Lab Description |
Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Laboratory
The Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Laboratory is one of the Civil Engineering Laboratories, which constructed over an enclosed area of 200 square meters to serve the students and staff in the Department of Civil Engineering in education and research purposes.
The department offers a compulsory course titled "Sanitary Engineering Laboratory (CE452)" through which students are introduced to and familiarized with instruments, techniques and tests typically used in the determination of various water and wastewater quality parameters. In addition, several graduate and undergraduate students, who are specializing in the area of Environmental Engineering, carry out experiments and lab tests in the Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Laboratory as part of their research work requirements. This lab fully equipped and supported by highly qualified technical staff to respond to the needs of academic institutions, researchers, engineers.
In addition, the laboratory can help the local society in water, wastewater, and soil analyzing and present the advisements for the wastewater treatments plants in dealing with the multi contaminants.
From the other hand the Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Laboratory contains all required safety equipments such as fume hoods, eye washers, body washers, fire blankets, emergency kit absorbance, and there are MSDS sheets for over than 200 chemical compounds in the lab to create a safe environment for working. This laboratory contains all equipment needed for:
Drinking Water Analysis
Domestic Wastewater Analysis
Industrial Wastewater Analysis
Curative Water Analysis
Soil Tests
Equipment Latest state of the art equipments that are mostly fitted with computerized data collection used to perform various types of structural and material testing to the highest standard. Some of these machines are:
- Fully Computerized Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AA).
- UV/AV Fully Computerized Spectrophotometer.
- Computerized Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOC).
- Flame Photometer.
- Visible-Light Spectrophotometer.
- Dr/5000 Spectrophotometer.
- Dr/820 and Dr/890 Colorimeters.
- COD Reactors.
- BOD Sensors.
- Nitrogen Kjeldahl Apparatus.
- DO Meters.
- pH Meters.
- EC and Salinity Meters.
- Multipurpose Digital Thermometer.
- Total Account of Bacteria.
- Microscopes.
- Muffle Furnace (0 – 1200 o C)
- Different Ovens (0 – 250 o C)
- Turbidity Meters.
Testing Services
The followings are the major tests that can be performed at Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Laboratory:
Water Testing
Bacteriological (Micro):
Inorganic (Short Chem.):
Conductivity (also Salinity)
Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Dissolved (TDS) & Total Solids (TS).
Alkalinity as (HCO3) or as (CaCO3) & Acidity to pH 8.3
Absorbance & %Transmission from 190 to 1100 nm
Chlorine (residual or free, total combined)
Fluoride (F)
Chloride (Cl)
Bromide (Br)
Ortho- Phosphate - (PO4)
Sulphate - (SO4)
Boron (B)
Calcium (Ca), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu)
Iron (Fe), Lithium (Li)
Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn)
Potassium (K), Sodium (Na)
Zinc (Zn)
Total Hardness ( Ca + Mg Hardness)
Aluminum (Al), Cadmium (Cd)
Lead (Pb), Nickel (Ni)
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
Volatile Organic Carbon (VOC)
Ammonia & Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N)
Ammonium (NH4)
Total Nitrogen (TN)
Total Phosphorus (TP)
Nitrate & Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N)
Nitrite & Nitrite Nitrogen (NO2-N)
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)
Total Inorganic Nitrogen (TIN)
Floatable Oil and Grease (FOG)
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR)
Potassium Adsorption Ratio (PAR)
Soil Tests
- Standard Test:
- pH
- Available Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Sulfur
- Boron
- Zinc
- Organic Matter
- Lead Scan
- Sodium
- Lithium
- Temperature
- Standard Test Plus;
- Available Cu, Fe, Mn
- Nitrate-N, Ammonium-N
- Chloride (Cl)
- Sulfate (SO4)
- Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR)
- Potassium Adsorption Ratio (PAR)
- Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)
- Total Inorganic Nitrogen (TIN)
- Total Nitrogen (TN)
- Thermal Resistivity (indoor, outdoor)
- Electrical Resistivity (indoor, outdoor)
Technical Staff
All tests run by highly qualified engineers and technicians who constantly supervised by experienced faculties in order to assure the compliance of these tests with international standards (EPA, WHO, and APHA). Quality Assurance of valuable testing services maintained through periodic evaluation programs in term of checking the calibration of the equipment and upgrading them to meet the market demands.
Eng. Omar M Al-Qudah
M.Sc. Chemical Engineering,
Civil Engineering Laboratories
Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering – Jordan University of Science and Technology P.O. Box 22110, Irbid, Jordan Tel: +962 (2) 7201000 22138 - Fax: +962 (2) 7201074 Email: |