The discipline of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is a cornerstone for modern Biomedical Sciences. The advancement in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Sciences will lead to the developement of advanced technologies that are important in the diagnosis as well as in the cure of metabolic and other cellular dysfunctions and in the management of infectious diseases.
This Department must provide a center of excellence that promotes the understanding of the molecular events that underlie normal and pathological functions in medicine and other allied health sciences. In addition, the Department must be highly skilled in transferring such knowledge and education to students, physicians, and other allied health personnel, and to educate the general public.
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology sees as its mission to:
Offer a high quality courses in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology appropriate for medical students as well as students in related fields, such as dental, pharmacy, and other allied health studies.
Provide the science major with an introduction to biochemistry course as well as advanced Biochemistry and Molecular Biology courses at the masters-level graduate studies.
Encourage and assure high quality research and other scholarly activity on the part of both faculty and students.