Name 數碼營銷
Employer 數碼營銷
City 數碼營銷
Phone 123,124,124
Company's Fax No.  
Year B.Sc. Degree obtained 2000
Current Highest Degree PhD
Current Position 數碼營銷
Primary Job Function Operation
Please rate the following abilities, attributes, and skills that JUST has equipped you with during your study. FIRST, rate how JUST has prepared you in each, SECOND, rate how important each has been relative to your needs and employment experience since graduation.

1(a) Apply mathematics, and scientific principles and methods.
4 (Weak)
1(b) Importance: High
2(a) Design, conduct experiments, analyze, and interpret experimental data 2 (Very good)
2(b) Importance: Low
3(a) Design a system, component, or process to meet a desired need and apply modern computer tools and packages for process design 3 (Good)
3(b) Importance: Moderate
4(a) Function cooperatively on multi-disciplinary teams 2 (Very good)
4(b) Importance: Moderate
5(a) Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems 3 (Good)
5(b) Importance: Moderate
6(a) Understand professional and ethical responsibility 5 (Poor)
6(b) Importance: Low
7(a) Communicate effectively in oral, written, graphical and visual forms 3 (Good)
7(b) Importance: Moderate
8(a) Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and local context 2 (Very good)
8(b) Importance: High
9(a) Independently seek new knowledge using various resources and are motivated to pursue further education and training 5 (Poor)
9(b) Importance: Low
10(a) Stay updated on current technology trends and adopt to advances in technologies and disciplines related to their field 2 (Very good)
10(b) Importance: Moderate
11(a) Effectively use technology (e.g. computers, software, high tech equipment, etc..) in engineering practice 3 (Good)
11(b) Importance: High
Please feel free to provide any further comments on the program curriculum and your educational experience at JUST, and to make suggestions on ways to improve the department and curriculum.