محمدتيسير ضيف الله هياجنه
• قسم الهندسة الصناعية - عضو هيئة تدريس
- الدكـتوراة في هندسة ميكانيكيه من جامعة كونكورديا, 1998
- ماجستير في هندسة ميكانيكيه من جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الاردنيه, 1989
- بكالوريوس في هندسة ميكانيكيه من جامعة اليرموك, 1986
Dalalah, Doraid and Hayajneh, Mohammed and Batieha, Farhan, "A fuzzy multi-criteria decision making model for supplier selection," Expert systems with applications, vol. 38, no. , pp. 8384-8391, 2011, Pergamon
Hassan, Adel Mahamood and Alrashdan, Abdalla and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Mayyas, Ahmad Turki, "Prediction of density, porosity and hardness in aluminum--copper-based composite materials using artificial neural network," Journal of materials processing technology, vol. 209, no. , pp. 894-899, 2009, Elsevier
Hassan, Adel Mahamood and Alrashdan, Abdalla and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Mayyas, Ahmad Turki, "Wear behavior of Al--Mg--Cu--based composites containing SiC particles," Tribology International, vol. 42, no. , pp. 1230-1238, 2009, Elsevier
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Tahat, Montasser S and Bluhm, Joachim, "A study of the effects of machining parameters on the surface roughness in the end-milling process," Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, vol. 1, no. , pp. 0-0, 2007
Dalalah, Doraid and Al-Oqla, Faris and Hayajneh, Mohammed, "Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Selection of Cranes.," Jordan Journal of Mechanical \& Industrial Engineering, vol. 4, no. , pp. 0-0, 2010
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Hassan, Adel Mahmood and Mayyas, Ahmad Turki, "Artificial neural network modeling of the drilling process of self-lubricated aluminum/alumina/graphite hybrid composites synthesized by powder metallurgy technique," Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 478, no. , pp. 559-565, 2009, Elsevier
Astakhov, Viktor P and Osman, MOM and Hayajneh, MT, "Re-evaluation of the basic mechanics of orthogonal metal cutting: velocity diagram, virtual work equation and upper-bound theorem," International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, vol. 41, no. , pp. 393-418, 2001, Pergamon
Hayajneh, Mohammed and Hassan, Adel Mahamood and Alrashdan, Abdalla and Mayyas, Ahmad Turki, "Prediction of tribological behavior of aluminum--copper based composite using artificial neural network," Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 470, no. , pp. 584-588, 2009, Elsevier
Hayajneh, MT and Astakhov, VP and Osman, MOM, "An analytical evaluation of the cutting forces in orthogonal cutting using a dynamic model of the shear zone with parallel boundaries," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 82, no. , pp. 61-77, 1998, Elsevier
Hassan, Adel Mahamood and Mayyas, Ahmad Turki and Alrashdan, Abdalla and Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "Wear behavior of Al--Cu and Al--Cu/SiC components produced by powder metallurgy," Journal of materials science, vol. 43, no. , pp. 5368-5375, 2008, Springer US
Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "Hole quality in deep hole drilling," Materials and Manufacturing Processes, vol. 16, no. , pp. 147-164, 2001, Taylor \& Francis
Hassan, Adel Mahammod and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Al-Omari, Mohammad Abdul-Hameed, "The effect of the increase in graphite volumetric percentage on the strength and hardness of Al-4 weight percent Mg-graphite composites," Journal of materials engineering and performance, vol. 11, no. , pp. 250-255, 2002, Springer-Verlag
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Hassan, Adel Mahammod and Al-Omari, Mohammad Abdul-Hameed, "The effect of graphite particles addition on the surface finish of machined Al-4 Wt.\% Mg alloys," Journal of materials engineering and performance, vol. 10, no. , pp. 521-525, 2001, Springer-Verlag
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Radaideh, Saleh M and Smadi, Issam A, "Fuzzy logic controller for overhead cranes," Engineering Computations, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Radaideh, Saleh M, "Modeling surface finish in end milling using fuzzy subtractive clustering-based system identification method," Materials and Manufacturing Processes, vol. 18, no. , pp. 653-665, 2003, Taylor \& Francis
Mayyas, Ahmad T and Hamasha, Mohammad M and Alrashdan, Abdalla and Hassan, Adel M and Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "Effect of copper and silicon carbide content on the corrosion resistance of Al-Mg alloys in acidic and alkaline solutions," Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, vol. 11, no. , pp. 0-0, 2012, Scientific Research Publishing
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Radaideh, Saleh M, "Monitoring Hole Quality in a Drilling Process Using a Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering-based qa System Identification Method," Journal of Testing and Evaluation, vol. 35, no. , pp. 297-302, 2007, ASTM International
Alrashdan, Abdalla and Mayyas, Ahmad T and Hassan, Adel Mahamood and Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "Drilling of Al?Mg?Cu alloys and Al?Mg?Cu/SiC composites," Journal of composite materials, vol. 45, no. , pp. 2091-2101, 2011, Sage Publications Sage UK: London, England
Radaideh, SM and Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "A modified PID controller (PII$\sigma$$\beta$D)," Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 339, no. , pp. 543-553, 2002, Pergamon
Mayyas, Ahmad and Qasaimeh, Awni and Alzoubi, Khalid and Lu, Susan and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Hassan, Adel M and others, "Modeling the drilling process of aluminum composites using multiple regression analysis and artificial neural networks," Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, vol. 11, no. , pp. 0-0, 2012, Scientific Research Publishing
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Hassan, Adel Mahmood and Al-Wedyan, Fatma, "Monitoring defects of ceramic tiles using fuzzy subtractive clustering-based system identification method," Soft Computing, vol. 14, no. , pp. 615-626, 2010, Springer-Verlag
HAYAJNEH, Mohammed T and HASSAN, ADEL MAHMOOD, "Modelling the machinability of self-lubricated aluminum/alumina/graphite hybrid composites using a fuzzy subtractive clustering-based system identification method," International journal of machining and machinability of materials, vol. 3, no. , pp. 252-271, 2008, Inderscience Publishers
Al-Ata, Mohanad and Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "An investigation of bell mouthing in precision hole machining with self-piloting tools," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 43, no. , pp. 22-32, 2009, Springer-Verlag
Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "Fuzzy clustering modelling for surface finish prediction in fine turning process," Machining science and technology, vol. 9, no. , pp. 437-451, 2005, Taylor \& Francis
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Hassan, Adel Mahamood and Mayyas, Ahmad Turki and Alrashdan, Abdalla, "Modeling the drilling process of some Al-Mg-Cu alloys and Al-Mg-Cu/SiC composites using artificial neural network," The ienc, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2011
Hamasha, Mohammad M and Mayyas, Ahmad T and Hassan, Adel M and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and others, "The effect of time, percent of copper and nickel on naturally aged Al-Cu-Ni cast alloys," Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, vol. 11, no. , pp. 0-0, 2012, Scientific Research Publishing
Al-Omari, Faruq and Al-Jarrah, Mohammad and Omari, Mohammad and Hayajneh, Mohammed, "Development of a CAD/CAM system for simulating closed forging process using finite-element method," Engineering Computations, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Hamasha, Mohammad M and Mayyas, Ahmad T and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Hassan, Adel M, "The effect of time, percent of copper and nickel on the natural precipitation hardness of Al--Cu--Ni powder metallurgy alloys using design of experiments," Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, vol. 10, no. , pp. 0-0, 2011, Scientific Research Publishing
Radaideh, SM and Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "A new fuzzy gain scheduling scheme for the PID controllers," Intelligent Automation \& Soft Computing, vol. 9, no. , pp. 269-277, 2003, Taylor \& Francis Group
Hayajneh, MOHAMMED T and Bataineh, OMAR and Al-Tawil, Rami, "Applying Six Sigma Methodology based on ?DMAIC? tools to reduce production defects in textile manufacturing," Recent Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Technologies, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2007
Almomani, Mohammed and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Draidi, Majd, "Tribological investigation of Zamak alloys reinforced with alumina (Al2O3) and fly ash," Particulate Science and Technology, vol. 34, no. , pp. 317-323, 2016, Taylor \& Francis
Dalalah, Doraid and Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "Dynamic neural model for mobile robot navigation," Neural Network World, vol. 17, no. , pp. 0-0, 2007, Institute of Computer Science
Radaideh, SM and Hayajneh, MT, "A fuzzy gain scheduling scheme for the PII$\sigma$D controllers," International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, vol. 24, no. , pp. 8-12, 2004, Taylor \& Francis
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Hassan, Adel Mahamood and Jaradat, Younis Mohammad, "The effect of nickel addition, solution treatment temperature and time on the precipitation hardening of (Al-Cu) alloys," Academia. edu, vol. 141, no. , pp. 1-5, 2007
Radaideh, SM and Hayajneh, MT, "A modified PID controller (PII$\sigma$D) for controllable linear time-invariant single-input/single-output systems," Control and intelligent systems, vol. 31, no. , pp. 95-100, 2003
Radaideh, Saleh M and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Smadi, Issam A, "PII$\sigma$F D CONTROLLER FOR LINEAR TIME INVARIANT SINGLE INPUT/SINGLE OUTPUT SYSTEMS," Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 55, no. , pp. 324-327, 2004
Radaideh, SM and Hayajneh, MT and Radaydeh, Redha, "Series resistance compensation in PTAT temperature sensors and bandgap reference circuits," International journal of electronics, vol. 91, no. , pp. 259-269, 2004, Taylor \& Francis
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Hassan, Adel Mahmood and Moath, AL-Qudah, "Burnishing of Aluminum-Magnesium-Graphite Composites," International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, vol. 9, no. , pp. 122-126, 2015
Al-Wedyan, Hussien M and Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "Dynamic modelling and analysis of whirling motion in BTA deep hole boring process," International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, vol. 10, no. , pp. 48-70, 2011, Inderscience Publishers
Alda{\c{s}}, Kemal and {\"O}zkul, {\.I}skender and Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "Effects of machining parameters and reinforcement content on thrust force during drilling of hybrid composites," Materials Testing, vol. 58, no. , pp. 280-284, 2016, Carl Hanser Verlag
Almomani, Mohammed and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Draidi, Majd, "Corrosion investigation of zinc- aluminum alloy matrix (ZA-27) reinforced with alumina (Al2O3) and fly ash," Particulate Science and Technology, vol. 35, no. , pp. 439-447, 2017, Taylor \& Francis
Atkins, AG and Boukouvalas, C and Bramley, AN and Chan, K and Chan, KC and Choi, JC and Clift, SE and Coban, A and Daqing, Z and Davey, K and others, "Afzal Khan, M., 172 Ahmed, M., 127 Aksoy, M., 165 Astakhov, VP, 61," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 82, no. , pp. 0-0, 1998
Hassan, Adel Mahamood, "Abdalla Alrashdan, Mohammed T. Hayajneh, Ahmad Turki Mayyas,?Prediction of density, porosity and hardness in aluminum--copper-based composite materials using ANN?," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 209, no. , pp. 894-899, 2009
Dalalah, Doraid M and Hayajneh, Mohammad T and Sanajleh, Amena, "Modelling decision making under risk and uncertainty by novel utility measures," International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, vol. 8, no. , pp. 179-202, 2015, Inderscience Publishers (IEL)
HAYAJNEH, MOHAMMAD and AL-TAHAT, MOHAMMAD and KHRAISAT, WALID and ALSHOBAKI, SALMAN, "Experimental Investigation for the Elimination of Heat Treatment Related Distortion for the Production of'Grizzly bar'Casting Made of (12-14)\% Manganese Steel," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
Mayyas, Ahmad and Omar, Mohammed A and Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "Eco-material selection using fuzzy TOPSIS method," International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, vol. 9, no. , pp. 292-304, 2016, Taylor \& Francis
Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "Prediction of Cutting Tool Life in Drilling of Reinforced Aluminum Alloy Composite Using a Fuzzy Method," International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, vol. 10, no. , pp. 431-437, 2016
Tyfour, Wa?il R and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Qasaymeh, Jawad M, "On the models of erosive wear of ductile materials," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, vol. 232, no. , pp. 931-938, 2018, SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England
Al-Wedyan, Hussien Mahmoud and Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "Prediction and controlling of roundness during the BTA deep hole drilling process: Experimental investigations and fuzzy modeling," Materials Testing, vol. 59, no. , pp. 284-289, 2017, Carl Hanser Verlag
Tyfour, Wa?il R and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Hendawi, Rania, "Role of impact angle reversal on impact wear of mild steel," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, vol. 232, no. , pp. 97-105, 2018, SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England
Tyfour, Wa?il R and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Momani, Amer and AL-Hajji, Manar B, "Sliding wear mechanism of ductile materials--Effect of sliding direction reversal," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, vol. 232, no. , pp. 315-325, 2018, SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England
Mayyas, Ahmad and Omar, Mohammed and Hayajneh, Mohammed and Mayyas, Abdel Raouf, "Vehicle's lightweight design vs. electrification from life cycle assessment perspective," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 167, no. , pp. 687-701, 2017, Elsevier
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Al-Dwairi, Abdullah F and Obeidat, Sinan F, "Optimization and control of bending distortion of submerged arc welding I-beams," Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 142, no. , pp. 78-85, 2018, Elsevier
Zhou, Huan and Wang, JQ and Wang, DD and others, "Grey stochastic multi-criteria decision-making approach based on Hurwicz with uncertain probability," Control and decision, vol. , no. , pp. 556-560, 2015
Theeb, Nader A Al and Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "Six Sigma framework methodology for deep drawing process improvement," International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, vol. 25, no. , pp. 18-40, 2018, Inderscience Publishers (IEL)
Almomani, Mohammed A and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Al-Daraghmeh, Mohammad Y, "The corrosion behavior of AISI 304 stainless steel spin coated with ZrO2-gelatin nanocomposites," Materials Research Express, vol. 6, no. , pp. 0-0, 2019, IOP Publishing
Wa?il, R Tyfour and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Qasaymeh, Jawad M, "On the models of erosive wear of ductile materials," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
Fares, Osama and AL-Oqla, Faris M and Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "Dielectric relaxation of mediterranean lignocellulosic fibers for sustainable functional biomaterials," Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 229, no. , pp. 174-182, 2019, Elsevier
Obeidat, Mohammed Said and Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "Implementing an insert-node heuristic travelling salesman problem: a case study to reduce the travelling cost of a medical representative," International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, vol. 33, no. , pp. 59-72, 2019, Inderscience Publishers (IEL)
Almomani, Mohammed A and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Alelaumi, Shrouq M, "Applying Taguchi method to study the wear behaviour of ZA-27 alloy-based composites reinforced with SiC nanoparticles," International Journal of Cast Metals Research, vol. 32, no. , pp. 229-241, 2019, Taylor \& Francis
Al-Oqla, Faris M and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Fares, Osama, "Investigating the mechanical thermal and polymer interfacial characteristics of Jordanian lignocellulosic fibers to demonstrate their capabilities for sustainable green materials," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 241, no. , pp. 0-0, 2019, Elsevier
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Almomani, Mohammed A and Al\_hmoud, Heba B, "Corrosion evaluation of nanocomposite gelatin-forsterite coating applied on AISI 316 L stainless steel," Materials Research Express, vol. 6, no. , pp. 0-0, 2019, IOP Publishing
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Almomani, Mohammed A and Mu?ayyad, M, "Effects of Waste Eggshells addition on Microstructures, Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Green Metal Matrix Composite," Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, vol. 26, no. , pp. 423-434, 2019, De Gruyter
Abou-Arab, TW and Aldoss, TK and Hayajneh, MT, "Reformulation of the law of the wall for rough surfaces," International Journal of Engineering Fluid Mechanics, vol. 4, no. , pp. 33-46, 1991, GULF PUBL CO BOX 2608, HOUSTON, TX 77252-2608
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Abdellahia, Majid, "Prediction Performance of End-Milling Process by Gene Expression Programming.," Jordan Journal of Mechanical \& Industrial Engineering, vol. 13, no. , pp. 0-0, 2019
Al-Daraghmeh, Mohammad Younes and Hayajneh, Mohammed Taiseer and Almomani, Mohammed Ali, "Corrosion Resistance of TiO2-ZrO2 Nanocomposite Thin Films Spin Coated on AISI 304 Stainless Steel in 3.5 wt.\% NaCl Solution," Materials Research, vol. 22, no. , pp. 0-0, 2019, Materials Research
Almomani, Mohammed A and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Mu?ayyad, M, "Investigation of mechanical and tribological properties of hybrid green eggshells and graphite-reinforced aluminum composites," Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, vol. 42, no. , pp. 0-0, 2020, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Al-Araidah, Omar and Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Al-Rwabdah, Rawan A, "Desalination membrane selection using group fuzzy analytical hierarchy process," DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol. 174, no. , pp. 79-89, 2020, DESALINATION PUBL 36 WALCOTT VALLEY DRIVE,, HOPKINTON, MA 01748 USA
Alsmadi, Malek M and Ali, Najah Abu and Hayajneh, Mohammed and Ikki, Salama S, "Down-link NOMA Networks in the Presence of IQI and Imperfect SIC: Receiver Design and Performance Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2020, IEEE
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Almomani, Mohammed Ali and Alelaumi, Shrouq M, "Synthesis and characterization of ZA-27/SiC nanocomposites and study of its anticorrosion performance in a 3.5\% NaCl medium," Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, vol. , no. , pp. 0-0, 2020, Emerald Publishing Limited
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Almomani, Mohammed and Al-Daraghmeh, Mohammad, "Enhancement the Corrosion Resistance of AISI 304 Stainless Steel by Nanocomposite Gelatin-Titanium Dioxide Coatings," , vol. , no. , pp. 0-0,
AL-Oqla, Faris M and Hayajneh, MT, "A design decision-making support model for selecting suitable product color to increase probability," , 2007, pp. 0-0
Hayajneh, Mohammed T and Radaideh, Saleh M and AL-Oqla, Faris M and Nejdawi, Imad, "Reductions of pendulations of overhead cranes under the effect of air resistance by a cable manipulation manner," , 2008, pp. 1-6, IEEE
Hassan, Adel M and Hayajneh, Mohammad and Al-Mahasneh, MK, "Machinability of Al-4\% wt Mg-Al2O3-Graphite Composites Produced by Compo-Casting Technique," , 2010, pp. 171-176, Trans Tech Publications Ltd
Hayajneh, Mohammad and AL-Tahat, Mohammad D and Alshobaki, Salman and Khraisat, Walid, "An investigation for the potential of improving the performance of pattern making process in steel foundries: Case study," , 2014, pp. 900-904, Trans Tech Publications Ltd
Hayajneh, Mohammed, A generalized approach for mechanics of chip formation in steady-state and dynamic orthogonal metal cutting using a new model of shear zone with parallel boundaries and its validation to cutting-forces prediction in self-piloting machining, , 1998
Mayyas, Ahmad T and Omar, Mohammed and Hayajneh, Mohammed T, "Eco-material selection for auto bodies" 2019
Mu'Ayyad Mohammad Izzat Mohammad Al-Shrida, Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh
Mu'Ayyad Mohammad Izzat Mohammad Al-Shrida, Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Mohammed Ali Mahbob Almomani, Wala' Mahmoud Hussein Al Sharman
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Mu'Ayyad Mohammad Izzat Mohammad Al-Shrida
Mohammed Ali Mahbob Almomani, Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Mohammad Younes Ali Al-Daraghmeh
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Mu'Ayyad Mohammad Izzat Mohammad Al-Shrida
Mohammed Ali Mahbob Almomani, Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Wala' Mahmoud Hussein Al Sharman
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Mohammed Ali Mahbob Almomani, Wala' Mahmoud Hussein Al Sharman
Mu'Ayyad Mohammad Izzat Mohammad Al-Shrida, Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Mu'Ayyad Mohammad Izzat Mohammad Al-Shrida
Esraa Saleh Abdel Qader Abdel All, Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Mohammed Ali Mahbob Almomani
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Amal Awad Hafiz Daharat
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Mohammed Ali Mahbob Almomani, Audai Abed Al-Qader Salem Al-Akailah
Nader Ahmad Bakheet Al Theeb, Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Mahmoud Yousef Abed Jaradat
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Amal Awad Hafiz Daharat
Mohammed Ali Mahbob Almomani, Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Audai Abed Al-Qader Salem Al-Akailah
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Mohammed Ali Mahbob Almomani, Shrouq Mohammad Ali Alelaumi
Mohammed Ali Mahbob Almomani, Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Mu'Ayyad Mohammad Izzat Mohammad Al-Shrida
Mohammad Younes Ali Al-Daraghmeh, Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Mohammed Ali Mahbob Almomani
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Mohammed Ali Mahbob Almomani, Heba Bassam Suleiman Al_Hmoud
Omar Mefleh Mohammad Al-Araidah, Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Rawan Abed Alaziz Ahmad Al Rwabdah
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh
Mohammed Ali Mahbob Almomani, Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Shrouq Mohammad Ali Alelaumi
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Mohammed Ali Mahbob Almomani, Mu'Ayyad Mohammad Izzat Mohammad Al-Shrida
Mohammed Ali Mahbob Almomani, Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Mohammad Younes Ali Al-Daraghmeh
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Abdallah Fawwaz Saeed Al-Dwairi, Sinan Fayez Noufan Obaidat
Wa'Il Radwan Ali Tyfour, Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Amer Mohammad Suliman Momani, Manar Bahjat Ali Al_Hajji
Wa'Il Radwan Ali Tyfour, Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh, Rania Tayseer Atieh Hendawi
Mohammed Taiseer Daifallah Faleh Hayajneh
- Vice Dean, Vice dean, Sep 2013 - Sep 2014
- Deputy Head of Department, Industrial Engineering, Sep 2001 - Sep 2004
- Faculty Member, Industrial Engineering, Sep 1999 - Present
- Full-time Lecturer, Industrial Engineering, Sep 1999 - Sep 1999
- Full-time Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, Sep 1998 - Sep 1999
- Jordan, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan, Sep 2012-Present
- Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia, Sep 2011-Present
- Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan, May 2009-Present
- Associate Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan, Sep 2004- May 2009
- Associate Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan, Sep 2004- Sep 2005
- Chairman of Industrial Engineering Department, , Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan, Sep 2001- Sep 2004
- Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan, Sep 1998- Sep 2004
- Advanced Automation
- Cutting Tool Technology
- Advanced Robotics