In collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Jordan Pharmacy Students Association organizes a blood donation compgain​
26 Apr 2017

The Jordan Pharmacy Students Association (JPSA) organized in cooperation with the Student Union and the National Blood Bank under the partonage of the Deanship of Faculty of Pharmacy and in cooperation with the Deanship of Student Affairs, a blood donation activity on Sunday, 23/4/2017.

The students participating in the activity provided medical advice to donors in addition to explaining the positive consequences of blood donation on the community, as well as the health of the donor.

This activity came to contribute to the support of the National Blood Bank with blood units to be provided to patients in sick and emergency cases.

It should be noted that there are some emergencies that may require a large number of more than 20 units, while Jordan suffers from a shortage in the number of blood units of certain types available at the Jordanian Blood Bank.

The activity was praised by Dr. Rana Obeidat, Vice Dean of faculty of Pharmacy, For the quality and professionalism of the Assembly, especially that it includes many students of the Faculty of Pharmacy from different years, enriching their experiences and establish the principle of volunteerism.

The event was will attended by university students and faculty members.