
Optimizing Building Envelope Performance of Residential Buildings in Terms of Geometry Configurations and Building Materials for Energy Saving: a comparison study between Jordan and South Korea. (2024)
Hussain Hendi Alzoubi
Sensitivity analysis of sizing the Photovoltaic systems combined with passive design strategies in residential Buildings in hot arid climate: Towards positive energy building (2023)
Shouib Nouh Ma'bdeh
Reducing sleep disturbances and depression in older adults through visual interventions: An experimental study (2023)
BUSHRA BADER OBEIDAT, Audai Abdel-Razzaq Hayajneh
Enhancing Natural Ventilation in Multifamily Residential Buildings in Jordan: Integrating Passive Pipe Systems for Efficient and Sustainable Indoor Environmental Quality (2023)
Laith Mohammad Obeidat
Fractal patterns as a mediator of subjective thermal sensation in interior spaces: psychological, and physiological responses using immersive virtual settings. (2022)