  Optimizing Building Envelope Performance of Residential Buildings in Terms of Geometry Configurations and Building Materials for Energy Saving: a comparison study between Jordan and South Korea. (2024)
Hussain Hendi Alzoubi
  Sensitivity analysis of sizing the Photovoltaic systems combined with passive design strategies in residential Buildings in hot arid climate: Towards positive energy building (2023)
Shouib Nouh Ma'bdeh
  Reducing sleep disturbances and depression in older adults through visual interventions: An experimental study (2023)
BUSHRA BADER OBEIDAT, Audai Abdel-Razzaq Hayajneh
  Enhancing Natural Ventilation in Multifamily Residential Buildings in Jordan: Integrating Passive Pipe Systems for Efficient and Sustainable Indoor Environmental Quality (2023)
Laith Mohammad Obeidat
  Sensitivity analysis of sizing the Photovoltaic systems combined with passive design strategies in hot arid climate: Towards positive energy building (2022)
Shouib Nouh Ma'bdeh