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Online Assessment - What is A+ Online Assessment:

The system is implemented using ASP.NET with Visual Basic.NET, C#, and Framework 3.5 with web services approach. The database used is Microsoft SQL Server 2008. The system is compatible with other database servers; such as Microsoft Access Database, Oracle Database, and LDAP. The web services will then be published into UDDI registry and clients may invoke and compose the services. Dynamic HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, and XML technologies are being integrated in creating the client interfaces.

In this system there are three modes; participant, instructor, and administrator modes. The system is divided into two applications; the administration management system and the delivery system. The participants can access the delivery part of the system. Each mode requires an authentication and authorization. The authentication is for identifying the user. The authorization is for identifying the permissions and privileges of this user. This means that when instructors access the system then the contents displayed to them will be different from the contents of the system that are displayed when the administrators access the system.


“Enhancing the quality of online exams and inspiring lifelong interaction”.

The mission of JUSTOE system is to enable reliable, valid and defensible exams by empowering instructors through well-designed collaborative authoring, accommodating participant needs with blended and secure delivery and informing stakeholders through timely reporting and meaningful analytics.