مسابقة التطبيق الاسترالية
09 Nov 2020

Dear Students:

We invite individual students or teams to submit a mobile app that promotes Australia to Arabic-speaking audiences. The app should:

  • Be creative and innovation.

  • Present useful information to Arabic- speaking audiences in the Middle East about Australia.

  • Can be technically scalable (IOS and Android latest)

  • Be friendly to use

  • Has multi- platform and multi-channel capability (can interface with all types of mobile devices including tables, phones, etc.)

The winners will receive a prize of 4500 JD and will be announced in January

All submissions are due by 18 December 2020 through the students’ services: https://services.just.edu.jo/stuservices

The submission should be in one zip file includes:

  • The run app.

  • The source code of app.

  • The content information

  • ppt. presentation for 5 minutes.

  • Team members contact information

Australia - Information.pdf

For further information, please email: mqquwaider@just.edu.jo

Australian App Competition Flyer.jpg

Best wishes​