
Fluid Mechanics And Hydraulics Laboratory

Lab Description

The Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Lab. in Civil Engineering Department serves many departments and colleges such as: Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dept. of Agr. Engineering and Technology, Agr. College, through many courses such as: Fluid mech. and hydraulics lab. (CE 354) for Civil Engineering Section;. Fluid mech. and hydraulics machines lab. (Agr.E 333) for Agr. Engineering and Technology Section; Irrigation and infiltration lab. (Ag.E 571) for Agr. Engineering and Technology Section; Irrigation and infiltration lab. (Ag. 472) for Agr. Collage. The lab. has the following equipment: Tilting Flow Channel (12.5m); Pump Characteristics test Rig.; Loses in piping system; Hydrology Apt. (Basic rain-fall Apt.); Drainage and seepage tank; Flow visualization system; Hydrostatics and properties of fluid mech; Educational meteorological station; Tilting flume (5m); Viscometer.

Lab Location

Building 332
Created at 1/5/2010 14:52 by System Account
Last modified at 1/5/2010 14:52 by System Account