| النشاطات>الأنشطة البحثية
نشـــــــاط 1
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14 August, 2023
| | 01 October, 2020
| | 14 March, 2020
| ملعومات عامة عن هذا النشاط البحثي | | ملعومات عامة عن هذا النشاط البحثي
| | ملعومات عامة عن هذا النشاط البحثي |
Jordan University of Science and Technology
Water Diplomacy Center مركـــــز دبلومـاسيــــة الميــــــاه Tel.: +962-2-7201000 Ext. 26265/26320
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The main activity for the WDC center is Organizing basic and advanced workshops on water science, law, and diplomacy for Arab participants from all over the Mashraq region (perhaps the Middle East/West Asia and North Africa depending on the ambition of JUST).
These workshops Develop and implement an educational strategy to integrate with a university education to provide graduates with appropriate and sufficient concepts and information to advance the water sector and its related sectors to remarkable levels.
WDC Center organized two workshops:
1-First workshop
"Transboundary Hydro-Governance and Sustainable Development Goal 6" (8-10 Feb 2020)
The main aim of this workshop is to build the participants´ knowledge and capacity to promote the implementation of IWRM at the transboundary level, with a focus on international water law and negotiation discussions, and case studies.
2- Second workshop
"Transboundary Hydro-Governance and the MENA Region Online Workshop (14-16 July 2020).
The main aim of this workshop is to build the participants´ knowledge and capacity to promote the implementation of IWRM at the transboundary level, with a focus on international water law and negotiation discussions, and case-studies.