اسم عضو هيئة التدريس | الرتبة الأكاديمية | الاهتمامات البحثية |
مالك قسايمة | أستاذ مشارك | - Cryptography
- Critical Infrastructure Protection
- Adversarial machine learning
- Risk analysis
- Requirement engineering
قاسم أبو الهيجا | أستاذ مساعد | - Cryptography
- Threat Intelligence
- Internet of Things
- Artificial Intelligence
- Network Security
- Malware Analysis/Reverse Engineering
خالد الرواشدة | أستاذ مساعد | - Intrusion Detection System
- Machine Learning
- Neural Network
- Transfer Learning
- Cloud Security
- Computer Network Security
- Big Data
- · Wireless Sensor Networks.
هالة حمدان | أستاذ مساعد | - Trusted computing
- Hardware security
- Machine learning
- VLSI design
- Computer architecture
- Embedded system
- IoT Security.
هبة علاونة | أستاذ مساعد | - Operating system security
- Deep learning,
- Adversarial machine learning
- Data mining
- Application Security
- Reverse engineering.
- Android malware detection
- Enhancing the security of 3D printers.
- Web security.
فاطمة أبو حجيلة | محاضر متفرغ | - Malware Analysis
- Antivirus detection/Antivirus attack techniques
- Digital forensics
- Requirements engineering
- Software Engineering /Reverse engineering
- The development environment and social networking.
- Risk Management.
- Information Security
- Computer Security