ورشة حول" خلق وصول رقمي للفنون والثقافات الإسلامية"
14 May 2017

This workshop highlights the latest technology of Augmented Reality (AR) and some Virtual Reality (VR) techniques. Such technology can be used in different engineering, humanities and science applications. The workshop comprises several sessions to train our partners from Germany and Turkey, in this DAAD project. These topics include Stroyboarding and storytelling, photogrammetry, modelling, Augmented reality using different AR browsers, projection mapping and evaluation in the context of cultural heritage. 

This workshop includes state-of-the-art technology from different areas of computer science and engineering to produce an effective interactive system that can be used by tourists and other people to get a richer interaction with the museums and their artifacts and get better introduction to cultural heritage.​

The training will be on how to use this type of cutting-edge technology in recreating and enhancing tourism, bypassing traditional methods, with real applications.