ملك ابراهيم ناجي
• قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية - عضو هيئة تدريس
- الدكـتوراة في هندسة ميكانيكيه من جامعة كونكورديا, 1998
- ماجستير في هندسة ميكانيكيه من جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الاردنيه, 1993
- بكالوريوس في هندسة ميكانيكيه من جامعة الكويت, 1988
Naji, Malak and Najjar, Yousef S.H., "Modelling of a Novel Infrared Recycler for Reclaiming Waste Plastics from Automotive Vehicles," International Journal of Sustainable Energy, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2019
Khasawneh, Qais A. and Jaradat, Mohammad Abdel Kareem and Naji, Malak I. and Al-Azzeh, Mohammad Y., "Enhancement of hard disk drive manipulator using piezoelectric actuator mechanisms," Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, vol. 40, no. , pp. 0-0, 2018
Naji, Malak and Al-Nimr, Moh{\textbackslash}'d and Alsyed, Eyad and Essaheb, Mahir, "Thermal Stresses in an Anisotropic Thin Plate Subjected to Moving Line Heat Sources," Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, vol. 7, no. , pp. 1516-1528, 2014
Bataineh, K. M. and Naji, M. and Saqer, M., "A comparison study between various fuzzy clustering algorithms," Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, vol. 5, no. , pp. 335-343, 2011
Darabseh, Tariq and Naji, Malak and Al-Nimr, Moh'D, "Transient Thermal Stresses in an Orthotropic Cylinder under the Hyperbolic Heat Conduction Model," Heat Transfer Engineering, vol. 29, no. , pp. 632-642, 2008
Naji, Malak and Al-Nimr, M. and Darabseh, T., "Thermal stress investigation in unidirectional composites under the hyperbolic energy model," International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 44, no. , pp. 5111-5121, 2007
Al-Said, Samer Masoud and Naji, Malak and Al-Shukry, Adnan A., "Flexural Vibration of Rotating Cracked Timoshenko Beam," Journal of Vibration and Control, vol. 12, no. , pp. 1271-1287, 2006
Al-Nimr, M. A. and Naji, M. and Abdallah, R. I., "Thermal Behavior of a Multi-layered Thin Slab Carrying Periodic Signals Under the Effect of the Dual-Phase-Lag Heat Conduction Model," International Journal of Thermophysics, vol. 25, no. , pp. 949-966, 2004
Al-Nimr, Moh'd A. and Naji, Malak and Al-Wardat, Salem A., "Thermal behavior of thin slab as described by the parabolic microscopic heat conduction model with variable thermal properties," International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 43, no. , pp. 165-171, 2004
Naji, M. and Al Nimr, M.A. and Abu Surour, R.A., "Thermal Stresses in a Slab Subjected to Fluctuating Wall Thermal Disturbance Under the Effect of Dual-Phase Lag Heat Conduction Model," International Journal of Heat and Technology, vol. 22, no. , pp. 145-152, 2004
Alata, M. and Al-Nimr, M. A. and Naji, M., "Transient Behavior of a Thermoelectric Device Under the Hyperbolic Heat Conduction Model," International Journal of Thermophysics, vol. 24, no. , pp. 1753-1768, 2003
Al-Nimr, M. A. and Naji, Malak, "The Performance of Porous Electric Heaters," Heat Transfer Engineering, vol. 24, no. , pp. 69-75, 2003
Al-Nimr, Mohammad and Naji, Malak and Al-Wardat, Salem, "Overshooting Phenomenon in the Hyperbolic Heat Conduction Model," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 42, no. , pp. 5383-5386, 2003
Al-Nimr, M.A. and Hader, M. and Naji, M., "Use of the microscopic parabolic heat conduction model in place of the macroscopic model validation criterion under harmonic boundary heating," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 46, no. , pp. 333-339, 2003
Naji, Malak and Al-Nimr, M. A. and Mallouh, M., "Thermal stresses under the effect of the microscopic heat conduction model," Journal of Thermal Stresses, vol. 26, no. , pp. 41-53, 2003
Al-Nimr, M.A and Abu Nabah, B.A and Naji, M, "A novel summer air conditioning system," Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 43, no. , pp. 1911-1921, 2002
Naji, M and Al-Nimr, M.A, "Thermal behavior of a porous electric heater," Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 22, no. , pp. 449-457, 2002
Naji, Malak and Al Nimr, M.A. and Hader, Montaser, "The Validity of Using the Microscopic Hyperbolic Heat Conduction Model Under a Harmonic Fluctuating Boundary Heating Source," International Journal of Thermophysics, vol. 24, no. , pp. 545-557, 2003
Naji, M and Alata, M and Al-Nimr, M. A., "Transient behaviour of a thermoelectric device," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, vol. 217, no. , pp. 615-621, 2003
Naji, Malak and Al Nimr, M.A. and Alsyed, Eyad and Es-Saheb, Mahir, "Thermal Stresses in an Anisotropic Thin Plate Subjected to Moving Plane Heat Sources," Research Journal of AppliedSciences, Engineering and Technology, vol. 7, no. , pp. 3395-3404, 2014
Naji, Malak and Al Nimr, M.A. and Al-Huniti, Naser, "Thermal stresses in a rapidly heated plate using the parabolic two-step heat conduction equation," Journal of Thermal Stresses, vol. 24, no. , pp. 399-410, 2001
Naji, Malak and Al Nimr, M.A. and Hader, Montaser, "Temperature and thermal stress behavior of a brake system - Lumped analysis," International Journal of Heat and Technology, vol. 19, no. , pp. 0-0, 2001
Naji, Malak and Al-Nimr, M., "Dynamic thermal behavior of a brake system," International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 28, no. , pp. 835-845, 2001
Al Nimr, M.A. and Hader, M. and Naji, Malak, "Transient pulsating flow in channels partially filled with porous material," Journal of Porous Media, vol. 4, no. , pp. 0-0, 2001
Al-Nimr, M. A. and Naji, M. and Arbaci, V. S., "Nonequilibrium entropy production under the effect of dual-phase lag heat conduction model," ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 122, no. , pp. 0-0, 2000
Naji, Malak I. and Hoa, Suong V., "Curing of Thick Angle-Bend Thermoset Composite Part: Curing Process Modification for Uniform Thickness and Uniform Fiber Volume Fraction Distribution," Journal of Composite Materials, vol. 34, no. , pp. 1710-1755, 2000
Naji, M. and Al-Nimr, M. and Masoud, S., "Transient thermal behavior of a cylindrical brake system," Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 36, no. , pp. 45-49, 2000
Al-Huniti, N.S. and Al-Nimr, M.A. and Naji, M., "Dynamic response of a rod due to a moving heat source under the hyperbolic heat conduction model," Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 242, no. , pp. 629-640, 2001
Al-Nimr, M. and Naji, M., "The hyperbolic heat conduction equation in an anisotropic material," International Journal of Thermophysics, vol. 35, no. , pp. 493-497, 2000
Al-Nimr, M. A. and Aldoss, T. and Naji, M. I., "Transient forced convection in the entrance region of a porous tube," The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 72, no. , pp. 249-255, 1994
Al-Nimr, M. A. and Aldoss, T. K. and Naji, M. I., "Transient forced convection in the entrance region of porous concentric annuli," The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 72, no. , pp. 1092-1096, 1994
Naji, Malak I. and Hoa, Suong V., "Curing of Thick Angle-Bend Thermoset Composite Part: Curing Cycle Effect on Thickness and Fiber Volume Fraction Variation," Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, vol. 18, no. , pp. 702-723, 1999
Al-Nimr, M. and Naji, M., "On the phase-lag effect on the nonequilibrium entropy production," Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, vol. 4, no. , pp. 231-243, 2000
Malak I. Naji, "Curing of thickangle-bend thermoset composite part: curing process modification for uniform thickness and uniform fiber volume fraction distribution," International Conference of Composite Materials, ICCM 12, Theme : Processing, Integrated Design and Manufacturing , Jul 1999, pp. 0-0
Malak Ibrahim Sharif Naji, Mohammad Ahmad Moh'D Al-Nimr
Qais Azzam Ibrahim Khasawneh, Mohammad Abdel Kareem Rasheed Jaradat, Malak Ibrahim Sharif Naji, Moh'D Yousef Abdallah Alazzeh
- Vice Dean, Vice dean, Sep 2020 - Sep 2021
- Vice Dean, Vice dean, Sep 2019 - Sep 2020
- Vice Dean, Vice dean, Sep 2018 - Sep 2019
- Vice Dean, Vice dean, Sep 2017 - Sep 2018
- Deputy Head of Department, Mechanical Engineering, Sep 2007 - Sep 2009
- Assistant Dean, Faculty Of Engineering, Sep 2004 - Sep 2005
- Faculty Member, Mechanical Engineering, Oct 1998 - Present
- Engineering Drawing
- Composite Materials