The center of energy was instituted in June 2004 to establish closer relationship between Jordan university of Science and Technology (JUST) and different industries, professionals, policy makers and the public.
The internal code and by laws for the center have been issued and approved by the university council of governors, and the ministry of higher education.
Our Vision is to participate in the national and international efforts towards achieving sustainable development by Energy utilization and conservation.
The mission of the Energy Center at Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) is dedicated to improving energy sustainability through programs intended to support energy efficiency, renewable energy and environmental protection. The Energy Center provides objective researches, information, consultations and education on energy issues to different industries, professionals, policy makers and the public.
The Centre's mandate is to participate in the national and international efforts towards achieving sustainable development by Energy utilization and conservation and sustain its natural resources against improper use/overuse and pollution in an integrated manner that takes into consideration economic growth and other factors through education, research and services.
The center's main objectives fall within the following domains:
Education and Training
Develop the curriculum for a program of master of science in Energy Technology with entry from different engineering disciplines responsive to local and global needs, problems and knowledge gaps.
Devise and offer specific training courses and vocational training modules for engineering managers and professionals in private industrial, and public sectors.
The objective of these courses is to promote energy awareness and policies and decision making processes.
Organize seminars, workshops and public lectures on issues pertaining to energy by academia and industrial experts.
Create and maintain national public-private partnerships with professional, trade, and educational associations to deliver appropriate energy education and training.
Promote effective energy and environmental education programs in high schools, colleges, and universities.
Contribute to the improvement of energy utilization to serve global environmental issues through international programs and partnerships in energy education and training.
Our Staff:
Dr. Osama Saadeh, Director
Eng Eyad Rwashdeh
Eng. Ola Borini
Mashaal Hmood
Conduct applied research with the specific objectives of dealing with energy needs and local problems identified either by the private or public sectors.
Carry out integrated research programs addressing sustainable development issues that will aid in the development and implementation of National Energy Strategy Plans with regard to the use of natural resources and their management.
Services and Consultation
- Support economic development and international competitiveness through facilitating the use of proper energy practices and technology.
- Perform energy auditing for local industry and corporations.
- Prepare and write energy oriented impact statements for industrial and infra-structure projects.
- Provide laboratory and consultancy services in energy oriented impact assessment and auditing.
- Establish close and continuing relationships with business and industry, private and public sectors and with relevant energy organizations.
- Participate in national, regional and international meetings and conferences on the energy.
- Establish and maintain organizational sustainability and financial self-sufficiency.
Jordan University of Science and Technology has a tradition of recruiting well qualified individuals as faculty and staff in all different fields of study. The majority of the faculty received their education and expertise in U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and Germany. The center's staff consists of faculty members all with training and experience in areas related to the energy. The Personnel of the Energy Center is listed within the research groups.
The following are facilities at JUST made available for the centre's activities:
1. Teaching and research laboratories at the colleges of engineering, sciences, and others.
2. Computer laboratories and the Computer centre.
More than 20 faculty members specialized in different areas of energy are engaged in the activities of the energy centre. For more information, please see the research groups.