مجالات البحث العلمي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس في قسم الهندسة الصناعية
نظرة عامة على اهتمامات البحث لدى أعضاء هيئة التدريس في قسم الهندسة الصناعية.
للحصول على وصف كامل لأبحاثهم يرجى زيارة صفحة الويب الخاصة بكل عضو من أعضاء هيئة التدريس (من خلال النقر على اسم عضو هيئة التدريس أدناه).
- Design of mechanisms and machines
- Product Development
- Manufacturing Technology
- Mechanical Design
- Additive manufacturing
| Abdallah AL-Dwairi
| 1 |
- Cost Management
- Performance Management
- Lean production
- Healthcare systems
| Amer Momani | 2 |
- Discrete Event Simulation
- Risk & Uncertainty Management
- Optimization & Decision Making
- Data Analytics & Artificial
- Intellegence
- Parallel Computation
| Doraid AL-Dalalah
| 3 |
- Additive Manufacturing /Rapid Prototyping
- Human Factors and Ergonomics Engineering
- Production line balancing and optimization
| Esraa Abdelall
| 4 |
- Engineering management
- Supply chain optimization
- Quality and maintenance management
| Hazem AL-Smadi | 5 |
- Statistics
- Supply Chain Management
- Manufacturing
- Quality and Reliability
- Operations Research
- Solar Energy
- Ergonomics
| Khalid Al-Zoubi
| 6 |
- Continuous Process Improvement
- Lean Six Sigma
- Simulation
- Human Factors Engineering
- Optimization
- Data Analytics
- Applied Statistics
| Lawrence Al-Fandi
| 7 |
- Coating Synthesis & Characterization
- Fabrication & Characterizations of Metal Matrix Composites
- Material Characterization & Materials Selection
- Additive Manufacturing & Machine Learning
- Application of Data Mining & Statistical Analysis on Materials
- Lean Manufacturing & Group Technology
| Mohammed Almomani | 8 |
- Green coating
- Material composites
- Green composites
| Mohammed AL-Hayajneh | 9 |
- Operations Management
- Lean Thinking
- Healthcare Engineering
| Omar Al-Araidah | 10 |
- Design of experiments
- human factors
- Safety engineering and management
- Manufacturing technologies and processes
| Samir Khrais | 11 |
- Fracture and fatigue of engineering materials
- Advanced structural ceramics and composites
- The structural integrity of brittle layer structures with a focus on biomedical structures
- Fracture mechanics modeling
- Coupling finite element analysis (FEA) results with experimental observations
| Tarek AL-Qasim | 12 |
- Tribology
- Product development
- Solar ststems
| Wa'il Tyfour | 13 |
تم تقسيم اهتمامات البحث إلى ستة مواضيع رئيسية مع اضافة وصفاً مختصراً لكل موضوع:
Human Factors Ergonomics | Human factors and ergonomics research is the application of our understanding of the capabilities and limitations of human beings in the design of the workplace and consumer items. Current emphasis areas in IE include 1) physical ergonomics with a particular focus on spine biomechanics, prevention of low back injury and hand/wrist disorders such as tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome and 2) cognitive engineering with a focus on human performance and human computer interaction.
- Khalid AL-Zoubi
- Omar Al-Araidah
Management +Optimization | is the application of advanced analytical methods to make better data-driven decisions with less risk. Faculty in this area use mathematical & computer models that incorporate simulation, optimization, probability and statistics to understand complex systems and improve system performance | - Dorid Dalalah
- Hazem AL-Smadi
- Khalid AL-Zoubi
- Lawrence Al Fandi
- Omar Al-Araidah
Design | Active research and development in the areas of: Mechanical Equipment & Component Design; Mechansims Design, Experimental Stress Analysis; Fracture Mechanics; Heavy Machinery and material handling equipment. | - Abdallah Al-Dwairi
- Dorid Dalalah
- Lawrence Al Fandi
Materials | The interests of department faculty span most areas of specialization at the forefront of materials science research, including:
- Biomaterials
- Ceramics
- Green Composites
- Magnetic Materials
- Materials Synthesis & Processing
- Materials Theory, Computation & Design
- Metals
- Nanomaterials
- Polymers
- Surfaces and Interfaces
- Mohammed Taiseer Hayajneh
- Tarek Qasim
- Omar albataineh
Quality | The research at IE department covers the concepts and methods of quality, engineering specifications and tolerances, quality charts, statistical process control (SPC) using control charts of variables and attribute data, acceptance sampling, process capability indices, and cost and management aspects of quality. | - Hazem AL-Smadi
- Khalid AL-Zoubi
- Omar Al-Araidah
- Omar albataineh
Manufacturing | Manufacturing Research includes the investigation of new production methods for advanced products, studying process parameters of new processes, and understanding the interaction of processes in advanced manufacturing systems. Current IE efforts in this area include rapid manufacturing systems, advanced metrology and inspection, control and automation systems, and industrial energy efficiency. | - Abdallah Al-Dwairi
- Dorid Dalalah
- Khalid AL-Zoubi
- Mohammed Taiseer Hayajneh
- Omar albataineh