
Postpartum Depression in Jordan: Prevalence and Risk factors. (2022)
Nour Salameh Erekat
Neuronal types in the claustrum of the Camel's brain: Golgi Study (2021)
Saleh Mohammad Bani Hani
Study of social psychological skill in a cross cultural setting. (2019)
Jamaledin Hasan Abu Ghaida
A study of prevalence, risk factors, treatment, and outcome of meningitis in Jordan: A retrospective study of the Jordanian population. (2018)
Jamaledin Hasan Abu Ghaida, Wail Ahmad Hayajneh
Morphometric study of the facial skeleton in Jordanians: a computed tomography scan -based study. (2017)
Ayman Ghazi Mustafa, Moh''D Zohair Allouh