Faculty Research Areas
Research Interest | Faculty Member |
- Insider Threat management
- Knowledge Base Management
- Insider Threat in the Cloud
- Cloud Computing Security
- Information Assurance
- Databases and Database Security
- Software Engineering
- object-oriented software metrics
- Mobile Programming
- Android Programming
- Windows Phone Programming
- Health Information Systems (HIS)
| قتيبة الذبيان أستاذ مشارك
- High productivity computing systems
- Algorithms
- Graph Coloring
- Human Emotion Intelligence
- Memory Architecture
| محمد ملكاوي أستاذ مشارك
High Performance Computing (HPC) Voice & Speech Recognition Verification and Validation of software systems models. Data mining and pattern recognition. Software processes such as XP and Agile. Software evolution. Program analysis of multithreaded real-time distributed systems. Green Computing and Cloud Computing. Inter-process Communication Trace Analysis Analysis of execution traces (Dynamic Analysis)
| لؤي علاونة أستاذ مشارك |
- Software quality
- Software refactoring
- Software maintenance
- Software reusability
| رائد شطناوي أستاذ
- Digital Forensics tools
- techniques and cybercrimes
- identify user's malicious activities and prove them guilty in the court of law.
| زياد الشريف أستاذ مشارك
- Software as a service (Saas) based systems,
- Simulation & Modeling, and Distributed Simulation,
- Software Interoperability for heterogeneous systems,
- Software virtualization and abstraction,
- Cloud Computing & Web-services,
- Networking, Data Center (DC), and Software Defined Networks (SDN), Web-services
| خلدون الزعبي أستاذ مشارك
- Multi-Agent Based Simulation Systems
- Multi-Agent Systems
- Self-Organizing Systems
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
| محمد الزيناتي أستاذ مشارك
- Software Maintenance and Evolution
- Mining Software Repositories
- Trace-Lab Based Solution Development
- Software Program Slicing
- Information Retrieval for Software Engineering
| عمر مقدادي أستاذ مشارك
- Benchmarking of the Software Engineering Programs in Jordan with their counterparts in North America
- Software Project Management Education
- IT Services Delivery Management Platforms
- Agile Software Project Management
| محمد ردايدة أستاذ مشارك |
- Software Engineering
- Software Architecture
- Software Analysis
- Software security
- Self-adaptive Software Systems
- Mobile Computing
- Machine Learning Applications
- Bioinformatics
| محمود حماد أستاذ مساعد |
- Secure Software Engineering
- Secure Document Engineering
- Network and IOT Security
- Human Computer Interaction
| أحمد شطناوي أستاذ مشارك
- Software Migration and Transformation
- Software Reuse
- Software Architecture
- Software Simulation
- Software evolution and Maintenance
- Digital Ecosystem
- Model Driven Engineering
| زكريا الشرع أستاذ مساعد