التطوير المهني المستمر:
Workshops at the university:
Introduction to Educational Quality Improvement
Date: 29, 31 October 2017.
Presenter: Mohammad AL-Smadi.
Faculty development in teaching and application of quality improvement techniques in education .
EDRAAK Workshop on Online Learning Design:
Date: 9 -
10 October 2017.
Presenter: Edraak Team (Walid AL-Baddad, Khalid Irshidat).
Faculty members were given a two days hands-on sessions to effectively design their Online Courses. Instructional design experts form Edraak demonstrated Edraak platform and how to design Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
Designing Online Learning:
Date: 1st, 4th October 2017.
Presenter: The Unit training Team.
Faculty members were given an overview about the unit main services and the educational technology the unit offers for them to effectively design their Online Courses.
Introduction to Problem-based Learning:
Date: 7th, 15th July 2017.
Presenter: Mohammad AL-Smadi
A Technology Enhanced PBL environment can provide an authentic, situated learning, constructivist, interdisciplinary, cooperative learning environment that has many advantages over the traditional "sage on the stage" teaching classroom environment. In Technology Enhanced PBL environment students can learn valuable lifelong skills such as planning a task of significant length, managing time and other resources, working on a team, self-assessment, peer assessment, giving and receiving feedback from one's peers, and taking increasing responsibility for one's own learning. The environment enables teachers to learn alongside their students as they facilitate and participate in a student-centered teaching and learning.
The goal of the workshop is to substantially increase lecturers’ applied and theory-based knowledge and skills in Technology Enhanced PBL.
More detailed objectives focus on topics such as:
- Understanding the rationale for using PBL and the educational objectives of PBL.
- Developing an authentic, student-centered, technology enhanced PBL unit of learning.
- Teaching interdisciplinary content, meeting the needs of diverse students, and learning.
- Learning how to be a facilitator (guide on the side) as distinguished from a stand and deliver (sage on the stage) type of teacher.
- Learning how to author authentic formative and summative assessment in technology enhanced PBL.
- Learning how to use technology enhanced PBL to apply educational theories (such as constructivism, motivation, cooperative learning, cooperative problems solving, situated learning, peer instruction, peer feedback) into practice.
- Learning to learn alongside and from one's students (Continuous Improvement).