الاتفاقيات الثنائية الخاصة ببرنامج ايراسموس + الموقعة بين جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الأردنية 
و دول الاتحاد الاوروبي
البــــرتغـــــال |
اسبانيا |
الســويد |
  | At Uppsala University, you have the opportunity to listen to and learn from Nobel laureates, authors, politicians and many other guests...
| |   | Lund University's vision is to be a world-class university that works to understand, explain and improve our world ... | |
| Uppsala University
| | | Lund University | | |
ايسلندا |
  | Reykjavik University (RU), situated in the heart of Iceland's capital, is a dynamic international university with 3.700 registered students...
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| Reykjavik University (RU) | | |
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الجمهورية التشيكية |
  | We believe that education is not just a matter of age or social status. We actively support research. We are open-minded...
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| Masaryk University | | | | | |
المـــانيــا |
  | Founded in 1743, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangan Nuremberg (FAU) is a public research university based in Bavaria, southeast Germany...
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| Friedrich Alexander University | | | | | | |
المملكة المتحدة |
  | The University of Bath is a public university located in Bath,Somerset,United Kingdom....Like the University of Bristol... | | |
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| University of Bath | | | | | |
فرنســـا |
  | The Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France(Université Polytechnique des Hauts-de-France), previously known as University of Valenciennes and...
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| Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France | | | | | |
تركيــــا |
  | The vision of Hacettepe University is to become a leading university where the individuals are proud to be a member of both in the national ...
| | .png)  | Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, one of the notewhorthy univesities in our country, located in an area surrounded by natural... .png) | |  | Yildiz TechnicalUniversity is one of the seven public universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd...
| Hacettepe University | | | Bolu Abant Izzet Baysa University |
| | Yildiz Technical University |

| Atatürk University (Turkish: Atatürk Üniversitesi) is a land-grant university established in 1957 in ... | | 
| Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University commonly referred to as Nevşehir University, is a public institute of higher education.....png)
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| Abdullah Gül University (AGU) is a state university, supported by aphilanthropic foundation (AGUV), located in Kayseri, Turkey. The university, which was ...
| Ataturk University | | | Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University | | | Abdullah Gül University (AGU)
 | Istanbul Aydın University(Turkish: İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi) is a private university founded on May 18,2007 in Istanbul, Turkey by extension of its predecessor ...
| |   | The university is recognized as a pioneer in providing a liberal arts-oriented curriculum in Turkey. Bilgi University joined Laureate International Universities in ...
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Gaziantep University (Turkish:Gaziantep Üniversitesi) is a public universityin Gaziantep,Turkey. Gaziantep University has 10 faculties, containing a total of 22 ... .png)
| Istanbul Aydin University | | | Bilgi University
| | | Gaziantep University |
اليونـــــان |
| Named after the philosopher Aristotle, who was born in Stageira, about 55 km miles) east of Thessaloniki,it is the largest university in Greece... | | | The Technical University of Crete was established by the Law 545/77 on the “Establishment of a Technological Institution... .png) | |  | University of West Attica was established in 2018. It is the result of the merge of Piraeus ...
| Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | | | The Technical University of Crete |
| | University of West Attica |
.png)  | Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (former TEI Piraeus) was initially established in 1976. Since that time it has continuous development ...
.jpg)  | The University of Piraeus was founded as a "School of Industrial Studies" in 1938 by the Association of Industrialists and Craftsmen..
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  | The International Hellenic University was founded in 2005 (Law 3391) and is the first Greek state university to offer programmes of...
| University Piraeus | | | University of Piraeus
| | | International Hellenic University |
كرواتيـــــا |
.jpg)  | The University College is a part of the Algebra education group, the founding institution which has been operating on the Croatian market for more than 16 years and has remained the leading .. | | | | |
| Algebra University College | |
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إستونيـــــا |
سلوفانيــــا |
 | Established in Slovenia in 1994, Academia has become one of the leading colleges of short-cycle higher education in Slovenia. All our programs Accredited by... | |
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| Academia Higher Education Colleges | | | | |
رومانيـــــا |
_of_the_University_of_Agricultural.gif)  | The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca, Romanian: Universitatea de Științe Agricole și Medicină Veterinară Cluj-Napoca in Cluj-Napoca is a university in Romania...
| |   | Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University is a private university in Bucharest. The university was founded in 1990 by Momcilo Luburici and Corina-Adriana Dumitrescu as the Dimitrie Cantemir Independent University... | |
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| The Romanian-American University | | | "DIMITRIE CANTEMIR" UNIVERSITY
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هنجاريــــا |
 | The Szent István University (Hungarian: Szent István Egyetem, acronym: SZIE or SZIU) is a university of technology in Hungary. Its headquarters and main campus are located about 30 ... | | | | |
| Szent István University (SZIU) | | | |
بولنــــدا |
ليتوانيــــا |

| Established in 2000, Kauno Kolegija (Kaunas College) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the small city of ... |
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| Kauno Kolegija | | | | |
بلغاريــــــا |
ايطاليـــــا |
مقدونيـــــا |
| International Balkan University (IBU) is a private, foundation-owned, not-for-profit university in the Republic of North Macedonia... | |
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| International Balkan University (IBU) | | | | | |
ايـــرلنـــدا |
| The University of Limerick (UL) (Irish: Ollscoil Luimnigh) is a higher education institution in Limerick, Ireland. Founded in 1972 as the National Institute for Higher Education... | | | | | |
| University of Limerick
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لاتيفيــــــا |
فيـــلنــدا |
| Vaasa is a city on the west coast of Finland. It received its charter in 1606, during the reign of Charles IX of Sweden and is named after the Royal House of Vasa...
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| University of Vaasa
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