousan, Mohammad Abedalkareem Mohammad Alhassan
Muna Ahmed Abdel Na'Eem Abu-Dalo, Nathir Ahmad Faisal Al-Rawashdeh, Ayman Nureddin Daoud Ababneh
- Vice Dean, Vice dean, Sep 2024 - Present
- Head of Department, Civil Engineering, Sep 2023 - Sep 2024
- Head of Department, Civil Engineering, Sep 2022 - Sep 2023
- Vice Dean, Vice dean, Sep 2015 - Sep 2016
- Assistant Dean, Dean assistant office 2, Sep 2011 - Sep 2012
- Faculty Member, Civil Engineering, Feb 2008 - Present
- Assistant Professor, Clarkson University, U.S.A, Aug 2003- Dec 2007
- Introduction to Engineering Design
- Environmental Degradation of Concrete Structures
- Strength of Materials
- Engineering Measurements
- Concrete Design Competitions
Technical Paper Reviews
- Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Journal
- Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Journal
- Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Journal
- ACI Materials Journal, Journal
- Material and Structures Journal, RILEM, Journal
Professional Memberships
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2005
- American Concrete Institute (ACI), 2007
- National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) International, 2006, 1
- American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), 2006
- Transportation Infrastructure Research Consortium (TIRC), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2006, 1