Pediatric adjusted reverse shock index multiplied by Glasgow Coma Scale (rSIG) as a predictor for mortality in pediatric trauma in a Civilian Population (2024)
Liqaa Abdulridha Raffee
Studying the impact of drug addiction on violence in schoolchildren in Jordanian governmental schools (2018)
Liqaa Abdulridha Raffee, Mohammad Abdulhamid Al-Qudah
Studying immunoreactivity of stress and inflammatory proteins, and growth factors in skin of diabetic rats (2015)
Liqaa Abdulridha Raffee, Khaled Zayed Alawneh
Assessment of Dental Students Education on
Medical Emergencies in Jordan (2015)
Liqaa Abdulridha Raffee, Yousef Saleh Khader
The survival rate of cardiopulmonary resuscitation for admitted patients comparing with those who enter the emergency department (2014)
Liqaa Abdulridha Raffee, Shaher Mohammed Samrah